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Chapter 130 Never Forgive Him

Stefan pinched Hollie's neck. When the police officer saw that, he was frightened and immediatelywalked forward to stop Stefan. "Mr. Harrison, please don't hurt her. You're in the police station!" However, Stefan tightened his grip as if he didn't hear the officer said. Hollie soon went scarlet due to scantiness of breath. She felt that air became thinner and thinner and couldn't help but cough badly. There were slits of rage in Stefan's eyes and sullenness on his face."Please clam down. No need to work yourself into a lather for a criminal." "Mr. Harrison..." Seeing that Stefan would not let Hollie go while she was about to suffocate, the police officer had togesture his fellows and they join forces to pull Stefan away. The policeman stood in front of Stefan and said that what he had done was obstruction of justice.And Stefan was told to control his emotions and cooperate with the police. As for Hollie, she slumped to the ground at the moment Stefan released her. The ground was piercingly cold which forced Hollie, who thought she would suffocate, to come backto life gradually. She propped herself up with her arms against the ground and panted heavily. She felt the heat tosear my throat. With her head hanging down, she coughed faintly. Just now, Stefan really wished to throttle her which meant he hated her to the core. There must be abruise left on her neck. But so what? She was still alive. He tried killing her but failed. And he never stood a chance. Stefan's lips pressed into a thin line while his dark eyes were still frighteningly cold. The police officer forced themselves to stand next to Stefan for fear he might rushed up to Hollieand strangled her directly.

They had dealt with so many cases that they naturally knew what the bruise on Hollie's neck meant.If they had stopped Stefan a bit later, Hollie might have lost consciousness and died. The cough echoed in the corridor. After a while, Hollie recovered from having difficulty breathing and stood up slowly to provokeStefan, "Stefan, I can't get you, nor will I let Martha get you... She will never forgive you because itwas you who caused her the misery!" Her voice was clear, like a kind of curse reverberating around the corridor. When the police officerheard her trash talk, they looked at each other tacitly and took Hollie away grabbing her arms. Although Hollie was hauled away, she was reluctant to admit defeat and looked back at Stefan. The man remained sullen and still glared at her coldly. It was his nature, wasn't it? He would have never cared about her or noticed her but for she took Martha's place. "Stefan, Martha will never forgive you! The more she loved you before, the more she hates younow! Ha ha ha..." Hollie was gradually out of sight, but the corridor still resounded with her crazy and satiric laughter. "Martha will never forgive you." These words echoed in Stefan's mind. After a long while, he broke free from the police officer and turned to leave. At this moment, the man who was always confident and superior seemed to be in a total mess... He looked down at the ground. His eyes were overwhelmed by remorse and abhorrence. Remorse for Martha and abhorrence for himself. Hollie was right. Martha should never forgive him. He made her suffer a lot. How could he still shamelessly beg for her forgiveness? He even had no way to forgive himself for what he had done to her. In retrospect, during the long period of their marriage, he only brought her coldness, ruthlessnessand painfulness. He never treated her well or protect her. At this moment, it came to Stefan that when they were trapped in Haltou Island and waiting forrescue, he just thought he would win her forgiveness and keep her around in three months.

But now, he just felt himself stupid... ... After Martha left the police station, she hailed a taxi and went to Jane's department. She massaged her temples. There was a bit of tiredness in her eyes. Her mind started to drift away... When her parents came back with Hollie, in fact, she was not happy about it. At that time, she wasalso a child, but her mother told her that she should take good care of and get along with Holliesince Hollie was her younger sister.Thereafter, she spared no effort to do her duty as an elder sister, shared everything with Hollie, andeven gave everything she loved up to Hollie. However, she was such a fool. She tried to be nicer to Hollie while Hollie schemed to kill her. Her mother who drowned to death for saving Hollie came into her mind. After a while, it came to her what her father said before she went to the police station. Martha's eyes got moist, feeling what she done for Hollie was not worth it. Hollie was merely a malicious woman who was unrelated to her by blood. Martha just felt sorry forher mother and for herself. Now, she finally got her revenge on Hollie. In the car, it was so stuffy that Martha had difficulty breathing. She rolled the window down. Aftertaking a few deep breaths, she wiped away the tears, and let go of the miserable bygones. Outside the window, everything retreated; winds whistled in her ears. During this time, Martha gradually calmed down. When she thought that Jimmy was awaiting her in the apartment, nothing else could occupy hermind. However, Jimmy was a bit rash this time. She would talk with him about it and told him not to act sorashly again. After everything got settled and Jimmy's disease was cured, she could find a peaceful place andenjoy her life with her son, her father and Bianca. Her phone rang ungodly which brought Martha back to the reality.novelbin

Seeing that it was Rhys on the screen, Martha frowned. Why did he give her a phone call this time? She had not been in touch with Rhys since the Haltou Island development project had beensuspended. She pressed 'Accept' and held the phone to her ear, speaking softly, "Hello, Mr William,what can I do for you?" "Come on. Do you mean I can't give you a call for nothing?" There came his flirty tone from the phone. No doubt that he wanted to flirt with Martha again. But now, she was in a hurry to meet Jimmy and was not in mood to talk with Rhys. With her roseate mouth lightly opened, she said coldly, "If it's not about business, I should hang upsince I'm busy now." Before she did it, Rhys smirked, "Every rose has its thorns." Martha was speechless. "Ms. Doyle cleared your name today and punished your evil sister. We should celebrate it by someentertainments, shouldn't we?" Rhys said in a low voice. After an intentional pause, he continued, "For example, you can have a romantic dinner with me.Shall we?" Martha frowned, her eyes darkening with a bit confusion. How did Rhys know what she experienced today?He said so in a casual but certain tone. Could it be... Martha had a sudden flash of inspiration and her eyes lit up. She asked, "You sent that doctor?"

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