Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 279 Remaining Unconscious
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Chapter 279 Remaining Unconscious

Chapter 279 Remaining Unconscious

The news reports varied. Some commented with sharp words while others showed sympathy forMartha.

Despite the contrasting viewpoints, the stock price of the Harrison Group became marginally higherafter the shareholders' meeting.

And it seemed that these different opinions have no bearing on Martha.

Since she entrusted the matter to Eden, she had not paid any further attention to the news andpublic opinions.

In the house of the Doyle family.

No sooner had Martha got home than she saw her father sitting on the sofa, lost in thought.

It had been three or four hours since the news broke. Her father must have already known therelated news about the Harrison Group.

After hesitating for a moment, she finally walked over to sit beside her father, asking a bit nervously,

"Dad, do you think I was wrong?"

Maxwell shook his head and smiled, "You're my girl. I know you will not leave the Harrison Groupalone relentlessly."

He knew his daughter best and understood that she was always grateful and repaid kindness.

Stefan saved her life, and thus it was natural for her to take responsibility for his company.

Martha felt more relieved and touched by his father's response and support.

"Dad, thank you."

Maxwell gave Martha an affectionate smile while his heart ached for her.

"You're now in charge of the Doyle Group and the Harrison Group. It's a heavy workload."

"No worries. I will give the company back to Stefan as soon as he wakes up."

Martha replied with a smile, though she looked a bit tired.

Just then, Jimmy came down from upstairs.

When the little boy saw his mommy, his eyes brightened and he exclaimed in delight, "Mommy,you're back!"

Martha smiled and nodded at him. Noticing his eager expression, she couldn't help reminding him.

"Slow down and watch your step."

Soon enough, Jimmy ran over to his mother and jumped into her arms.

He sniffed the pleasant scent of Martha and looked up at her with a grin.

"Mommy, Granny Bianca said I would start kindergarten in two days, and I want mommy and daddyto come with me. Shall we?"

Sadness flickered in Martha's eyes due to Jimmy's request and she dropped her gaze with her lipscompressed.

The little guy always hoped his father would be fine. However, Stefan had been a vegetable now,and Martha didn't know how to broach the subject with her son.

Maxwell knew Stefan's condition and understood Martha was in a dilemma.

He smiled and waved to Jimmy, saying in a gentle voice, "Jimmy, come here. Hug me."

Jimmy tilted his head looking at Maxwell and then ran to him.

Maxwell held Jimmy in his arms and stroked his head affectionately, "Good boy, your daddy needsto rest for a while."

The little guy curled his lips and asked in an unpleasant tone, "But how long?"

Maxwell's eyes flashed with a hint of unease. He didn't know how to answer his question, so he justcompressed his lips.

When Martha got better from the sadness, she smiled and said, "It won't be long."

She believed if Stefan knew their son was waiting for him to wake up, he would not keepslumbering.


The next day, Martha went to the hospital with Melissa.

On the way, Melissa, who was sitting in the passenger seat, felt unusually excited and said, "I sawthe news yesterday and I didn't expect that Stefan just give everything to you. He's doing so wellnow."

"If I had such a husband, I would love him, soul and heart."

Hearing her words, Martha turned her head towards Melissa and told her the truth resignedly.

"It's not what you think. All of this is just a stratagem made by Rhys and Eden."


Melissa tipped her head to look at Martha and asked in an unbelievable tone, "But why?"

Martha nodded slightly and had to make an explanation, "To prevent Giana from taking charge ofthe Harrison Group."

Melissa got a moment of enlightenment.

"I know a man can't change so much who even gives up his shareholdings to others."novelbin

Martha couldn't help but laugh since what Melissa meant was the other way around.

The next moment, Melisa began to shout as she suddenly thought of something,

"Anyway, now you legally own half of the shareholdings of Harrison Group, don't you?"


Martha responded calmly, but she didn't understand why her friend was getting so excited.

Soon, Melissa answered.

"Does it mean you can seize this chance to let the Doyle Group go independent?"

"Theoretically, yes. But I won't."

Martha was frank with Melissa that she wanted the Doyle Group to become independent in anotherway.

That was, the independence of her company must be aboveboard.

Melissa looked at the woman next to her and asked in confusion, "So why don't you make it cometrue while Stefan is still in a coma?"

"I want to be righteous instead of being a vulture."

Martha spoke her mind while she also knew that Melissa was concerned about her business andsituation.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in the hospital's underground parking lot.

Hardly had they arrived at Stefan's ward when Eden just walked out.

Martha gave Eden an expectant glance which seemed to ask him if Stefan had woken up.

Eden shook his head and replied in a deep voice, "Nothing changes. He remains unconscious.There is no hint that he will be awake."

The hope in Martha's eyes dimmed, and she suddenly looked overwhelmingly disappointed.

Melissa, who stood next to her, noticed her sadness, glared at Eden, and blamed Eden for nottactfully sharing the bad news.

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