Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 976 The Father Of The Child!
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Chapter 976 The Father Of The Child!

Chapter 976 The Father of the Child!

"How? Can't I come?"

Rhys dragged Jenna outside, his heart filled with irrepressible anger.

Was it really so unacceptable for Jenna to be pregnant with her own child?

She didn't even discuss it with him but directly came here to abort their child.

"Is a baby so insignificant to you and not even worthy of being known by its father?" Rhys simply couldn't suppress the anger.novelbin

He looked at Jenna in disappointment. He had sex with her, so he wanted to take responsibility for her. even though he didn’t have feelings for her.But he was willing to take responsibility.

Why would Jenna do this? Even if Jenna did not want this child, she should discuss it with him, right?

"Father? What do you mean?" Jenna immediately understood the underlying meaning of these words, and she trembled all over with a pale face.Jenna was fragile and tear-stained.

Rhys couldn't help but slow down his tone. "I am the father of the child. Even if you don't want this child, you should discuss it with me first. What's thepoint of coming here alone to have an abortion?"

The father of the child is actually Rhys?

Jenna was both crying and laughing, feeling that all the confusion she had experienced during this period of time was no different from a joke.She never even thought that the father of her child in her belly could be Rhys’

How could Rhys be the father of this child? That day..

Jenna grabbed Rhys' hand as she thought about it, and she inquired in an almost pleading tone, "What happened that day? The man sleeping withme that day is you?”

Observing Jenna's expression, Rhys sensed something off. Could it be that Jenna had always believed that this child was not his?No wonder Jenna wanted to leave him.

"Yes, that day I was your antidote. Did you want a divorce because you think the child isn't mine?"

Rhys sighed softly and embraced Jenna in his arms."It was me that night," he said firmly.Upon hearing these powerful words, Jenna could no longer contain her emotions. Tears fell from her eyes one by one.

She wiped away her tears fiercely but felt grateful inside. Thank goodness the child was Rhys’ and thank goodness Rhys arrived just in time.Otherwise, she might have done something she would regret for the rest of her life.

Titus couldn't wait to speak up when their misunderstanding was cleared.

"My good sonsin-law, since Jenna iscarrying yout-child, you should giveme somemoney toawardsme, =>right? I brought her up! I deservessomecredit. How about givi ngmeonemillion.” Titus’ eyes sparkledwith excitement as he spoke quickly.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

After saying that, I Titus looked atRhys again afd ‘shook his headvigorously. “No! One million is too ..ittle! Jeryna’s younger brother is stilin college now and needs moneydesperately. Her mother is in thiehospital every day spendingYots ofmoney on medical bills. How abouttwo million instead?" Contentbelongs to

Titus muttered with great enthusiasm while Jenna next to him immediately frowned upon hearing his words. "You're dreaming if you think I'll give youany money!"

Even if Rhys really gave him two million dollars, it wouldn't take long for him to lose all that money!

Thinking about this made Jenna nervous as she grabbed onto Rhys' collar tightly. "Don't give him any money! He'll only use it for gambling!”

Upon hearing-what Jenna said, Titusbecame furious. "Shut up! Who areyou to interrupt when your fatherspeaks? After raising you all theseyears, €an't I ask your husbandorsomehelp? Mr. Williams probablydoesn't want this matter spreadingOitside either!” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

His eyes rolled around before showing a flattering smile towards Rhys. "The Williams family can easily give me that small amount of money. Am Iright. Mr. Williams?”

Titus couldn't help but feel ecstatic at the thought. When he looked at Rhys, he saw him as nothing more than a walking ATM machine.I'm afraid this isn’t going to work. Since Jenna has said no, I can't give you any money,” Rhys said coldly, looking t Titus.

Titus was like a bottomless pit: whenever he had money in his hands, he would gamble it away. Even if he had twenty million dollars, it wouldn't beenough

But what about Jenna's younger brother and mother? Although Jenna worked, her salary wasn't high enough to cover her mother's medical expensesand her brother's tuition fees.

Because they were in a contractual relationship, Rhys hadn't paid much attention to Jenna until now when he suddenly realized this fact. His heartwas immediately filled with suspicion

As soon as Titus heard Rhys’ words, his face changed color immediately. He was Rhys' father-in-law; how could Rhys treat him like this?

"Good son-in-law! Are you joking? Jenna is pregnant with your child! And yet you're not willing to give me even one penny?" He glared fiercely atRhys. He never expected these so-called wealthy families would be so stingy!

Titus continued speaking indignantly, "Two million is not really that big of an amount for someone like you!""Dad! Shut up!"

Jenna couldn't believe Titus would act like this, asking for money right in front of Rhys and saying such things out loud! She felt her face buming hotwith embarrassment and didn't dare look at how Rhys reacted.

Compared to the bright-dressed man beside her, now she felt like she was just mud stuck in the gutter, disheveled and ugly-looking!

"I'm sorry for causing trouble; let me handle this.” Jenna took a step forward but quickly got pulled back by Rhys.

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