Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 233 "Tonight Is The Best Chance."
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Chapter 233 "Tonight Is The Best Chance."

Chapter 233 "Tonight Is the Best Chance."

Stefan returned to the office and found Eden waiting for him. He'd been out of the office recently.So, he got tons of documents to review and sign.

He concentrated on work till ten at night, and even didn't notice when Eden had left the office.Stefan was down in spirits and felt tired out.

He went back to Harrison Villa and saw Giana sitting properly in the living room. Stefan frowned andlooked sullen. He almost forgot two unwanted people were living in his house now.

Giana saw him and said with enthusiasm, "Oh, Stefan. What took you so long?"

Stefan simply ignored it. He believed Giana was up to no good by waiting up for him and he didn'twant to talk to her at all.

Giana wasn't mad and kept going, "How was the surgery going? I wanna visit Jimmy tomorrow. Wedidn't go visit him yesterday because we hated to cause you trouble. Amanda and I were tooworried at home."novelbin

Stefan looked at Giana gloomily and answered indifferently, "The surgery was a success."

"Thank God! I'm so glad to hear that! Martha should be relieved now. She was much too worried theday before the surgery. It was heartbreaking to see her with that look."

Giana acted to care about Martha, but meanwhile, she was secretly watching Stefan's face.

Stefan was going upstairs. Not surprisingly, he abruptly paused his steps and looked back at her,"You met Martha? When?"

Giana was stunned and looked at him confusedly, "You didn't know it? I thought she'd told you."

"Rhys asked me out to meet the cafe before the surgery. And Martha came with him," said Giana.She had twisted the fact, but she did meet Rhys, and Martha did come to the cafe.

"Rhys asked you out?" Stefan narrowed his eyes, pursed his lips. Apparently, he doubted it.

"Yeah. He's told me his identity and said he always wanted to be part of the Harrison family. Well, itwas nothing much. We just had a domestic chitchat. He's a good kid. He didn't refuse to bond withme though we haven't met before."

Giana pretended that Rhys respected and cared about her, and told Stefan that Rhys intended tocome back to the Harrison family and bond with the senior generation, which she thought wouldpiss him off.

"Rhys also said he'd saved Jimmy and the Harrison family owed him. You won't make it hard for himif he wants to come home and get recognized, will you? Ah, right! He also wants his dead mother totake the family name, too. Stefan, why not..."

"Not a chance! Don't ever think about it." Stefan pulled a long face and interrupted her instantly.

Of course, Stefan wouldn't believe any of her craps. Giana was full of lies. Moreover, Rhys had gotmany chances to make a deal with him and could even kill him before the surgery, but he didn't dothat.

So, the only possibility was that Giana was turning them against each other again.

Stefan felt nothing except when he heard that Rhys wanted his dead mother to take the familyname of Harrison, which was out of Giana's expectation.

Stefan remained calm and careless even though she had told him Rhys was gonna come back tothe Harrison family and take power.

"Don't worry, Stefan. I got your back. You're my real nephew and Rhys is just a bastard. Of courseI'll be on your side," said Giana.

Stefan frowned in displeasure, felt disgusted with it and asked, "You said you've met Martha. Whatwas that about?"

"I don't know what exactly has happened that day. She also came to the cafe, saying that Rhysdidn't pick up her phone and she got very worried. So, she followed him to the cafe."

"They looked as intimate as a couple! But it was reasonable that they were close, as Martha hasmarried into the Harrison family!" added Giana.

Stefan pursed his lips. He knew clearly that Martha cared about Rhys because of Jimmy, but hecouldn't bear to see her care about another guy. He looked blue and turned to go upstairs.

Giana watched him leave and smiled complacently. Then she went to Amanda's room.

Amanda had been eavesdropping at the door, but she didn't show her face. She asked when Gianacame in, "How was it going, mom?"

"I bet he's mad with Martha and Rhys. A man can never stand betrayals," said Giana proudly.

"Stefan must be furious now, and think Martha is a loose woman. So, tonight is the best chance foryou. Amanda, do as I've told you."

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