Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 964 Forced Apology
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Chapter 964 Forced Apology

Chapter 964 Forced Apology

Her time was running out, and she needed to plan ahead.

"We, the Williams family. are a prestigious family. I don't want any scandals that could affect not only us but also you,” Mrs. Williams said coldly asshe looked at Jenna. If Jenna refused to leave when the time came. Mrs. Williams wouldn't hesitate to use some means.

"It's best for you to part ways amicably. I don't think you want to offend me," Mrs. Williams continued, thinking that she had been kind enough towardsJenna already.

But if Jenna didn't know what was good for her...Dealing with someone like Jenna was easy for her since she had so many weaknesses that didn't require much effort on her part.

"I understand, Mrs. Williams," Jenna replied with her head down and wanting nothing more than to find a quiet corner where she could calm herselfdown.

As she passed by Mrs. Williams. however, the latter suddenly spoke up beside her.

"I used to have high hopes for you too until now when your're dirty and unworthy of being Rhys' wife." Her condescending tone made it clear that therewas no place in their family for an impure daughter-in-law like Jenna who should stop having any ideas about Rhys or anything else altogether.

Jenna shuddered all over as tears welled up in her eyes while biting hard on her lip as though trying not to cry out loud from the pain inside of herself.She once thought that happiness would be within reach; but now all those hopes were shattered into pieces like fragile glass underfoot.

All her struggling seemed pointless now: what did it matter?

Jenna felt lost and confused.

How did she even get back into this room? She couldn't remember anything until Mrs. Williams called out again from the living room where an eeriesilence hung thickly around them all...

Mrs. Williams had a dark expression on her face and didn't say anything when she saw Jenna. She just threw her phone at her.Jenna looked down and saw a very familiar face on the phone.

It was a video, or rather an accusation

The person in the video was crying so hard that she couldn't catch their breath, making anyone who heard it cry and feel heartbrokenThat person was Lorelai..

"I never thought that my good friend for so many years would end up like this. I really don't know why she did this!"

Lorelai sobbed as she spoke about her experience intermittently.

"I didn't mean to owe so much money either. Who wouldn't come across scumbags in their life? I just wanted her to help me out. Though she refusedme, I wouldn't have said anything!”

Lorelai wiped away tears while the gossip reporter next to her immediately asked questions eagerly after hearing what she had said.

"So does this mean there’s more to this story? According to what you've said, your relationship with Jenna is very good. When Jenna didn't have anymoney before, you would share half of your food with her?”

Lorelai nodded.

She seemed to become stronger in that moment and looked towards the camera direction confidently.


m sure everyone knows aboutthose photos-¢i culating onlineabout me now. I just want to tell .everyone-that those photos are allfake; all.ade by Jenna through>photashop! She did it first becauseshe.wanted to ruin me withoutletting others know how ungratefulshe is! Here's some audié evidenceas proof!” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Jenna felt like her head buzzing: everything went blank for a moment even though Lorelei's words kept coming out from speakers loud enough foreveryone else around them to hear clearly..

It was all just one big misunderstanding; Jenna never asked anyone online to post such pictures nor did she ever think of ruining Lorelei's reputation..Besides, 500 thousand dollars was simply too astronomical amount for someone like herself.

Jenna's hand trembled slightly as it became difficult holding onto the phone.

"I never thought you'd be capable ofdoing sometting like this, especiallysince I always believed you were =~smart." Mrs. Williams’ tone carrieddisgust along with furrowed &eyebfows showing how reputsed byeverything going on right now..Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


She chose-Jenna in the first placebecause she thought Jenna was.honest,kind, easy to handle, antherfamilywas in a difficult financialsituation. That's why she feltsysapathetic towards her. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~novelbin

But she didn’t expect that Jenna would do such a thing behind her back!

"I didn't do it," Jenna immediately retorted. This wasn't something she did!

“If it wasn't you, then who else could have done it? The recording on the video is crystal clear.”Bad people never admit to doing bad things.

Mrs. Williams shook her head disappointedly and didn't want to argue with Jenna anymore about this matter. "I won't say anything else. The Williamsfamily won't protect someone like you.”

The recording on the video made this matter a foregone conclusion, even if Jenna was truly innocent, it would be hard for her to clear herself ofsuspicion.

"I haven't done anything like this and I don't need protection from the Williams family," said Jenna as she lifted up her head and looked straight atMrs. Williams

She knew that even though she was living under the roof of the Williams family, but still as an individual person with dignity.

"Don't worry about this matter, Mrs. Williams. I will take care of it myself."

Jenna gently put down her phone after taking one last glance at that video clip.

This matter had caused quite a stir online because it involved the Williams family.

Even without reading any comments online, she knew very well that people wouldn't have anything good to say about this incident.“Take care of it?"

After hearing these words from Mrs. Williams, she sneered. To be honest, s he didn't look down upon Jenna but given such circumstances, Jennasimply couldn't clear herself off easily.

The best way out was for direct apology which could calm down public anger online. Otherwise, t his issue would only get worse over time."You better think carefully how you should apologize quickly without involving our company," pointed out Mrs. Williams bluntly.

I've already asked our PR department at the William Group prepare everything. You just need to apologize, they will handle the public opinion."

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