Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 141 Are You Doing Charity, Mr. Harrison?
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Chapter 141 Are You Doing Charity, Mr. Harrison?

"Nope." Jane took the little guy by the hand and left the Doyle Group's Building. In spite of what she said, Jane was thinking that if Martha had never known Stefan, perhaps shewould not have suffered so much. She knew what Martha had been through, and felt very sorry for her. Jimmy glanced at Jane, and knew that he ought not to ask more questions. Soon, he changed the subject."Jane, what are we going to eat tonight?" "What would you like?" Jane held Jimmy's hand, and asked in a very doting tone. Jimmy rolled his eyes. He was a foodie. "Anything delicious." "Okay, but not too much." "Okay!" They discussed what to eat for dinner as they got into the cab. In the elevator, Stefan looked at himself on the glass wall. At that moment, he looked nothing like apresident. But he did not care. His eyes grew darker. For some reason, ever since they had parted, the image of the boy had beenin his mind. Stefan rubbed his temples, weary and lost in thought. That day, he went to the airport in pursuit of Martha. He failed, but he met that boy. The boy got lost. Not knowing how, but at that moment, he patiently drove the boy to the policestation. He felt that it was his duty to do so, and it was queer. But speaking of it, this world was really small. He never expected to see that boy again.

At the thought of it, he somehow felt that the boy was familiar. The elevator door opened on the chosen floor. Stefan came to his senses and went out. He went straight to Martha's office. Along the way, many of the employees looked at me withcuriosity. But he did not care. He knew that he was a sinner in the eyes of these people. He did not deny it. He, too, hated himself. Stefan entered the president's office, where Martha currently worked. But he did not see the familiarfigure inside. There was a hint of uneasiness in his tired eyes. He looked around the entire office, then sat downon the sofa, quietly waiting for Martha. Half an hour passed quickly... Martha went back to the company, absent-minded. Rhys' words kept repeating in her head. Was Stefan not the only man in the world who could save Jimmy? Did Rhys have another solution? Martha heaved a sigh. She should never have trusted Rhys. She should keep the initiative in herown hands, or she will be used. She did not even know what Rhys wanted. Martha planned to call Jane after she got back to the office and ask about Jimmy. Yet when sheentered, she saw Stefan sitting on the sofa waiting for her. She hung up the outgoing call and noticed Stefan's tired face. He had some dark circles under hiseyes, and a few stubbly whiskers. His eyes were red. It seemed that he had not rested well. Unlike his usual neat suit, the black one he was wearing was wrinkled. She knew that Stefan had not had a good rest ever since he knew the truth. He hurt himself the night before. Had the wound healed so quickly? It seemed that men healed much more quickly than women. They got hurt easily, but soon healed. By comparison, she took a long time to heal. Yet when she finally let go, he reappeared before her. She did not, however, give a damn whether he was well or not.

She had long ago ceased to care for the man. To what purpose had he thus appeared to her? Martha turned coldly to the chair before the desk, and sat down indifferently, utterly ignoring theman on the sofa. Stefan didn't speak. He fixed his deep-set eyes on Martha. There was a long silence in the office. After a considerable time, Martha broke the silence. Shecould no longer bear his gaze. "Mr. Harrison, what brings you here?" "Where did you go?" Stefan's lips parted slightly and his voice was hoarse. With a faint smile, Martha looked up at him. "What does it have to do with you, Mr. Harrison?" Hertone was flat. She was no longer the one who had to report to him wherever she went. Now she was free. She was free to go where she pleased. Stefan pursed his lips at this, but said no more. After a while, Martha flipped open the documents on the desk. "Mr. Harrison, you may leave if thereis nothing." He was not welcome here. Stefan stared at the calm woman sitting at the desk with dim eyes, "Do you hate to see me somuch?" He had lived in guilt and remorse ever since he knew the truth. Now that he had worked out his feelings for Martha, he did not want to let go of her again. But... She insisted on getting rid of him, and he could find no reason for keeping her. He had no way to make up for the pain he had caused Martha, yet he still wanted to do his best. At least he would feel better that way. Martha glanced at Stefan out of the corner of her eye, but turned a deaf ear to what he said. Shetook the pen from her desk and started to sign the documents. While signing, she said, "I'm busy." It was enough to prove how little she cared to notice him. novelbin

Stefan frowned, his eyes full of guilt. A moment later, his hoarse voice sounded again in the office. "I came to tell you that I am going towithdraw my shares." Martha paused when she heard this. "Yes, I am going to withdraw my shares. By then, Doyle Group would be free of Harrison Group. Iwon't ask for any equity compensation." "Mr. Harrison, I don't want your charity." Martha raised her eyes indifferently, and looked at Stefan with a mocking smile. What was his purpose in being there? Showing off his wealth, or showing kindness? "No, I just wanted to..." Martha interrupted him. "I said you didn't have to give it back for nothing. The Doyle Group will take back its initiative andbuy your shares." Stefan frowned at this. It was heart-wrenching to him to look at the familiar woman, who was nowutterly indifferent to him. He knew that she had changed. She was no longer the same old Martha. But was it so hard to accept his compensation? Stefan's head drooped, his pupils contracted, his voice cracked. "I'm not trying to do charity. I justwant to return the Doyle Group to your father." Martha looked at Stefan more contemptuously as she heard this. 'Give it back to my father? Why did he have to do it till today? Had it not been for Stefan, my fatherwould not have become like this.' Martha said coldly. "My father doesn't need it." "Don't argue with me. I just want to be nice to you." Martha chuckled and shook her head. It sounded absurd to her. "Stefan, who do you think you are? Who are you to be kind to me? Who are you to me?" The man was startled, his hand tightened at his side unconsciously.

Seeing that he made no reply, Martha suddenly laid down the document in her hand, and put onehand to her chin. She put aside her indifference and spoke in a teasing tone. "If you really want to compensate, sign the divorce agreement then." "I..." "I'll be grateful to you for it very much." Her words choked him. A sharp pang rose in his heart. She would be grateful to him. She hated him to the core, and yet she would be grateful to him if he divorced her. She would do anything to get rid of him, right?

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