Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 118 Was Jimmy Taken Away by Hollie?
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Chapter 118 Was Jimmy Taken Away by Hollie?

"You're so good-looking. Your daddy must be very handsome, too."Jimmy felt better when he heard these words. He blinked his big eyes and smiled, "Miss, is that true? My daddy is very handsome?" "Of course, you're so adorable. Your daddy must have good genes." A woman poked at Jimmy in the cheek with a gentle smile on her face. Jimmy showed a big smile, and the next moment, his cute voice came. "But you are wrong about one thing. My dad is still alive, but I haven't officially met him yet." This time, Jimmy came for this. But he couldn't let his mommy know... His smile was a source of delight to the onlookers, and so were his words. The woman, standing next to Jimmy, saw how cute and smart he looked and liked him more. She crouched down, smiled and rubbed Jimmy's hair. "Then can you tell me, did you come alone today?" Jimmy nodded. There was suddenly disappointment on his smiling face. "I'm going to find my dad." "How can your parents let you come out alone?" The lady slightly frowned and reprimanded. After hearing her words, those around her discussed, "How could his parents be so irresponsible?" "I agree. He's so young. How could they let him out alone?" Jimmy heard this, tilted his head, looking confused, and then shook his hands. "It's not like that. My mommy loves me, I sneaked out alone to find my dad." When he said this, he even shushed the crowd. Jimmy saw that they had stopped talking and was satisfied. Mommy was his favorite person. He couldn't let others speak ill of her. As for his father whom he had never met... he would have to decide after he met him in person. Then a smile appeared on his face.

"I want to buy a ticket. Can you help me?" "I'll take you there!" The woman who stood next to Jimmy smiled and took his hand. Jimmy bowed like a young gentleman. "Thank you, Miss." With that, he took his small suitcase and followed the lady to the service counter. Before he left, he turned his head and said. "Goodbye, ladies." Soon, Jimmy came to the service counter. The lady had to carry him up so that he could see the staff at the service counter. "Sweetie, what can I help you with?" "I need a ticket to the C Country." Jimmy looked at the staff member politely, and said in a cute voice, which made the lady holdinghim delighted again. After the staff member typed something on the computer, she smiled at Jimmy. "Well, it's two hundred dollars in total." Jimmy blinked. Well, Jimmy had no money. But Jimmy had good looks! He turned to look at the lady holding him and said pitifully, "Miss, I didn't bring any money. Can youlend me two hundred dollars? When I see my dad, I will let him pay you back. Is that OK?" "Of course. I will pay for you." The woman took out her purse and handed the money to the staff member. "Thank you, beautiful lady." Jimmy was so happy that he blushed. Now he had the ticket to go find his dad.After a while, the little guy boarded the plane alone. Before he boarded, he asked for the kind lady's number. The first thing he would do after finding hisfather was to let him pay the lady back. After he got on the plane, maybe it was because he felt sleepy that his face was a little pale.

Seeing him like this, a stewardess immediately felt sorry and worried. "Are you okay, little boy?" Jimmy blinked his big eyes and said, "Miss, you are pretty!" When the stewardess heard this, she felt so delighted. Then she saw the little guy fasten his seat belt and seriously said, "Miss, can you bring me a glassof water? I need to take my medicine." "Of course." The stewardess nodded and turned to bring him a glass of water. Before long, she came back with a glass of warm water and put it on the desk in front of Jimmy. Jimmy acted like a gentleman and said, "Thank you, Miss." With that, he took out a blue medicine box out of his pocket and put it on the desk. When the stewardess saw him like this, she thought of something and said, "Let me bring somecandy for you so that it could be less bitter." Jimmy smiled and shook his head at her. "I am a big boy now. I am not afraid." He had survived several surgeries. Taking medicine was actually easy for him. At least it provedthat he was still alive. ... When Martha was about to reach the airport, she received a text message. She thought it was a message from Rupert and that maybe he had found Jimmy. With fullanticipation, she tapped on it and was surprised to see that it was from Hollie. [I need to see you, now.] She glanced at her phone and wanted to turn off her phone. She had no time to talk to Hollie. Then, her phone rang again and it was another message from Hollie. [I know your secret. You have a son named Jimmy. I'm waiting for you in the Doyle Manor. You'dbetter come right away.] See this text message, Martha frowned, her hand holding the phone unconsciously tightened. How did Hollie know about Jimmy? novelbin

Had Jimmy been taken away by Hollie? She frowned slightly and didn't know what was going on. She couldn't take any risk. She immediately sent a message to Jane, then asked the driver to make a U-turn and head to theDoyle Manor. Jimmy meant everything to her, and she couldn't let Jimmy get hurt. On the other side, as Stefan ran out of the villa, Martha had got into the taxi and he drove off afterher, heading for the airport. When he arrived at the airport, he got off and entered the terminal. He walked fast, searched for Martha among the crowd coming and going. However, the woman hewas searching did not come to the airport at all. ... Half an hour later, outside the Doyle Manor. Martha got out of the taxi and looked down at her phone, not knowing what she was going to facewhen she got in. She carefully turned on the recording on her phone. If Jimmy was really controlled by Hollie, she would need to fight with Hollie.After calming down, she walked into the Doyle Manor. As soon as she walked in, she saw Holly andLibby sitting on the sofa. They were both smirking, while Martha's father and Bianca sat on the other side of the sofa, theirfaces red with anger. They were obviously enraged. From time to time, Bianca comforted Maxwell and said gently, "It will be fine. Don't be angry.Martha's here..." Martha walked up to Maxwell, "Dad, Bianca, are you okay?" Bianca nodded her head and said nothing. Then Hollie stood up, walked over to Martha and said in a sarcastic tone, "Of course they are fine. Igot tired of waiting for you, so I had to take it out on the old man." Hearing this, Martha was furious. Hollie was deliberate. She knew Maxwell needed quiet rest time,but she deliberately came here to stimulate him. Looking at Hollie's arrogant face, Martha was furious and was about to slap her in the right cheek.

"How can you be so heartless? How can you abuse your own father over and over again?"

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