Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 115 Stefan, Get Out of My Way
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Chapter 115 Stefan, Get Out of My Way

Stefan certainly knew that it was Hollie who took the liberty and took Joann to the island. But what it could prove? Hollie killed Joann? How was that possible?! Without evidence, he didn't believe Hollie would kill anyone. Stefan looked down to hide his annoyance. Seeing him like this, Martha sneered more and her sarcastic voice rang out in the dining room,"Now I see how important the first love is. Even if she did something against the law, someonewould still cover up for her." Martha said with a faint smile and then moved on to have her soup, since she didn't want to sayanything more. It was like talking to a wall because he wouldn't believe her. What did Stefan do four years ago when something unjust truly happened to her? He just covered up for Hollie as always. Four years later from then, he still did the same. Should she feel lucky that she was still alive and had this chance to sit opposite him and sneer athim? Hearing those words, Stefan surely knew that she was actually talking about him. But if Hollie really was a part of Joann's case, then he... He said without overthinking it- "If she really has something to do with this, I won't cover up for her. I'll let the police handle this." Stefan paused for a moment and then he added, "But now, about Joann's case, there's no evidenceshowing that Hollie did it." The mocking smile on Martha's face got bigger when she heard the word "evidence". She put down the spoon in her hand and looked at him in front of her mockingly.She thought, 'Doesn't he find it ridiculous when he said this?' "All those years when Hollie disappeared, you didn't have evidence to prove I'm related to hermissing, but what did you do to me at that time?"

'Evidence is just a synonym for favoritism.' 'Stefan, what you see with your eyes is just what Hollie wants you to see.' 'Well, I quite look forward to the day when you see Hollie's true face.' 'Will you be angry? Sad? Or... just pretending not to see it?' Stefan felt heartbroken when he heard Martha question him. He pressed his thin lips together as he stared at Martha silently. What he had done to Martha was surely too much and cruel. That was all his fault. He had made a huge mistake because he thought he was always right. Now Martha hated and resented him. He asked for it. Stefan said huskily with his thin lips moving, "Sorry, I..." "Stop saying sorry. I don't deserve it." She wouldn't fall for these sugar-coated tricks again now. Martha looked down at the bowl of soup and she had lost appetite. Then she thought of something and raised her eyes at him again composedly. "Well, Mr. Harrison, if you really want to make it up to me, how about a quick divorce? There was a subtle frown on Stefan's face when he heard that. Did she really want to leave him so badly? He knew he had made a mistake. And he had tried to pursue her again and win her back but... itseemed like she just didn't want to see him again. Stefan opened his mouth and was about to say something but got interrupted by the sudden phonebuzzing on the table. Martha saw that it was her phone. She took it over and then her calm eyes got wide open in shockwhen she saw that the caller ID was Rupert. It was at midnight in U country. Did something happen to Jimmy again... She hurriedly picked it up, not caring that Stefan was in front of her at the moment. She spoke in aslightly trembling voice, "What's wrong?" Rupert's anxious voice came from the other side of the phone-

"Jimmy's missing. I searched the whole hospital and couldn't find him." Meanwhile, at the hospital in U Country. There was full of worry in Rupert's eyes while he was staring at Jimmy's empty bed. When he got the call from the nurse saying that Jimmy was missing, he thought this little buddy waskidding with him. And he thought Jimmy was just hiding somewhere in the hospital. But unexpectedly, Rupert stilldidn't find him after searching the whole hospital. And then he realized the seriousness of the matter. But Jimmy had been staying at this hospital andthere was nowhere else for him to go. Additionally, Jimmy couldn't stay outside for too long or be exposed to virus with his poor healthnow. Rupert had no choice but to call Martha and tell her what was going on. At this moment, Martha's face abruptly went deadly pale when she heard the news. What did Rupert mean by "Jimmy's missing"? She suddenly stood up. Her hands accidentally tipped over the bowl in front of her and her clothesgot soaked with the hot soup. But Martha was too depressed to feel the burn. She could only vaguely hear Rupert's voice ring in her ears, "He did say that he wanted to see you,but... he's been worse off. I'm afraid that if we can't find him in time..." Martha had got the point even when Rupert was in mid-sentence. A normal four-year-old kid missing would be a terrible thing enough, let alone a sick kid. She was terrified to even think about it... Martha held the phone in her hand tighter and then replied with a quaver, "I... I'll be there soon." After hanging up, she hurriedly turned around and was about to leave the dining table to pack herstuff and go abroad, her feet stumbling. Seeing Martha look panicked, Stefan also got up and walked a big step forward to grab her wrist. "What? What's going on?" What is she panicking about? Did something happen to Maxwell?' novelbin

Martha struggled to break free from Stefan's hand. She just wanted to find Jimmy right now. Whywas Stefan blocking her way? "Let go of me..." "I won't unless you tell me what happened." Stefan's face darkened. He needed to know what hadhappened, why she panicked, and... who the caller was! Martha bit her lip hard and she lost the last draw of patience when he stopped her. In a flash, her eyes glinted angrily. She then pushed the man who she hated the most at that verysecond with all her strength. "Stefan, get out of my way!"

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