Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 31 None Dares to Take Your Divorce Case
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Chapter 31 None Dares to Take Your Divorce Case

At two o'clock that afternoon, Martha gathered several shareholders and senior executives who hadstayed in the Doyle Group for a long time in her father's name. She told them about her return and informed them to attend a shareholders' general meeting atthree in a conference room. At 3 PM, when Martha arrived at the conference room, she saw Hollie and some other seniorexecutives waiting for her. Only a few shareholders and senior executives in the room had worked for Maxwell. The rest werenew. Martha narrowed her gaze slightly as she had known Hollie would arrive without invitation. However, it was not that bad. It saved her from the trouble of coming to Hollie personally. While she was thinking, Hollie said, "Martha, you want to hold a shareholder's meeting. Why didn'tyou inform me ahead? I could have helped you arrange it. Your short notice really caught me offguard." Martha studied Hollie's meaningful smile, her eyes dark. After withdrawing her gaze, she bypassed Hollie and stood next to the host's chair. Except for a few shareholders on her left-hand side, she didn't know the rest people. Martha could tell the Doyle Group's board of directors had changed greatly in the past five years. She glanced around the room, her gaze falling on the old shareholders. "I'm the oldest daughter of the Doyle family, so I also own this company." As soon as her words left her mouth, the shareholders obedient to Hollie objected. "Mr. Doyle has signed the transfer to our current acting president. Think you have the final say?" Martha looked in that direction after glancing at Hollie."I was said to be dead back then, so Hollie became the acting president. Now that I've returned,Hollie, an illegitimate daughter, cannot be the acting president of the Doyle Group." The shareholders exchanged glances unhappily. The new shareholders were obedient to Hollie. The old ones thought Martha was so rude to say

that since Hollie had helped the Doyle Group passed its crisis back then. For a moment, the conference room was silent. An old shareholder heaved a sigh to break the silence in the end. "Miss Martha, after your father had a stroke, Miss Hollie asked Mr. Harrison to save our company.Or our company would have gone bankrupt and owed a lot of debts." Others also echoed him. "Exactly. If Miss Hollie hadn't asked for help, the Doyle Group wouldn't have existed." "Miss Hollie has helped our Doyle Group survive and develop." "Miss Martha, after you return, you want to kick down the ladder and deny what Miss Hollie hascontributed to our company?"... Martha listened to the shareholders' words, realizing they were here to put on a show. However, she couldn't deny the words from the old shareholders. Hollie had played a big part in making the Doyle Group what it was today. Martha clenched her fists while glancing at all the shareholders. "Are you willing to make the Doyle Group be run by another company? It used to be an independentcompany, but now it has to rely on another company." "I believe you all are competent. Why are you willing to accept your fate and submit to anothercompany?" Martha could tell her words made the shareholder begin to hesitate. Taking the chance, she raised her voice and added, "The Harrison Group invests in us and assistsus in our operations. If one day, they took back their funds, what would you do? Do you want to letothers decide your destiny?" For a moment, all the shareholders kept silent. With an annoyed look, Hollie looked up at Martha. "What do you mean? You are smearing the Harrison Group." Martha calmly smiled at her. "I'm telling you the fact. We can let the Harrison Group remove theirfunds and buy back our shares in their hands. Then our Doyle Group will become independent.

Don't you want it?" The shareholders wanted to object earlier. Upon hearing her words, they calmed down, lookingshocked. They had never expected Martha to say something so bold. If the Doyle Group could become independent, their dividends would also increase. Thinking of that, they stared at Martha in excitement and expectation. However, because of Hollie'spresence, they didn't know how to respond. Hollie snorted at Martha, "Remove their funds? Do you have so much money to buy the sharesback? Besides, you don't know anything about our company's current status and operation at all." After a pause, Hollie continued to speak in a mocking voice, "Without the Harrison Group'sprotection, we can never..." Before she finished he words, Martha interrupted her icily, "Hollie, the Doyle Group can't make itbecause you're the acting president." Her words embarrassed Hollie, who was too tongue-tied to retort.Slightly raising her head, Martha looked at the shareholders and continued, "If I can make ourcompany independent, whoever has the most shares will be the new acting president." She ended the meeting with those words. As long as she bought back the Doyle Group's shares from Stefan, she would have the right tooperate the company. By then, Hollie wouldn't have any right to stay in the Doyle Group. ... When Martha left the Doyle Group's building, Jane called her. She said anxiously, "Miss Doyle, none of the lawyers in this city dares to take your divorce case.What shall we do now?" Martha lowered her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering slightly. She knew no one could afford to provoke Stefan, so she had expected this to happen. She replied sullenly, "Let's stop looking for a lawyer. Send the divorce agreement to the HarrisonGroup."

... 5 PM. Stefan's office. Stefan gazed at the received divorce agreement sullenly. Suddenly, he picked it up and tore it intopieces. 'Damned woman! How dare she!' The broken pieces of paper fell to the ground. Suddenly, the office telephone rang. Stefan took several deep breaths before answering it. His assistant briefed him on what Martha had said at the Doyle Group today. Stefan hung up the phone with a gloomy face, exuding a cold vibe. Martha wanted to gain back the shares, but he wouldn't make it easy for her. He wouldn't make it easy for Martha to get what she wanted, at least not now. novelbin

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