Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 128 The Feeling of Losing His Love
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Chapter 128 The Feeling of Losing His Love

The doctor unconsciously tightened his hand, took a glance at Martha with guilt and then slowly toldthe officer what had happened. "At that time, Hollie came to me and offered me a high price to make a fake medical record for her. Iwanted the money so I agreed. I thought this matter would end easily. But later she actuallythreatened me with that. If I refused to do as she said, she would tell others that I once made a fakemedical record." "I didn't want to lose my doctor's license, so I had to agree. Later I knew that she wanted to tortureher sister to death, but at that time, I had no way back."Stefan finally knew what had really happened in the past, and his eyes now were filled with guilt,regret and also anger. "Four years ago, as soon as Miss Doyle was pushed into the operating room, I asked other doctorsand nurses to go out, leaving me alone to collect Miss Doyle's blood stem cells." When the doctor said this, his eyes were unfocused, as if he had been immersed in the memory ofthe past. "I know that Miss Doyle was too weak to survive such an operation at that time, but I still did it. Afterthe nurses left, Hollie got out of the sickbed and recorded the whole operation." "Later, in order to make it look more convincing, after Hollie got out of the operating room, I wasgoing to give Martha a shot to end her life as Hollie ordered. At the last moment, Rupert came andstopped me." "That's all." The doctor felt very guilty about what he had done. He felt that he didn't deserve to be a doctoranymore. The two officers sitting at the interrogation table were shocked when they heard the whole truth. Among all the people present, Martha looked the calmest. But no one saw her clenching her fists, with her nails deeply into her palms. She was trying to holdback her anger and sadness.

This was the first time she had heard what had happened in the past from others. Although she hadexperienced it, at this moment, she still felt uncomfortable. At that time, Martha really hoped that Stefan had regretted and stopped the operation. But he didn't. He just pushed her onto the operating table regardless of her pregnancy and serious illness. Martha really wanted to ask whether he was satisfied with what he had done. After hearing thedoctor's narration, Stefan clenched his fists and kept frowning. At that time, he thought that Martha didn't want to give away her bone marrow just because she wasjealous of Hollie. Therefore, before Martha was taken to the operating room, he asked someone to inject her with atranquilizer and made her have no chance to explain. Stefan wanted to repay Hollie's kindness, buthe never expect that Hollie wasn't kind at all. Stefan felt extremely regretful at that time. He could no longer hold back his anger. He stood upangrily, took a few steps forward, and grabbed the doctor's collar. His angry voice resounded through the whole interrogation room. "As a doctor, how can you fake a medical record? You almost killed her! How can you do such aheartless thing?" The doctor was frightened. Looking at Stefan, he said timidly, "Mr. Harrison, you had signed theinformed consent in person, right?" He was just a doctor. At that time, the doctor only thought that Stefan was with Hollie and wantedhis wife to die, so he chose to do that operation. Hearing this, Stefan closed his eyes and loosenedhis grip on the doctor's collar. He took two steps back before he could stand firm. The doctor was right. He indeed signed the informed consent. He felt that his heart was held tightly and squeezed by an invisible hand. The pain made him almostunable to breathe. Stefan couldn't deny that he actually forced Martha to accept the operation. It was also he who gave Hollie countless chances to hurt Martha again and again. His connivance

with Hollie had badly hurt Martha, who loved him so much. Now, he had no right to get angry with the doctor. At this moment, Stefan just stood there as if he was a zombie. Seeing this scene, Martha pursed her red lips tightly. She was actually kind of sad, too. On the other hand, Hollie seemed to be smiling. The doctor was completely right. If Stefan didn't connive at Hollie's behaviors, how could she be sounscrupulous? Hollie had always known that Stefan had a special feeling for Martha, but it didn't matter. She stillfooled the two of them. After all, it was not all her fault. Martha shouldn't hate Hollie the most. Silence reigned over the interrogation room again. After a few minutes, the officers didn't want todelay the interrogation. One of them asked the doctor, "Do you have any other evidence to provewhat you just said?" The doctor came back to his senses and looked at the officer. He replied, "Hollie recorded theoperation that year. Can that be considered evidence? And there were the details of the remittancefrom her in my account at that time. You can check it." The officer nodded. He had asked his colleague to get the video. It would take some time for themto restore the video because Hollie's phone was broken. "Check if the video restores." "Okay." The other officer nodded and left. After a while, he returned to the interrogation room, turned on the projector and was about to playthe video. Martha knew that the case was about to come to an end. Now that the police had got one witnessand the physical evidence, it was impossible for Hollie to run away from the accusation. She stood up and before the officer played the video, she said, "Sir, you got the evidence now. Idon't want to see the rest. I'll go back and wait for your good news." novelbin

Martha looked really tired. She didn't want to stay here any longer. The officers nodded and said, "Okay, we'll keep you informed." They had an empathy with Martha. They knew that Martha might collapse if she saw this video andrelived what she had suffered. It was natural that Martha didn't want to see the video. "Thank you." After that, Martha picked up her bag and was about to leave. When she passed by Stefan, he was still expressionless. At this moment, Stefan really wanted tohold her hand and asked her to stay with him. However, the image of Martha begging him four years ago flashed through his mind. Did he showany mercy? It was he who hurt Martha so much. How could he ask Martha to stay with him? At last, he took his hand back. Stefan thought he would never be able to get Martha back.At this time, he actually experienced the pain of losing somebody he loved so much.

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