Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 125 The Remorse in Stefan’s Eyes
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Chapter 125 The Remorse in Stefan's Eyes

Blood oozed from Hollie's mouth. She looked really terrible and was gasping on the ground. Hollie never expected she would behumiliated like this. Looking at Hollie on the ground, Martha couldn't help but think of herself in the past. At that time, she was totally obsessed with Stefan, and she was framed and tortured by Hollie. But now Martha didn't think it was worth it. She shouldn't have been so humble just for a man. Martha shook her head resignedly and sighed slightly, which was for Hollie and also herself in thepast. Stefan turned around and looked at Martha with mixed feelings. He seemed regretful, guilty and something else. Stefan wanted to say something to Martha, but his apology could never undo what he had done toher. Stefan even didn't think he should be standing in front of her anymore. Martha just stood still, looked back at the man indifferently and said nothing. She saw the regret in Stefan's eyes, but it was too late. She no longer loved this guy long ago. All she wanted now was to cure Jimmy and live with her father and Bianca. Stefan then walked towards her. Noticing his approaching, Martha turned around and walkedtowards her father. Stefan stopped and felt kind of hurt when being ignored by Martha."Dad, are you okay?" Maxwell winked at his daughter, indicating that he was fine. Martha nodded, turned to Bianca and said, "I should call the doctor over." Actually, she was still kind of worried about his father. "Okay."

Bianca lowered her head and patted Maxwell's back. "It's all over." Maxwell closed his eyes slowly and no one knew what he was thinking. At this moment, nobody was talking. Only Hollie was sobbing. Hollie couldn't hold back her tears anymore and she also stared at Martha with resentment. Martha really changed a lot after four years. She had underestimated Martha. Since Libby had run away, Joann had died and Stefan knew thetruth, no one could help her anymore. Martha noticed that Hollie was staring at her with resentment, but she didn't care. She turned toHollie and smiled. Well, Martha also hated Hollie. But this time, Martha wouldn't show any mercy. She wanted to make Hollie pay for what she had done. Martha had to do this for herself and for herlate mother. Martha wanted Hollie to spend the rest of her life in prison. ... Jimmy now was at the police station near the airport. He was sitting in the chair and looking at the officer in front of him. The officer cleared his throat when he saw the boy's cute face. "Hey, boy, where did you come from?" Jimmy shook his head, pouted and said nothing. He came from U Country, but it had nothing to do with looking for his father. The officer thought that maybe the kid was too young to remember the way back home, so heasked patiently, "Do you know where you live?" Jimmy blinked at the officer in front of him, but still didn't say anything. The officer thought it was reasonable that such a young boy couldn't remember where his homewas. Then he patted Jimmy's head and asked, "Well, do you remember your parents' phone numbers?" Jimmy pretended to be baffled and kept silent.

He was already four years old, so he was surely able to remember phone numbers. Jimmy knew his mother's phone number, but he couldn't tell the officer now. He tried hard to run away from his mother. He couldn't let her mother find him, or he wouldn't beable to see his father. Of course, he didn't know his father's phone number. If he knew, he wouldn't have come to the police station. At last, the officer sitting next to Jimmy said jokingly, "Well, kid, did you even know who your parentsare?"Jimmy blinked at the officer who was speaking and looked at him with disdain. "Sir, are you serious? How could a four-year-old boy not know who his parents are?" Hearing this, the officer who had been joking now stopped talking. The officer squatting in front of Jimmy couldn't help laughing. He got really curious about this kid in front of him. The kid didn't seem to know where his home wasor his parents' phone numbers. But he actually made a witty comeback. After a while, the officer looked at the little guy seriously. "Did you get lost at the airport?" Jimmy nodded and said, "Yes." He didn't want to tell the officer that he came from abroad, or he would seem too smart. It would be really suspicious that a smart kid like him couldn't remember his parents' phone numberand home address. Thinking of this, Jimmy looked at the officer and said in a seemingly trembling voice, "Sir, can youplease help me find my father?" Before the officer answered, a woman's voice came from the gate of the police station. She seemedreally worried. "Jimmy!" It was Jane. An hour ago, Jane received a message from Martha.

"Jimmy might have come back home but now I have something urgent to deal with. Go to the airportto see if he is there." Jane was stunned when she received the message. She thought something had happened to Jimmy in U Country, so Martha rushed to U Country. But the fact was that Jimmy ran away from home and came to C Country alone. So Jane changed her clothes in a hurry and immediately set out for the airport. After she arrived,she started looking for Jimmy in the nearby area. At last, she thought that Jimmy, such a smart kid, would definitely turn to the police. Therefore, she went to the police station near the airport. Jimmy was right there. Jane looked at Jimmy and felt relieved. Hearing Jane's voice, Jimmy was surprised and kind of upset. Jane was his mother's assistant. Now Jane had found him, then he might be taken to his mother byJane. Actually, Jimmy wanted to look for his father, but he was caught by his mother first. He looked really disappointed right now. At this moment, Jane seemed a little angry. Looking at the kid, Jane said in an obviously anxiousand worried tone, "How can you come here without telling your mother first? Do you know that shewill worry about you?" Jane had been around Martha for two years, so, she knew very well that Martha cared about Jimmya lot. He was everything to Martha. Fortunately, Jimmy was alright now. After hearing what Jane just said, Jimmy lowered his head. "I'm really sorry, Jane." He made his mother and Jane worry about him. It was his fault indeed. However, Jimmy really wanted to see his father and know what he looked like. Even just a glancecould satisfy him. novelbin

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