Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 139 Sir, Long Time No See
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Chapter 139 Sir, Long Time No See

Martha was stunned by his question and asked alertly, "Who exactly are you?" She had never thought Rhys a good man, and she was wary of all his actions. The man smiled and said nothing. That was a good question. He, too, wondered who he was. More precisely, he no longer knew himself. Rhys looked at the children with bright smiles in the distance, and said, "I used to be one of them. Istayed here for a few years." He was no different from these orphans. They were all abandoned and unwanted. Martha frowned slightly at this. Was Rhys an orphan too? Was he abandoned by his parents and then reclaimed by the Williams family? The vibration of thephone interrupted Martha's thoughts. She pulled out her phone and saw that it was Jane calling her.For an instant she was alarmed, fearing that something had happened to Jimmy. Out of caution, she took a few steps away from Rhys, who was standing in front of her, beforeanswering the phone. "Mommy, did you miss me today?" Jimmy's sweet voice reassured her. She could hear the coquetry in Jimmy's tone. Smiling, she responded, "Of course, Jimmy. Did youtake your medicine today?" "Yes, I took medicine and drank water. I am a good boy. I listened to Jane." "That's good, I'll go back at night." Jimmy hummed. Martha could tell that he seemed to have something else to say. "Anything else?" "Well... Mommy, can I go out with Jane to buy snacks?" At this, Martha burst out laughing. She could tell that Jimmy was bored at home, but he was afraidshe would be worried, so he called her to ask for her permission. novelbin

"Of course, you can, but you can't stay outside for too long." "Okay, thank you, Mommy." Jimmy's cheerful voice came over the phone. Martha's spirits rose a good deal on hearing this. After a few more words with Jimmy, she hung up the phone. Martha glanced at the time on her phone and thought she had been out too long. There was a lot ofwork to be done at the Doyle Group. So she turned and walked toward Rhys. "Mr. Williams, it's getting late. I shall go back to work. Bye for now." With that, she turned away, without waiting for Rhys's answer. She had only taken a few steps when Rhys' voice sounded behind her. "Martha, Stefan is not the only one in this world who can save your child." Martha stopped suddenly and turned to him.What did Rhys mean by that? A faint smile lifted the corners of the man's mouth. His eyes were cold. Martha felt a chill on her back. She felt uneasy. She did not want to dig deeper into his words. The man was too dangerous. She could not afford to provoke him at all, and she did not want any harm to come to Jimmy. Martha's face froze, then she pursed her lips and quickly left the orphanage. Besides her, only Jane and Rupert knew anything about Jimmy. How did Rhys find out about it? And what did he mean just now? Martha was distraught. Unconsciously, her pace quickened. Rhys, who had remained where he was, saw the woman move quickly away, and his smiledeepened. 'Martha, you'll beg me. If you don't choose Stefan, I'm your only way out,' he thought. ... In the afternoon, Jimmy changed his clothes and walked out of the apartment, hand in hand withJane, happy. After staying in the apartment for two days, the little guy was bored. Jane and Jimmy bought some snacks when they were about to go to another store, and her cell

phone rang. It was the head of the design department of the Doyle Group... After the call was connected, sheasked, "What's the matter?" "There is a document requiring Ms. Doyle's signature, but Ms. Doyle is not in the company. Jane,can you come to the company now and sign this document?" Since it was about work, Jane naturally consented. "Okay, I'll be there right now." After hanging up, Jane hailed a taxi and took Jimmy to Doyle Group. Half an hour later, the taxi stopped outside the Doyle Group's Building. After Jane took Jimmy out of the car, she looked around. Jimmy's identity was special and had to be kept secret. Jane took Jimmy to the garden outside Doyle Group and asked him to sit on a bench. Then shesquatted in front of him and said seriously, "Jimmy, I am going to the company to sign a documentnow. Wait here for me, okay?" "Okay." The boy nodded and smiled brightly. "Jane, don't worry. I'll wait here. I won't go anywhere." Jane smiled knowingly and stroked his head. "Jimmy, I'll be right back." "Okay." Jane did not want to waste time. She quickly stepped into the company. A few minutes later, sitting on the bench, Jimmy looked at the company building, and pouted, notknowing how long he had to wait. In the next second, his eyes lit up. He saw a familiar black car and a... very familiar man! Stefan came to Doyle Group for Martha. When he was about to enter the company, he heard achildish voice not far away. "Sir, long time no see."

He turned his head and saw a boy running toward him. He recognized at a glance that this was the child who had been lost at the airport. Why was the boy there?

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