Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 312 Stefan Is Getting Engaged
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Chapter 312 Stefan Is Getting Engaged

Chapter 312 Stefan is getting engaged

Giana stiffened, and the shock in her eyes was revealed.

But in a moment, she recovered herself and explained with a smile, "That's because you haveamnesia now."

When Stefan heard this, his body stiffened, and his eyes grew dark.

He lowered his eyes and couldn't help but ask himself a question.

'Is it because he has lost his memory that he has no feelings for Amanda?'

'Then why does he feel differently about Martha?'

He pondered for a moment, but still could not find the answer, with a faint annoyance in his eyes.

At this time, Giana, still standing in front of the desk, bitterly persuaded.

"Amanda has been with you for several years, you can't abandon her now, right?"

"She stays with you in her greatest time. If you abandon her now, what should she do?"

As Stefan listened to these words, he only felt the irritation increasing.

Finally, he couldn't help himself and looked at Giana with an impatient face.

"Let the bygones be bygones, I don't like her now, you tell her to like someone else."

Giana's eyebrows were knitted slightly. She suddenly felt that Stefan was now starting to be out ofcontrol.

She thought that after her nephew lost his memory, he would be at her mercy, but now he had otherideas.

Since that was the case, she inform him of something big.

After a long time, she pretended to recover from shock and looked at the man sitting in front of thedesk with a bitter face.

"Amanda is pregnant, she's carrying your child, do you not want to be responsible for her now?"

When Stefan heard these words, his eyes sank, and he furrowed his eyebrows.

After the shock in his eyes flashed, he asked a question in a deep voice afterwards.

"When did this happen?"

Giana's body stiffened slightly, and her brain began to run rapidly.

Anyway, Stefan had amnesia now, so no matter what she said, he could not confirm it.

She thought of this and immediately opened her mouth to answer, "It was before your accident. Sheslept with you ... and now she is pregnant, how can you not be responsible?"

The man squinted.

He did not remember what happened before, but the last time Amanda climbed into his bed came tohis mind.

How could he have had sex with her before when he was so disgusted with her?

Stefan's eyes darkened and he began to doubt Giana's words, but did not speak up.

Giana didn't hear him speak for a long time, gritted her teeth and firmly said, "If you don't believeme, then we can go to the hospital right now and do a test to see if Amanda is really pregnant."

The man swept a faint glance at Giana and pursed his lips without speaking.

Giana saw this scene and immediately turned around and went out.

Not long after, she reappeared in the study with the report sheet she had prepared long ago.

She took the report sheet in her hand and handed it to Stefan, saying in a deep voice, "This isAmanda's pregnancy test report, take a look at it."

When the man saw it, his pupils shrank and he was annoyed.

The temperature around him dropped several degrees, and his thin lips kept pursing withoutspeaking.

Finally, it was Giana who spoke up to break the silence.

"Sooner or later, you will have to get married, so why don't you get a marriage license with Amandawhen she's pregnant?"

"All these years, Amanda has been there for you. You should marry her and be responsible for her."

Stefan heard these words, the hand on his side tightened, and he kept silent.

Giana took Stefan's silence as a tacit approval.

That night, the news of Stefan's engagement spread, attracting much discussion in the news media.

Soon, his wedding was trending on Twitter.

By the time Stefan saw the news, the news had caused a mighty uproar.

The news headline was fresh.

The president of Harrison Group is marrying another woman soon after his divorce, is itpremeditated or does he just happen to meet his true love?novelbin

Stefan is getting engaged to his cousin?

Stefan is divorced, what kind of beauty makes him want to get married again?


When Stefan saw these hot searches, his narrow eyes were filled with mixed feelings.

When Giana came to ask him last night, he didn't answer, and today Giana surprisingly spread thenews of his engagement.

He could sense that Giana's behavior was too bizarre, and yet all his men were untrustworthy now.

Those in Harrison Group, more or less, made him feel like they were standing with Giana.

He had been trying to find out something, but because of the men placed around him by Giana, hedidn't know who to trust.

Just at this time, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in Stefan's mind.

That figure was the man he had seen in the hospital last time, and it seemed to be named EdenStone.

Yet that man was dismissed by him, now he didn't know where Eden was.

If he got that man back, could he trust that man?

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