Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 995 Return And Revenge On The Scumbag Father (9)
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Chapter 995 Return And Revenge On The Scumbag Father (9)

Chapter 995 Return and Revenge on the Scumbag Father (9)

Elliot's face darkened, and his voice was as icy as if coated with frost.

“Damn woman, next time, I won't let you escape again!"

Elliot remembered the last scene before he passed out, which was Rose picking up something and throwing it at him

Tsk, this woman was really daring. Wasn't she afraid of causing serious harm to him?

Elliot received a call from his assistant before he had a chance to order someone to find Rose.

"Mr. Harper, the little girl who disrupted your wedding, we have found her address.”

In the evening, the atmosphere in Shadewoods Villa was peaceful.

Sean and Leah were happily eating the strange-looking and peculiar-tasting food in front of them, while commenting on it at the same time"This Tempoyak Patin is okay in taste, but I still think it's not as delicious as what my mom makes."

As soon as Leah's soft voice fell, Sean chimed in, "I feel the same way. The taste is average. but still acceptable."

Valentin was using two pieces of paper to stuff his nose and keeping a distance from the dining table.

He felt that these two kids had a really extreme taste! They actually wanted him to make such dishes!

Their mammy was also amazing. She fed them with this kind of food and could still raise them so well-behaved and adorable.Valentin thought te himself and couldn't help but sigh, "Your mother must have had a hard time raising all of you."

Leah nodded in agreement, "Yes, Mom has sacrificed a lot for us."

Sean's hands didn't stop moving, his mouth full and muffled as he nodded along.

"So, we love our mommy very much."

Leah nodded and then resumed eating with her head down

Valentin sighed helplessly, thinking about how difficult it was for a single mother with three children to have so many expenses.Soon, Leah was contentedly leaning back in her chair, rubbing her small belly.

Sean habitually reached for a tissue to wipe his sister's mouth, but the tissue box was empty.

He glanced at his younger sister, Leah, and said, "Leah, let me get you a tissue to wipe your mouth.”

Leah nodded and lazily looked at her own brother.

The feeling of being full was just great.

Just as Sean had left the living room, the doorbell rang.

Valentin said in a gentle voice, "I'll go and open the door.”

Valentin was stunned. He neverexpected this scumbag to come tohim! Standitg at tne door, Elliot sawthe little girl who was curiously =lookingyat him through the craeR’inthe dor, and his eyes darkened.This was the little girl who spoutedri6nsense about calling him daddy!Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

At that moment, Leah also saw Elliot and his assistant standing at the door. Her big eyes were filled with shock. Her dad had actually found her!After Valentin regained his senses, he pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Sir, is there something you need?”Elliot narrowed his eyes and stared coldly at Valentin. "Who are you? What's your relationship with this girl?”novelbin

"She's my sister!" Valentin replied irritably and looked at Elliot with an unfriendly gaze.

f he had previeusly envied Elliot forbeing a youry talented rich CEO,now afterhéaring about whathappened to these two children,Elliot was just a pure jerk dad itvValetin's heart! He hated menwithiout responsibility. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ©


Valentin wanted to know why this scumbag suddenly came here!Valentin's gaze towards Elliot became more fierce as he asked again, “Is there anything else?""She ruined my wedding," said Elliot coldly as he stared at Valentin

They didn't have any previous disputes or conflicts before today, but why did this young man look at him like that?

Upon hearing this accusation fromElliott , Valentin thought of Leah'ssoft cute appearance which made .his sense Of j ustice burst out =instantly so he directly admitted”“Y

being'responsible for everything. "Itwas ine who made her do itbecause

people like you don't deserve acomplete wedding!" Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

Sean had just taken out some napkins from his room when he heard voices coming from outside near the front door; so he stopped in his tracks.wondering how could their father find them here?

Meanwhile, standing at the doorway, Elliot heard Valentin admitting the whole thing and an overpowering aura of aggression radiated from him.

"It's you?"

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