Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 946 My Brother Got Into Trouble
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Chapter 946 My Brother Got Into Trouble

Chapter 946 My Brother Got into Troublenovelbin

After a long silence, Rhys finally spoke up to Jenna.

He had a calm gaze and a serene expression, and he was not joking.

Jenna had no reason to refuse.

She received too much from the Williams family that didn't belong to her, and now Rhys is asking forher help for three months. She feels obligated to assist him.

That night, Jenna slept restlessly and had a dream. She dreamt that three months later, Mrs.Williams discovered the truth and caused a terrible scene.

Startled by the ringing alarm clock, she woke up from her dream, breathing heavily.

As she was trying to calm down, her phone rang. Jenna picked up her phone and saw that it was acall from Keaton's teacher.

"Are you Keaton's sister Jenna? Hurry and come to school, your brother has harassed a femaleclassmate and the police have been called. They are waiting at the school now," the angry voice ofthe teacher came through on the phone.

She never thought that she would encounter such a thing in her teaching career!

As expected, the son of a gambler doesn't turn out well.

"I understand, I'll be there right away." Jenna's face looked grim. She had called the police,indicating that the situation was very serious.

She didn't dare to delay even for a moment and arrived at the teacher's office as quickly aspossible.

The office was crowded with people, and Keaton was pushed into a corner. When he saw his sistercome in, his eyes lit up. "Sis, they're slandering me! I really didn't bully the female classmate!"

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, the man beside her forcefully shoved him and angrilycursed, "Nonsense! You're young and already not studying properly. What's the difference betweenyou and your gambling-addicted father? The school shouldn't have let you in. You should be sent tojuvenile detention!"

"But I didn't..." Keaton wanted to argue, but the man slapped him across the face without hesitation.

Being raped wasn't an honorable thing. Would her daughter lie about it?

"Say it properly. Don't hit my little brother. If it's really his fault, I won't be biased, but he hasn't beenconvicted yet!" Jenna frowned and intervened.

The man snorted and remained silent.

"So, that bastard Keaton tried to rape my daughter!" the man next to her shouted.

As a father, how could he remain indifferent when his daughter was being bullied like this?

If these people weren't holding him back, he would have punched Keaton, that bastard, to death.Bullying a female classmate when young, what would he do when he was older?

Jenna felt that something was off and turned to Keaton, saying, "Keaton, what's going on? Tell methat if it's not your fault, no one can slander you."

She believed that her brother is definitely not that kind of person!

Encouraged by Jenna, Keaton spoke up, "I never actually raped her. She said her things werethrown into the boys' restroom by a male classmate, and she was embarrassed to go in. She askedme to accompany her inside to look for them. Once we were in a cubicle, she undressed and saidshe wanted to date me!"

From beginning to end, he never once thought about bullying his female classmates or takingadvantage of them.

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the office was stunned, and even the police weretaken aback.

Why was this completely different from what the girl said?

"You're talking nonsense! Why would I want to seduce you into the boys' restroom? You're just theson of a gambler, what's so great about you? You were the one who dragged me in. I'm just a younggirl, how could I have stronger strength than you?" Jennifer's eyes flashed with guilt as shevehemently protested.

Keaton was indeed the son of a gambler, but he had a sister who married into a wealthy family!

Seeing that they were about to start arguing again, the police had to step in to maintain order andmake them quiet down.

Jenna quickly finished watching the surveillance footage and immediately noticed somethingsuspicious. "Jennifer, are you saying that my brother forcibly pulled you in and you tried to resist butcouldn't? Then I have to ask, why didn't you scream?"

For a moment, everyone looked at Jennifer.

"This is a school, not the busy street outside. There are many teachers and classmates around, ifyou shout, someone will come over. If I'm not mistaken, the classroom should be next to the

restroom," Jenna asked.

"I... I," Jennifer was left speechless by the question, stuttering for a while before finally turning thetables. "You're also a woman. Just because he's your brother, does that give you the right tointimidate me like this? As a female student, if I were to scream and shout that I was raped, wouldthat mean I have no shame?"

Her pitiful appearance immediately won everyone's sympathy.

"As a female student, it is indeed difficult for you to shout loudly," Jenna paused for a moment, thenturned the conversation around. "But if you really dare not shout, why did you make such a big fussin class afterwards? If you only told the teacher alone, that would be one thing, but instead you toldeveryone. Don't you think this is contradictory?"

It was strange that someone who didn't even dare to shout when being raped would cause such acommotion afterwards.

She wasn't favoring her own brother; she just wanted to get to the bottom of things.

"If my brother bullied you, then he deserves whatever punishment he gets, even if it means beingsent to juvenile detention or prison. But if someone deliberately slanders my brother, I will not letthem off lightly!"

Jenna's face grew more and more serious.

This accusation was an insult to her brother.

"You're Jennifer, right?" The police officer walked up to Jennifer and patiently questioned her in frontof everyone. "Tell us everything truthfully. Don't worry. We'll ensure justice is served."

They were professionally trained and their seemingly casual questioning actually hit all the keypoints. Soon enough, Jennifer couldn't hold on anymore and there were more holes in her storythan Swiss cheese.

"Jennifer! What's going on? Can't remember?" Mr. Watson also noticed something amiss as helooked at his daughter with an urgent tone.

He had a suspicion but didn't want it confirmed: how could his daughter stoop so low as lying aboutsomething like this? How could she be so bad?

The more he urged her on, the greater pressure Jennifer felt until she finally broke down completelyand cried while hugging herself tightly.

"What's going on with you? You scoundrel!" Mr. Watson kicked her hard in anger. "Is this kind ofthing fun for you? Is this something that can be joked about? You called us all here for what?"

He had even left his client alone just so he could come quickly over here, hoping justice wouldprevail for his daughter, but now he completely lost face. His own daughter wasn't even a victim;rather she was actually causing harm!

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