Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 979 Keaton Is Missing
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Chapter 979 Keaton Is Missing

Chapter 979 Keaton is Missing

Breanna was the perfect cat's paw to Mrs. Williams. She had been planning to use Breanna, but hadn’t shown her cards until now. Breanna had noidea why Mrs. Williams valued her so much and thought she had caught Mrs. Williams' eye, feeling pleased with herself.

Meanwhile, Jenna was facing a big problem. She received a call from the schoo! counselor saying that Keaton had gone missing and hadn't shownup at school for several days.

"Keaton's missing? How is that possible?" Jenna couldn't believe what she was hearing and felt like she might collapse any moment.

"We thought he just skipped class at first. but no one has seen him around campus lately - not his roommates nor his professors. According to schoolrules, if Keaton doesn't show up again, then we'll have to order him to quit school.” said the counselor with some disdain in his eyes as he consideredstudents like Keaton hopeless cases.

Apart from the beginning of the semester when Keaton attended classes regularly, he skipped classes almost every day afterward, nobody knew whyhe bothered coming to school in the first place.

Jenna's face turned pale. She felt angry and wanted to beat him up for causing trouble, but right now it was more important to figure out how tohandle things with the school.

"Can you give him another chance? There must be a reason why my brother hasn't come back yet.” pleaded Jenna anxiously while biting her lip.

Although Keaton could be mischievous sometimes, overall, he wasn't capable of doing anything too outrageous or disappearing without contactinganyone for such an extended period of time.

"I understand your concern about your brother's safety or well-being; however, rules are rules here at this institution,” replied the counselorsympathetically after glancing at Jenna who looked worried sickly.

He wouldn't have called her unless there were no other options available to solve this issue

"I understand. I will do my best to find out what happened and bring Keaton back as soon as possible," Jenna said, feeling powerless for the firsttime. She didn't even know where Keaton had gone.

"Well then, please bring him back as soon as you can," the counselor nodded after hearing Jenna's words.

As soon as she left the counselor's office, Jenna felt overwhelmed. She had no idea where Keaton could be. The only people she could think of werehis friends.

Jenna found Keaton's friends based on her memory but their nonchalant response made her uneasy. "He said he was going to make big money andwent to Calelow Mountain," one of them shrugged, seemingly unconcerned about the situation

“Calelow Mountain?" Jenna furrowed her brows upon hearing this location. If she remembered correctly from a news report, there were manypyramid schemes in that area.

Why would Keaton go there?

"He said there was a chance to make big money and wanted me to come along too but I'm not interested in that kind of thing.” his friend continuedbefore looking at Jenna and saying, "If you want to find him there, better hurry.”

Jenna started feeling anxious upon hearing this news; she never expected such information. If Keaton was really at Calelow Mountain, it was highlylikely he got involved in a pyramid scheme

Should she go check it out?

Jenna didn’t tell anyone from the Williams family about this incident because it wouldn't benefit her if Mrs. Williams or Rhys knew about it; they wouldonly use it against her later on

Mrs. Williams' dissatisfaction and disgust had become increasingly apparent lately.Thinking about this, Jenna tightly clenched her fists and quickly came up with a plan.She couldn't tell anyone in the Williams family about this, and she needed to handle it quickly.

She couldn't guarantee what the Williams family would do if they found out.

Jenna casuallytold Rhys that shewanted to geto Calelow Mountainfor a trip..Since they had already =>


cleared-up their previous >misunderstanding, Rhys didn't:suspect anything and let Jenna goonHer own. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org 6

Before Calelow Mountain,Jenna had thoroughly investigatedall of the igcations where pyramid I Nschemes.were reported in the area.She remembered them all and, assooras she arrived at CalelowMountain, she stayed at a smallH6tel under the guise of tourism.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The hotel was close to where Jenna wanted to investigate, so as scon as she put down her things. she went straight to the landlady for information."Ma‘am, this is my first time here. Are there any places I should be aware of?"

Jenna looked cute and innocent which made it easy for her to get information from the landlady without raising suspicion.

“Calelow Mountain is just for leisureactivities like farm stays. There'snothing much you need to be awareof except farTY Resort on top of themountaip. Bon't go there." The =landlady.Said mysteriously withsanunc ear tone. As soon as Jenna’heard this, everything clicked intoplace - TY Resort was one-of severalpyramid scheme locatiof thatJenna suspected before, but wasn'tSure about until now withconfirmation from what was said bythe landlady. Content belongs to


"Ah I see! Thank you so much for letting me know! Could you recommend any other places I can visit?"Jenna smiled sweetly while handing over a hundred-dollar bill making herself look like any other tourist.The landlady didn't have any suspicions towards Jenna whatsoever.

"There are plenty of places you can visit! If you don't mind hiking, then maybe try climbing up Calelow Mountain!"

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