Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 135 Happiness After Suffering
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Chapter 135 Happiness After Suffering

The next morning, a breaking story was posted on the Internet - the executives were all present atthe police station for some undisclosed reason. The information might have come from some paparazzi or some discerning passer-by. Clear images of Stefan, Hollie and Martha entering the police station were shown on the news. Within an hour there was a mighty uproar over this piece of news. Receiving the news, some reporters rushed to the police station with cameras, seeking the truth,hoping for first-hand information. Now that the suspect had confessed, the police told the truth about the case: it is the case of Hollie,a vice president of the Doyle Group, suspected of murdering her sister Martha. Human testimonyand physical evidence have been found to corroborate it, and the subsequent punishment will beimposed by the court. Police banned reporters from disturbing public order and told those outside the station to go back. Before long, the story of Hollie's murder of Martha was all over the Internet. When the news got out, the whole city knew about it. Naturally, employees of the Doyle Group, which was directly involved in the matter, blamed Holliefor being so evil after learning this. How could she do that? The news did not disclose specific information, but it was certainly true. Many people had signed with emotion that Hollie looked gentle and weak but was actually maliciousactually. According to the news, Hollie plotted to frame Martha years ago and nearly killed her in theoperating room. But after four years, Martha returned and exposed Hollie's sin. No other details were disclosed, and the court's verdict had not been reached. ... At nine o'clock in the morning, Martha arrived punctually at the Doyle Group. When she got out of the car, she went around to the other side and opened the door to help herfather out.

Seeing this, Bianca smiled and said, "I'll do it." Saying this, Bianca supported Maxwell out of the car and put him on a wheelchair. Martha stood looking at the scene with a faint smile. "Bianca, thank you." "No biggie, it's my duty." Bianca answered with a smile, bending over and taking out another blanket from the car to coverMaxwell. Martha turned back and walked behind the wheelchair, holding the handle, "Dad, we are at thecompany." Maxwell closed his eyes. He had not visited the company that he founded in years. The smile on Bianca's face was still gentle, but there was a little concern in her eyes. Martha saw her expression and said with a smile, "Bianca, it's OK." "Well... I'm just worried that shareholders have long rejected Mr. Maxwell as a director." After all, Maxwell had not been privy to the state of the company during these years, and the seniormanagement and shareholders had probably forgotten him. The smile on Martha deepened and she said, "No, except for Hollie's fellows, everyone misses youvery much." "Dad, it's all over. The Doyle Group is the achievement of your life. I will take the company backfrom others and make it better. I will not let you down." Maxwell, who was in a wheelchair, twitched his fingers and his eyes grew red. When Bianca came back to herself, she followed Maxwell. Then they took the elevator to the top floor. After stepping out of the elevator, Martha pushed her father toward the conference room. Along the way, many of the workers saw her, and their eyesight followed her. There was a little sympathy in their eyes; they pitied Martha for what she had suffered, and theysupported her and admired her forbearance. Martha had shown them what she could do on her first day back in Doyle Group, and her family stillhad a chance to regain the initiative. novelbin

In the conference room, Martha looked slightly sideways at Bianca. "Don't be nervous, Bianca." Before Bianca's answer, all eyes were on them in the conference room. Shareholders and senior staff wore a variety of looks, some of surprise, some of confusion, some ofexcitement. Martha pushed Maxwell to the head seat, standing upright. Glancing coldly around the room, she said firmly, "I believe you all know why you are here today. Asyou all know, Mr. Doyle attended the meeting in person to officially announce the dismissal of VicePresident Hollie." She paused, glancing around at several people, and then added, "Considering the long-termdevelopment of the company, Mr. Doyle and I have agreed to lay off some senior staff. The head ofthe planning department, the head of the administration department and other senior officialsconcerned do not need to come here tomorrow. At this, those who had been mentioned were surprised, and were on the point of contradicting her,but they understood that it would not be effectual. The people in the room were, no doubt, intelligent. They could see that the people Martha had fired were those who had followed Hollie before. They were all of Hollie's trusted subordinates. They all looked at each other and realized their situation. They were silent, looking at Martha,neither daring to speak. She was so pleased with the arrangement that a slight smile spread over her face. "Due to the age of Mr. Doyle, he needs to rest. I am taking over the Doyle Group. I have promisedto restore the initiative from the Harrison Group as soon as possible, and I expect to do so in thenear future." At this, senior staff and shareholders exchanged glances. They knew it when they realized that Hollie was in prison. The Doyle Group was founded by Maxwell, and it made sense now that his daughter was inheritinghis business.

Besides, they all approved of Martha's abilities, so they were willing to let her lead the group toanother spectacular achievement. Martha, standing beside the head seat, looked calmly at the people present after saying this. "If you have any objections, please speak up." Several people who supported Martha hurriedly echoed, "We believe that Ms. Doyle will lead thecompany to a higher level." "Yes, we all appreciate Ms. Doyle." "The group must be better..." From the beginning, only a few echoed, but later the crowd did the same. But Martha just smiled lightly without saying anything. She would not disappoint those who supported her. And for the neutral shareholders and executives, she was grateful that they did not follow Hollie onher recent return. It would not take long for the group to step into a higher level as long as the company's seniorpersonnel were united. Maxwell was on the point of tears when he saw this. The Doyle Group was the achievement of his life, and his years of efforts. At the time, Maxwell was genuinely upset to hear that the Doyle Group was on the brink ofbankruptcy and that the Harrison Group had bought it out. It was lucky now that Martha was back, and the Doyle Group... could be bought back. At this moment Maxwell was moved, and so was Bianca. During the years Martha was away, she could not even go back to Doyle Manor, and could onlywatch the news about the Doyle Group on television. She even thought that it was about to be utterly destroyed by Hollie. They had come to the end of their suffering, and there came happiness.

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