Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 122 Stefan, My Sister’s Trying to Kill Me
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Chapter 122 Stefan, My Sister's Trying to Kill Me

Was Martha out of her mind? How could she really cut someone? She could kill people. Was she...? Libby felt a bit flurried and had a bad feeling. The scene seemed quite strange, with the woman screaming loudly and Martha calmly holding aknife stained with blood.Bianca, grasping Maxwell's hand, opened her mouth but said nothing. If it weren't for Hollie, Martha's mother wouldn't have died. Then Mrs. Doyle would still be a happy woman with her family around. And Martha would not have suffered so much. Hollie deserved that. Martha did not stop. Now that Libby was injured, there was no one to protect Hollie. She wanted tosee how Hollie would react this time. She was not disappointed. Hollie continued to back away, trembling with fear as she stumbled oversomething and fell to the ground. Martha sneered at her and said coldly, "What are you afraid of?""You were of quite a young age when you murdered my mother, but you weren't scared at all, wereyou?" Martha said while approaching Hollie slowly. Every time she took a step forward, it was as if death was approaching, only instead of giving Holliea quick death, she was going to torture Hollie until the latter could take no more. Hollie could not help moving back. "Stay away from me..." "Are you feeling scared now?" The mocking voice of Martha was quite scary in this silent room. She continued with a deadly cold voice, "When you killed my mother, you didn't see this daynovelbin

coming, huh? My mother saved you, but what have you done in return?" Her voice were filled with hatred. When she thought of the past, her mind was full of hatred andrevenge. How could she let go of the past? You requite my kindness with enmity and tortured me again and again. It's finally the time for you togo through what I've been through." Hollie was trembling all over. Fear got most of her and she could not help yelling, "It's in the middleof the day. How dare you." Martha burst out laughing as if she had heard something funny. "What about you? When you tortured me in the hospital, I didn't see any panic on your face. If youfeared nothing four years ago, what am I supposed to be afraid of now?" "Stay away from me. I will call the police if you come any closer." Hollie kept moving back while taking out her phone and trying to call the police. Martha's face darkened immediately. She strode forward, snatched Hollie's phone and smashed iton the floor. With a bang, the phone's screen shattered into pieces, some of which flew away. Martha not only looked scary, and her voice was also filled with malice. "I will teach you what pain is and make you feel how desperate I was four years ago. Hollie kept shuddering and shaking her head. She stuttered out, "Stay... stay away from me." "If I stayed away from you, how am I supposed to make you feel what I have felt?" Martha stopped, stared at her, and said ironically. Then, without Hollie answering her, she continued, "Don't you want to feel what it feels like to bealmost dead?" Only when one survived death would he realize how hard it was to live. As the distance between them was getting closer, Hollie could not help glaring at Martha whileshuddering, "Stay away from me. Stay away from me..." In the end, there was no room for her to move back. She could feel the wall against her back, which was wet with sweat. Martha stopped in front of her and smiled like a ghost, "You never see this day coming, do you,

Hollie?" The knife headed toward Hollie's direction as she finished her sentence. Hollie clenched her fist. As she saw the knife stained with Libby's blood coming at her, sheautomatically closed her eyes and screamed out loud.Her ear-piercing voice resounded in the whole Doyle Manor. At that moment, a tall man showed up. When Stefan saw the scene, he hurried to stop Martha,"Stop it." The pain did not hit Hollie as she had expected. Hearing the familiar voice, Hollie trembled andopened her eyes immediately. She looked in the direction of the door for help. When she saw Stefan, she felt her nerves soothed. The next minute, she choked with sobs, "Stefan." He walked in with a stern face, and said in a cold voice, "Don't try to hurt others, Martha." Martha turned around and gave him a glance. Then she shrugged out of boredom and put down herhand. She had no intention to hurt Hollie. She just wanted to scared Hollie. Though her mother sacrifice herself for Hollie, though she was tortured by Hollie, it didn't mean shewas going to revenge with illegal means. She would make Hollie pay her price through legal means and justice. She wouldn't allow herself to reduce to someone like Hollie, someone she despised. Besides, she had evidence now. She was not going to commit a crime because of someone likeHollie. Martha's head drooped. She was thinking about Jimmy. If Jimmy was not in Hollie's hands. Where was he now? Did Jane get any new information about Jimmy? Stefan's voice brought her back to reality. "Drop the knife." Hearing that, Martha sneered at him and simply dropped the knife. Why so serious? She would drop the knife.

She scorned, "Boring."She thought she could scare Hollie for an incredibly long time. Who could predict that it would endso soon? She knew that Stefan thought Hollie was the girl who had been there for him during his hardesttimes. So, he was definitely going to be on Hollie's side, considering what happened today. But somehow she was curious if he would still cherish his old feelings for Hollie once he knew theevidence she had. After recovering from the shock, Hollie leaned against the wall and instead of getting up, crawledover to Stefan. Tears kept streaming down her face. She cried while accusing Martha, "Stefan, Martha was going tokill me. I did nothing, but she was going to hurt me. Help me, Stefan. I don't want to die..." She crawled to him, grabbed the corner of his trousers, and looked up at him. "I thought she would be different this time. I thought she would change into an upright and niceperson, but she didn't. She still hates me. I just can't understand why my own sister is so cruel tome. Why does she want to kill me?" Meanwhile, Libby, who was lying on the sofa, noticed the situation and faked a few tears, "MrHarrison, look at my hand. Martha has left a deep cut on my hand. As she was saying, she raised her hand and added, "It is still bleeding. You can't get away with it,Martha." She glared at Martha, the fear on her face fading, "I'm going to call the police and have youprosecuted by law." Call the police? The sarcastic smile on Martha's face was even more obvious. Why couldn't they remember there was a law when they were hurting her? She had no evidence to prove what they did four years ago. But things had changed now. If they were going to call the police now, it remained to be seen who will be imprisoned.

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