Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 988 Return And Revenge On The Scumbag Father (2)
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Chapter 988 Return And Revenge On The Scumbag Father (2)

Chapter 988 Return and Revenge on the Scumbag Father (2)

The banquet hall of Harper Grand Villa was decorated in a luxurious Baroque style. Madeleine wore a trailing wedding dress, with diamondembellishments on the hem, looking as beautiful as a mermaid princess. Her delicate makeup highlighted her shy and gentle demeanor as a bride-to-be. At this moment, she eagerly looked towards the entrance

Soon enough, Elliot's handsome figure appeared in Madeleine's sight. She smiled and waved at him, thinking it was her most beautiful smile.“Elliot. I'm here!” she called out to him.

Elliot's face remained cold as he walked towards Madeleine with patience. She immediately took his arm affectionately.

"Elliot, you arrived just in time for the wedding," she said

Ignoring her words completely, Elliot asked coldly,"What about the child? Wasn't he sick?"

Madeleine avoided his sharp gaze and didn't answer his question directly."Elliot, the wedding is about to start. Let's get married first, and then we cango see Shawn together."novelbin

As soon as she finished speaking, Madeleine signaled to the emcee standing beside them to start the ceremony quickly. Elliot looked displeasedwhen he saw that Madeleine had taken hold of his hand. He seemed like he wanted to flare up, but before he could say anything. the emcee beganspeaking loudly on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you've been waiting for this moment for quite some time now. So, I hereby announce that the wedding has officiallybegun!"

The guests below burst into enthusiastic applause. Madeleine secretly gave an eye signal to the emcee, telling him to skip straight ahead into themost important part. She knew that Elliot didn't have much patience left. They had to be quick enough!

As long as they completed their marriage ceremony in front of everyone, she would become Mrs. Harper from now on, and enjoy all its wealth andglory...

The emcee understood what she meant. He turned around directly towards Elliot. "Mr. Elliot Harper, may I ask if you are willing to marry MissMadeleine Fox to be your wife?"

Elliot narrowed his eyes, his lips slightly parted. As he was about to say "Of course not", all lights went off suddenly.

The grand venue plunged into complete darkness instantly! Meanwhile, in the control room behind-the-scenes, a smirk appeared on Sean's lips whenhe switched off the main power supply. ‘Scumbag dad, you wanna marry someone else? No way.'

Meanwhile, Leah, who had been lurking in the shadows, saw the lights go off and quickly wiped the onion she had in her hand against her little face.Then, with tear-streaked cheeks, she rushed toward the stage and threw herself around Elliot's leg.


With her shout, the previously noisy atmosphere fell into a dead silence.

In the next moment, the girl continued to sob, her voice heartbreaking. “Daddy, why don't you want me and Mommy anymore? Daddy, you're so.heartless! Why are you treating us like this?”

The lights were quickly repaired, and the scene regained its brightness. The adorable face of the girl, like a beloved Barbie doll, instantly caughteveryone's attention

Her large eyes were brimming with tears, ready to fall, and they were incredibly pitiable. Her continuous accusations piqued the curiosity of everyonepresent

"Daddy, why are you marrying this bad woman? Do you really not want me and Mommy anymore?"

And the woman she referred to as the "bad woman”, Madeleine, upon seeing the girl’s brows and eyes that bore a strong resemblance to Elliot's, felta shock!

Who was this little troublemaker?!

But regardless of who she was, Madeleine now just wanted to rush over and give this kid who disrupted her wedding a good scolding.

However, before she could make amove, she-saw Elliot beside her ©extend fis hand, lifting up the littleone who was crying, her nosesandcheeks running with snot an@ tears.He-eradled her in his arms..Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

"Stop crying.”

From Madeleine's perspective, she couldn't make out Elliot's expression clearly. She only saw him pick up the little girl as if carrying a kitten, and hestrode away from the spot.

He left her with four cold words. "The wedding is canceled.”

As Madeleinewatched the man’sdeparting figure, her heart raced inpanic. She lifted her foot, intendingto chase&fter him. But due to hersexcessive anxiety, she accidentallystepped on her wedding dress'strait’ and tumbled heavily otto thered carpet! Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"Elliot! Don't go!”

Madeleine's unwilling voice echoed through the wedding scene.

Unaware thather wedding dressnow bore a-sizable tear, Madeleinelay sprawled onthe ground, her =>attire disheveled. The guests lookedon witha variety of expressions,pointing and whispering amengthemselves. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org 6

After leaving the wedding scene, Elliot lowered his head and glared at the child in his arms, his expression dark.

He didn't know where this child had come from, but since she had managed to disrupt his ridiculous wedding with Madeleine, she had inadvertentlydone him a favor.

Tears still clung to Leah's face as she gazed up at her father, her eyes full of pity.“Daddy, where are you taking me?”

Ignoring her inexplicable address, Elliot stared at the pitiful little girl before him, his tone heavy with annoyance. "Quit the act. Tell me, whe sent you?"

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