Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 257 Have You Been Pretending To Be Crazy All The Time?
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Chapter 257 Have You Been Pretending To Be Crazy All The Time?

Chapter 257 Have You Been Pretending to Be Crazy All the Time?

He lowered his eyes, with heavy sadness and coldness around him.novelbin

It was because of him that his son lived in constant pain and that was why he hated the taste ofchocolate.

Martha didn't say anything else seeing his reaction; she picked up the mango-flavored cake andwalked straight to the cashier.

After she checked out at the cashier, she turned around sharply and left the cake store.

After she left for a long time, Stefan still stood in the same place.

His eyes were glued to the chocolate-flavored cake he had just offered to buy for Jimmy, and hisblack eyes were full of self-reproach.

If it weren't for him, Jimmy wouldn't have been living in pain.

He caused all of this.


The Doyle family.

Jimmy was standing at the door waiting for Martha when she came back.

Seeing his mommy, Jimmy immediately ran to her and stopped.

"Mommy, will it be heavy? Do you need Jimmy to carry it for you?"

Martha smiled and shook her head, completely without the annoyance just now. Looking at the littleone, she felt a strong sense of happiness.

"Mommy has bought all Jimmy wants to eat. Wait for Granny Bianca to cook them for you."

Hearing this, he immediately nodded happily.

"Great, Granny Bianca has great cooking skills, and Jimmy will be able to eat a feast again."

When Bianca heard this in the kitchen, she smiled and came out and stroked Jimmy's head, lookingat him with affection.

Lunch was cooked by Bianca together with Martha, and the four of them enjoyed the meal inharmony.

After lunch, Martha took out the mango-flavored cake she just bought at the cake store and gave itto Jimmy.

"This is for you, Jimmy."

"Mommy, how did you know I wanted to eat cake?" Jimmy nodded with a smile and said happily.

"Because I know you well."

Martha stroked Jimmy's head and watched with a doting face as Jimmy unwrapped the box to eatthe cake.

Maybe it was the dessert or that Jimmy got what he wanted to eat that he seemed to be very happy,which also made Martha happy.

Suddenly, Martha remembered what happened at the cake store and thoughtfully asked a question,"Do you like chocolate flavored cake, Jimmy?"

"I don't like bitter things." Jimmy hesitated for a moment, and then shook his head slightly.

Martha smiled lightly on hearing this. It was true that she knew her son best.

Then she talked to Jimmy about his study, and he told her proudly that Bianca and his grandfathertaught him to recite poems and other stuff.

Jimmy finished his dessert. Martha was about to clean up when Jimmy suddenly tilted his head andsmiled at her and said, "I used to dislike the taste of chocolate because it was bitter."

Martha paused and looked at the little guy confusedly.

Jimmy smiled even brighter and sat down nicely, "But now I know that chocolate tastes bitter beforeit tastes sweet, so I'm now trying to like the taste."


In the prison.

Libby almost gave up since she had said those words to Hollie during the day, and she still couldn'tsee any other reaction from Hollie.

Facing such a mad woman, how could she possibly finish the task?

But things surprisingly took a turn one day when prisoners ran at night.

The purpose of night running was to make people in prison physically fit, but who would havethought that it would provide the best opportunity for Libby.

Just as Libby was concentrating on running, a desperate voice suddenly came from behind her:"What else can I do now to destroy Martha?"

When Libby heard the familiar voice, a trace of surprise flashed across her eyes. And when sheturned around, she did see a familiar figure: Hollie.

"How do you ... how ..."

"I'm not insane now," Hollie looked fixedly at the woman in front of her and said indifferently.

Libby met Hollie's eyes that were no longer confused, and understood that she came to herself now.

It was just that Hollie was like an idiot when she saw her during the day. How come?

She looked at Hollie confusedly, and couldn't help but wonder what had happened.

Hollie seemed to read the puzzle in her eyes. The corners of her lips were raised slightly as shesaid mockingly, "What, are you surprised?"

Libby nodded gently and pursed her lips without speaking.

Running behind her, Hollie also did not say much. "There are two watchers in the direction of nineo'clock on your left, wait for this turn in front of you and we will go a different direction," She saidcoldly.

"Okay." Libby nodded her head and began to keep an eye on the surroundings.

Soon, the two were around the corner, avoiding the watchers and hiding in a shady area.

"Libby, it's been a long time."

Libby stopped, looking at the woman in front of her.

She saw the gloom in Hollie's eyes, and involuntarily shivered.

"You've been acting crazy all the time?" She suddenly asked a question in shock.

"Do you really think that way?"

Hollie looked meaningfully at the woman in front of her -- nothing but gloom in her eyes.

That she was exposed by Libbie was etched on her mind. At that time, she couldn't imagine Libby,who used to love her, would do that to her, but most people in this world were selfish, and she couldunderstand Libby.

After she was imprisoned, Martha came to see her once, and it was that time that she knew shewas not qualified at all to compete with Martha.

After that time, she really went crazy for a while and lived like a zombie.

But recently, there was always someone coming to her bedside to give her injections of something.She didn't know what the injections were, but she clearly felt her consciousness gradually returning.

As for the words Libby said, at first she did not understand, but later, she slowly understood whatshe meant.

"You're not faking it, how can you look like when doing handicrafts in daytime?" Libby's shockingvoice interrupted Hollie's thoughts just at this time.

"Is everything you said true?"

Hollie narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the woman in front of her cynically and angrily.

She always regarded it unfair that Maxwell treated Martha better when she was also a daughter ofthe Doyle family.

Now she knew she was not the biological daughter of the Doyle family, but she still didn't want tomake things easy for Martha.

She didn't know the reason but she knew she shouldn't retaliate against Martha again.

Yet as soon as she thought that in another six months she would be executed, she just didn't wantto be resigned. Why did she have nothing while Martha was getting better and better.

When Libby heard Hollie's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understoodthat Libby was asking about Martha.

Her hand tightened and she said to provoke Hollie, "Of course it's true. I'm just telling you becauseI'm angry."

"Martha is just a loser before you. Why should she live a good life now?"

"You knew all along that I wasn't a child of the Doyle family?" Hollie asked out loud, with hereyebrow raised.

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