Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 219 Surgery In Three Days
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Chapter 219 Surgery In Three Days

Chapter 219 Surgery in Three Days

Stefan immediately helped her. Seeing her face pale, he asked what went wrong.

"Jimmy... Jimmy's in emergency rescue..."

Her voice was quivering. Stefan knew she must be worried sick now.

Without thinking, he carried her out of the cruise ship.

Rhys frowned, followed them and saw that they got into a car and sped towards the hospital.

Without thinking, he got into his car and followed them.

When they arrived, Martha and Stefan ran to the emergency room.

The red light was on, indicating that the operation was ongoing.

Rupert waited at the door, leaning against the wall and looking distressed.

Seeing this, Martha ran over and asked anxiously, "How is he now?"

Rupert looked down, shook his head and said, "Not good. I'm afraid that..."

His words made Martha lose her breath for a moment.

Her hands were supporting the wall and her nails dug into the concrete and she slowly squatteddown, feeling powerless.

"Jimmy... Every chemo could only barely keep him alive. He has gone through a lot to this day..."

However, it didn't change his miserable end.

Martha sat down in the ground, her eyes empty with despair.

Eventually this day came.

She curled up with her head between her knees. She bit her lower lip and restrained her emotions.

But She failed. She was a mother facing the pain of losing her son...

Stefan and Rupert exchanged glances. Both worried that she might not be able to take this blow.

She was obviously really vulnerable now and could bear nothing more.

Stefan frowned, feeling sorry for her.

At the same time, He was in remorse and worries for Jimmy. He felt helpless and desperate.

Not far away, Rhys stood there and saw it all.

He wanted Stefan to suffer and his goal had been achieved.

Stefan was in despair now and suffered worse than death.

But why didn't he feel happy at all?

In fact, he felt shrouded by a sense of loss.

He couldn't tell why he felt this way. He didn't feel happy at all...

Instead, he felt disgusted with himself.

Rhys wanted to get rid of this feeling but couldn't.

A voice inside asked-

"Will you be happy seeing Stefan's son die and Stefan in despair? Is it what you want?"

His inner voice answered that he wouldn't.

But he didn't know why.

He didn't think of himself as a sympathetic person. Nor would he give up getting his revengebecause his heart softened.

But he did feel a sense of dismay and realized something...

Rhys looked at Martha who was curled up on the ground.

She was curled up on the cold hard floor and looked as if abandoned by the whole world.

She seemed to be in the hell of pain.

Since she got the news on the cruise ship, her face had been ghastly pale.

She was on the verge of breaking down. She seemed to be dying and the slightest faith kept hertogether.

Since he met her, Martha had been this tough woman who never yielded.

She was always like this no matter what happened. She didn't cry and kept everything to herself.

No one had seen her fragile and vulnerable side. Even when her world was collapsing, she alwaystold herself to bear it.

But this time...

Everyone knew what Jimmy meant to her.

Could she live it down if Jimmy died?

It seemed Stefan noticed Rhys' gaze. He looked over at the latter.

This might be the most peaceful eye contact between then, without any confrontation or anger.

There was only melancholy in Stefan's eves.

It stung Rhys. Where was Stefan's pride and dignity?

He looked so vulnerable now.

For a woman and a child.

Stefan was in great pain now.

He had never felt this way in his life before. The boy in the emergency room whose life was hangingon a thread and Martha, who was in silent sorrow next to him, made him feel heartbroken.

Rhys didn't even have to do anything. He was already suffering worse than death.

His beloved ones were in suffering and yet there was nothing he could do

This feeling of helplessness hurt so much!

This must be his retribution.

Stefan thought and hated himself for what he had done before.

He didn't want to blame anyone else. He couldn't even bring himself to hate Rhys.

He hated himself only.

If this was retribution for his past wrongdoings, he had it coming.

Stefan crouched down and hugged Martha. He was so afraid she would disappear from his life likeJimmy might.novelbin

Rupert looked at the two and then at the door of the emergency room, also in despair.

No matter how he felt about Martha, he saw Jimmy as family. Yet there was nothing he, as a doctor,could do.

Rhys looked at the three with different expressions but in same despair.

His eyes dimmed and he looked at Martha again.

He wanted Stefan to suffer instead of torturing Martha.

Rhys walked towards the emergency room.

Martha sensed that someone's shadow lay over her.

She saw a pair of leather shoes and the man stopped in front of her.

She raised her eyes and saw Rhys.

She didn't know Rhys was here.

She was stunned, staring at him.

Then she heard his deep voice.

"If he could pull through this time, we can have the surgery in three days."

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