Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 921 A Happy Life
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Chapter 921 A Happy Life

Chapter 921 A Happy Life

Ever since Anna found out she was pregnant, she felt like a protected national treasure. She losther freedom and even a slight cough would cause panic among everyone around her.

Mr. Miller and Mrs. Miller came to visit her at the hospital from time to time, and their son Jaybecame Jimmy's little assistant, monitoring Anna's every reaction.

What made Anna feel even more exaggerated was that since becoming pregnant, Jimmy hadhanded all his work over to Bryce and his subordinates under the guise of taking paternity leave.

Looking at Jimmy cutting fruit not far away, Anna couldn't help feeling helpless.

Feeling thirsty, she was about to get up for some water when Jimmy immediately rushed over.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Jimmy looked nervous with his worried eyes scanning Anna up and down.

Anna sighed heavily. "I'm okay; I just want a glass of water."

Jimmy visibly relaxed and quickly brought the water to her lips.

After drinking most of the glass of water, Anna felt much better.

"Mr. Harrison," she said seriously while looking at him. "I'm fine now; you don't have to be so tenseall the time. And your current behavior really makes me nervous too. I need you to treat me like anormal pregnant woman because I'm not made of glass that will shatter if it falls on the ground."

Jimmy realized he had been too tense but losing Anna before and missing out on Jay's birth madehim afraid of any negligence.

"If you keep acting this way," threatened Anna directly, "I'll go back home alone in Trada City whereI used to live in my rented apartment."

Jimmy sighed deeply before replying, "Okay, I promise that I'll go back working in my companyagain but you also have to promise me that you won't wander off alone or without anyone followingclosely behind even if it is just for a walk outside so that I can feel secure going back into work."

Anna immediately gestured with assurance, "Don't worry. Whenever I leave this room, I'll havesomeone follow me."

Jimmy nodded gently while embracing her tightly. "I've lost once before, so I won't let history repeatitself."novelbin

Anna felt shaken inside by what he said.

"I promise I'll protect our baby together."

The two held hands tightly and smiled at each other.

For the next two months, Anna was completely tormented by morning sickness. She couldn't eat orsleep well, which caused her to lose a lot of weight. Jimmy felt sorry for her and tried his best tocook for her whenever she was hungry, even in the middle of the night when he was exhausted.

Fortunately, Anna's morning sickness ended after two months under Jimmy's care and she regainedsome weight on her face. Her complexion also became much healthier. Every time they went for acheck-up at the hospital, no matter how busy Jimmy was with work, he always made time toaccompany Anna.

Watching their baby grow from a tiny bean into a little human being excited Jimmy beyond measure;especially when he felt its first movement in his palm.

Although Jimmy went to work every day, he always came back home early after taking care ofAnna's breakfast needs in the morning. Even during lunchtime at work, he would call Anna toremind her to eat lunch.

Anna felt so happy with this kind of attention and care from him.

As she touched her protruding belly with both hands while smiling sweetly on her face; sincebecoming pregnant, almost everything related to herself had been taken care of by Jimmy.

"Mrs. Harrison," said the maid knocking on their door softly, "someone has sent something overagain today. Do you want me to count them?"

Anna looked helpless as she realized that she had lost track of how many things Jimmy hadprepared for both babies during this period.

She understood why Jay needed extra attention but did the baby in her belly really need so muchstuff?

Anna quickly walked out of the room with the help of the maid and headed downstairs whereworkers were carrying boxes filled with clothes and toys inside.

Seeing all those boxes made Anna feel helpless.

Did one child really need all these things?

She immediately called Jimmy.

Upon seeing it was Anna calling him, Jimmy announced ten minutes break without hesitation beforecoming over smilingly towards his window and pressing down answer button on his phone screen.

Mr. Harrison, who used to be cold and domineering, now had a happy smile on his face every day,which made everyone feel happy for him.

"What? Do you miss me?" Jimmy asked with a hint of flirtation in his voice. Anna blushed andcovered her face with shyness.

"Why did you buy so many things again? The baby hasn't been born yet, and we already haveenough clothes for her to wear for a few years. You're just wasting money," Anna pretended to beangry.

"I bought toys for Jay and clothes for our daughter. My dear wife, are you blaming me for not buyinganything for you?" Faced with Jimmy's obvious change of topic, Anna looked helpless.

"Have you had lunch?" Anna asked with concern.

"I'm in a meeting right now and don't have time to eat lunch. I'll talk to you later," Jimmy's voicesounded tired.

"Well then, I won't disturb you." After some more instructions from Jimmy, they hung up the phone.

Anna had all the things that the workers brought delivered into the baby room by the maid beforeheading to the kitchen herself.

"Mrs. Harrison, what would you like to eat? I can prepare it for you." The maid came over quietlyand asked softly because they couldn't afford any negligence towards this lady who was treated likea treasure by Mr. Harrison himself.

"Prepare a lunch for me. I want to send it to Jimmy," Anna smiled at her request.

"You're going to Mr. Harrison's company. How about I take it there instead? You should take care ofyourself at home."

Anna shook her head slightly as she pursed her lips together. "I'm doing well now; besides, I needmore exercise too! Please prepare a lunch quickly; the driver will send me there."

The maid had no choice but obeyed Anna's insistence. She quickly prepared a lunch and put it intoa bento box.

To surprise Jimmy, Anna instructed the maid not to call him secretly before the driver sent herself toJimmy's company.

Thinking about seeing him soon made Anna smile happily again!

Knowing that Jimmy was still in a meeting room, Anna walked up to it directly and knocked on thedoor gently.

"Come in."

Anna pushed open the door and walked inside smiling sweetly towards him.

Upon seeing his beloved woman, Jimmy's serious and handsome face immediately lit up with asmile.

"Meeting adjourned. We'll reconvene in two hours," he said before walking straight towards Anna.

As the two shared a sweet gaze, everyone in the room smiled knowingly and quickly left.

"How did you get here?" Jimmy gently helped Anna sit down on a chair before giving her a light kisson the lips.

Anna pointed to the lunchbox in her hand. "I brought lunch and decided to check up on you."

Jimmy laughed as he pulled her into an embrace. "Having you is enough for me."

With those few words, Anna felt warmth flood her heart as she looked into Jimmy's deep andaffectionate eyes. Her smile grew even brighter.

"Let's eat lunch," she said sweetly.

Jimmy playfully tapped her nose with his long finger. "Okay, I'll listen to my wife." Their gazes metonce again, filled with enviable love and affection.


As Anna's belly grew bigger each day, walking became more difficult for her. So Jimmy pushedaside all of his work obligations just so he could be by her side every step of the way.

Three months later during one afternoon, Anna began feeling regular contractions from within - itwas time for their baby to meet them both face-to-face!

Enduring through pain but still smiling sweetly nonetheless, Anna called out for Jimmy by her side."Honey... I think I'm about to give birth!"

Jimmy was taken aback at first but then became flustered. "Give birth? What do I do now? Whatshould I be doing?"

For once in his life, Jimmy didn't know what to do or how best to handle this situation - until Annareminded him that they needed an ambulance right away!

After waiting anxiously outside while praying silently with clasped hands together; thankfullyeverything went smoothly inside! The doctors and nurses were already prepared when they arrivedat the hospital where they whisked away into surgery as soon as possible without any delaywhatsoever!

And after just over an hour had passed since then; there emerged from behind those doors a littlebaby girl who looked like an angel sent down from heaven itself! Nurses carried this preciousbundle over towards where Jimmy stood waiting eagerly nearby...

"Mr Harrison," one nurse announced excitedly whilst holding out his newborn daughter towards him."... Congratulations! It's a girl!"

Jimmy looked excited, carefully holding the baby girl in his arms, looking at that pink face, he kissedit lightly.

Anna was quickly pushed into the hospital room. Having just given birth, she was extremely weak.However, when she saw Jimmy holding their daughter affectionately, a brilliant smile lit up her face.

Jay was also excited.

"Olivia, I'm a big brother now. I will protect our little princess with you," he said.

Anna nodded approvingly.

"Jay is such a good boy."

After placing their daughter in the crib, Jimmy came to Anna's bedside and placed a light kiss on herforehead.

"Honey, thank you," he said with a smile.

Anna shook her head and smiled back at him.

"My life is complete because of you, Jay and our daughter."

Jimmy leaned in slightly and whispered in her ear with a grin on his face,

"Honey, I love you."

Anna's eyes sparkled like stars as she replied.

"Honey, I love you too."

The two looked at each other and held hands tightly. Anna believed that in this life or the next twolives after this one they would always hold each other's hand forever...

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