Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 310 Can’T Help But Feel Sad
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Chapter 310 Can'T Help But Feel Sad

Chapter 310 Can't help but feel sad

After that night, Stefan didn't bother Martha anymore.

Martha thought it was because that night, what she said had been very straightforward, that waswhy Stefan didn't bother her now.

It was good that he didn't come back, because at least she wouldn't be afraid of losing custody ofJimmy to him.

And Jimmy hasn't seen Stefan since that day.

The little guy sometimes thought about the day Stefan came to him, but he never waited for him tocome again.

He thought he didn't care too much after Stefan left.

But now he felt a great sense of loss.

He thought that since Stefan didn't come to them, Stefan really abandoned him and Mommy.

Jimmy thought about this and kept trying to make himself not care, but he still couldn't help but feelsad.

Bianca was the first one to notice Jimmy's depression.

She made dessert and took Jimmy out for a walk, but it didn't make Jimmy feel better.

She wanted to talk to Martha, but the latter was busy with work these days. She heard that theDoyle Group and Louis' partnership would soon come to an end, and that they would wait for the

Headow Complex to be sold to see if the sales would be satisfactory.

She heard from Maxwell that if the sales results were good, then Louis should have anothercooperation with the Doyle Group.

The Doyle Group had become a listed company with this partnership, and if there was anothercooperation project, the Doyle Group would become no worse than Harrison Group and theWilliams Group.

Bianca knew she should let Martha get busy with her work first, but Jimmy's business was moreimportant than work.

She watched the child's mood for two days, and finally could not resist waiting for Martha to comehome that night to talk to the latter.

When Martha came back, it was already more than ten o'clock.

As soon as she came back, she put down her bag and turned around to check on the child, but shewas stopped by Bianca.novelbin

Bianca looked at her with a tired face and said in a warm voice, "He is already asleep."

"Bianca, thanks."

Martha saw Bianca in front of her with a tired face and couldn't help but feel some heartache.

Bianca shook her head slightly and pulled her to the dining table to sit down, then spoke.

"Wait for me here, I have prepared soup for you, now I'll bring it to you."

After Bianca said this, she turned around and left.

Not long after, she returned with a bowl of chicken soup and placed it in front of Martha.

Martha smiled as she took the spoon and began to drink the soup. After she put the spoon down,she looked at Bianca standing in front of her with a thankful face.

"Thanks, Bianca."

Bianca showed a smile and looked at Martha sitting in front of her.

"You are getting busier and busier lately."

"After this period of time, if the Headow Complex cooperation case is well received, I'm afraid I willbe even busier."

Martha looked at Bianca helplessly and replied, looking at the soup in her hand and praising it.

"Your soup is good, I've been working so hard lately, yet I've gained a lot of weight."

"You haven't gained weight! You're too thin, you should eat more."

Bianca said, carrying the bowl that Martha had just emptied, and walked towards the kitchen, readyto give the latter another bowl of chicken soup.

Martha saw this scene and hastily reached out to pull Bianca back.

"I can't eat anymore."

"This is the soup I made especially for you, drink some more."

After she said this gently, she smiled and walked towards the kitchen.

It didn't take long for her to carry the chicken soup and place it in front of Martha, and she onceagain sat across from Martha.

"Drink it while it's hot."

"Bianca, I really can't drink it anymore."

Martha looked helplessly at the woman sitting across from her and said in a petulant manner.

Bianca smiled and said coaxingly, "Then drink slowly, I still have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

Martha asked, puzzled. Her hand paused.

The next second, the smile on the corners of Bianca's mouth disappeared.

"Jimmy does not seem to be in a good mood lately. He's been spiritless."

Martha heard this and nodded.

In fact, she could feel Jimmy's recent low mood.

After all, Jimmy was her own child, so how could she not know why Jimmy's mood was low.

But, she didn't know how to persuade the child.

She thought about it and said with a bitter smile, "Jimmy is just a child after all, I don't know how topersuade him."

She couldn't just tell the kid a bunch of reasons why she couldn't be with Stefan and then force himto accept the reality, right?

Bianca nodded, looked down and pondered for a while before speaking her thoughts in a deepvoice.

"Kids love to play, why don't you take him out for a walk?"

Martha nodded and could not help but frown.

"Will that be okay?"

"Staying at home all the time is not good, you take him out to play, maybe his mood will get better."

Bianca persuaded in a gentle voice, suddenly thought of something and her voice was lowered.

Now that the Doyle Group's partnership with Louis had reached the most critical stage, would itaffect the progress of the partnership to let Martha take Jimmy out for fun?

She thought about this and couldn't help but ask.

"Is it not appropriate for you to take Jimmy out at this critical moment?"

Martha smiled and immediately understood what Bianca meant.

She relaxed her brow and said with a smile, "Father can not leave you, Bianca."

When Bianca heard this, her eyes dropped slightly and her ears reddened, "What nonsense are youtalking about?"

"I'm serious. My father still needs you to take care of, so only I can take Jimmy out."

Martha smiled as she picked up a spoon and began to drink the soup in the bowl, her large eyesstill carrying a faint sadness.

In the end, she still hoped that Jimmy could slowly move past his feelings for Stefan.

Otherwise, she was afraid that Jimmy would be even more disappointed with Stefan in the future.

Bianca slowly nodded, and asked worriedly, "But the Doyle Group's cooperation with Louis is stillongoing, and can you make time?"

Martha's hand paused, bowed her head and answered.

"It should be possible, the cooperation case is all ready now, just waiting for the opening, Louisshould agree to it."

Bianca breathed a sigh of relief and talked to Martha about something else, and they went to theirrespective rooms.

Martha returned to her room, thought for a moment, and then called Louis.

The phone was quickly answered, and a deep male voice rang out in the room.

"Miss Doyle?"

Martha frowned slightly and asked in a businesslike manner, "It's me, Louis. I called you so late toask you about the opening ceremony of Headow Complex. Can it be postponed for a few days?"

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