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Chapter 277 Sorry, I'M Late

Chapter 277 Sorry, I'm Late

Martha's words made the silent conference room burst into an uproar.

The shareholders were whispering about Stefan and his son.

They had never heard that Stefan got a boy, let alone expected that it would be exposed today. AndGiana's stunned look showed that it should be the truth.

Martha could listen to their sounds of shock, which were not lowish.

Before Jimmy was born, she was unwilling to allow Jimmy to use Harrison as his surname asStefan treated her cruelly.

But now, Jimmy was her last shot in the locker.

Stefan saved her life, so she couldn't let Giana take the company away from him.

Eden also felt a bit shocked at her words, but he soon accepted them.

In his opinion, Jimmy's being the president was much better than Giana's.

After discussion, the shareholders couldn't refrain from not asking Giana, "Giana, is that true?"

Giana nodded slowly.

Although she was surprised that Martha finally revealed the existence of her bastard, it was stillwithin her expectations.

She covered up her shock and said with a wry smile, "Yes. I know that child who just came out ofthe hospital. He's less than five years old."

The shareholders felt disappointed at it.

Stefan lost his parents when he was a child and became the teenage president of and thebackbone of the Harrison Group.

If his son was also a teenager, he could prop up the company. Like father, like son.

However, he was only a 5-year-old boy. How could he shoulder such a responsibility?

The atmosphere became a bit frozen. After a while, Giana's questioning voice reverberated in theroom, which broke the silence.

"Martha, are you thinking about making your 5-year-old son the president of the Harrison family?"

Martha didn't know how to respond, her eyes becoming darker, but Eden beside her spoke for herwith a gentle voice.

"Why not? The 5-year-old boy is the scion of the Harrison family, but Mrs. Harrison can be his actingpresident and help him deal with the business."

Giana frowned and cursed Eden in her mind.

But before long, she came up with a response and said with a smile, "Is it kind of inappropriate forMartha to be the acting president?"

Eden got a moment's stunned silence. At this time, Martha said in a mild tone, "Giana, could youplease tell me the reasons?"

Giana looked at Martha in front of her worriedly as if she was really concerned about her.

"You have been a wealthy lady all along. I'm afraid that you will scramble to deal with so manyissues in the company."

"In truth, you fret needlessly. You've never come back and since you lived a rich life abroad."

Martha subconsciously gave Giana a bigger smile.

"Now, I'm the CEO of the Doyle Group. Although my company is inferior to the Harrison Group, I'ma businesswoman after all."

Giana frowned and glared, but she had to keep her consciousness because of other shareholderspresent.

Hearing Martha's words, the shareholders began to whisper their agreement.

Giana gripped the arms of her chair while pretending to be puzzled and asked, "But you're going todivorce my nephew. How can I ask you to work for our enterprise? Besides, you're not a member ofthe Harrison family by blood. How can you persuade the media?"

After saying this, she seemed to be in charge again. She raised her eyebrows at Martha and thenlooked around at the shareholders.

"I think I'm the best person to be the acting president. If Stefan finally woke up, I'd quit immediately.It's the best result. But if Stefan will never wake up as the doctor said, I'll continue to foster his sonto be the successor."

"So, what do you think?"

They then began discussing in whispers.novelbin

After a long while, the most senior shareholder among them said, "We agree with Giana. Given thecurrent crisis, it's a wiser choice."

Martha looked at Eden with a grim face.

What else could they do as the shareholders agreed with Giana?

Eden saw Martha's request for help in her eyes. However, he also failed to refute Giana at thispoint.

Meanwhile, Giana's eyes were filled with smugness as she observed the eye contact betweenthem.

She smiled at Martha and asked briskly, "Do you have any other suggestions, my dear niece-in-law?"

Martha frowned, feeling unsure of what to do next.

Just then, the door of the conference room was opened again; a person that no one in the room hadexpected to see walked in.

Everyone looked towards the door as they heard the sound of the door.

It was Rhys, holding a file folder and smiling at the doorway.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Giana looked at him in shock. She didn't expect Rhys to appear at that moment.

Martha was also taken back too. Her eyes glimmered with hope when she recognized the familiarfigure.

Deep down, she did hope Rhys could help her and prevent Giana from taking charge of theHarrison Group.

At the same time, she didn't want him to make any sacrifices that would cause chaos within theWilliams Group.

Everyone in the conference room, except for Martha and Eden, was amazed to see Rhys cominghere. Two of the younger shareholders even failed to control themselves and cried out.

"Rhys Williams!"

"Why is he here?"

Once other shareholders realized who he was, they began to whisper among themselves.

Sitting at the head of the table, Giana was initially stunned but soon prepared herself for thepossibility that Rhys might reveal his real identity of being a member of the Harrison family.

If he did so, telling everyone that he was also the son of her elder brother and a rightful heir to thecompany, she would simply deny his claim and insisted that he was slandering.

As she thought of this, Giana felt composed, but she continued to glare at Rhys with a fierce look.

What she didn't realize was that Rhys didn't come here to reveal his identity.

Rhys saw everyone's being shocked, his long, narrow, and dark eyes growing darker.

He knew he could not show his identity as a member of the Harrison family.

At present, he was the only person who took charge of the Williams Group. If he admitted he wasthe illegitimate son of Frank Harrison in public, it would get the Williams family into great trouble.

With a light smile, Rhys looked charmingly at Martha, who was hoping for his coming.

"Don't be so surprised. I'm just here to deliver something to Martha."

Everyone felt more confused about his intention.

Martha stared at him with bewilderment and had no idea what he was going to do.

Rhys then handed the file folder to an original shareholder who was closest to him.

"Stefan left it to me. Have a look and make a decision later."

The shareholder took it and opened it. There were four words on the first page: Equity InterestTransfer Agreement.

Martha and Giana didn't know why Rhys got this agreement and why he took it out at this time.

Eden, standing next to Martha, saw the document and soon realized that it was the one that Stefanpreviously asked him to draft and gave to Rhys.

At that time, Stefan had intended to use half of the company's equity in exchange for Rhys' bonemarrow for Jimmy's marrow transplant surgery.

After the shareholders finished reading the document, they looked at each other at a loss for words.None of them expected Stefan to give Rhys an equity transfer agreement.

When they came back to life, they saw Rhys elegantly taking back the agreement and handing it toMartha.

"Mr. Harrison told me to give it to you."

The shareholders turned to look at Martha in surprise.

Martha took the agreement and opened it.

"This is an equity transfer agreement for half of the shares of the Harrison Group."

Stefan had signed in the lower left corner of the agreement while the space for the beneficiary'ssignature was still blank...

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