Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 895 I Only Want Her
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Chapter 895 I Only Want Her

Chapter 895 I Only Want Her

The group arrived at the seaside at the fastest speed, and with Mia's identification, they found thespot where Anna fell into the water.

"If anything happens to her, I'm gonna make you miserable, you're gonna regret living in this world,"Jimmy said coldly.

After understanding the situation, the police directly took Mia back for investigation.

Standing where Anna fell into the sea, Jimmy saw twinkling stars in his eyes.

Anna, you must stay safe. You cannot get into any accidents.

When you were a child, you went through a painful disappearance, but you managed to get throughit. You can do the same now, right?

Watching the coast guard and the people he had brought searching everywhere in the sea forAnna's figure, but...

However, as time passed, everyone realized that such a search was like looking for a needle in ahaystack. Even... even everyone believed that Anna had been died at sea. After all, in such anenvironment and with her being injured and unconscious, how could there be any chance ofsurvival?

The search continued into the night, and as the waves grew larger, everyone's hope dwindled.

Until dawn, the staff who had been salvaging for a day and night could no longer resist theirphysical exhaustion and came to Jimmy one after another.

"Mr. Harrison, we have been searching for so long now. From the moment Miss Miller fell into thewater last night, it has been almost 48 hours. The hope of her survival is diminishing."

The captain of the search team looked exhausted.novelbin

Although Jimmy knows what he said is true, he is unable to accept it.

"No, it's impossible. She will be fine. She promised me that she would live well and createhappiness for the two of us. I beg you, please... please go search again, okay?"

Jimmy, who has always been high and mighty like a king, completely collapsed. At this moment, hewas not the dominant business tycoon anymore; he was just an ordinary man who had lost hisbeloved woman.

The captain, who had experienced too many searches like this, sighed helplessly.

"Mr. Harrison, give up."

Patting Jimmy on the shoulder, the captain led his team away from the beach.


Jimmy's eyes turned bloodshot as he gazed at the tumultuous waves of the sea. His tears, which hehad been suppressing all along, finally burst out uncontrollably.


"She's not dead, I... I have to find her," Jimmy said, grabbing the keys to Bryce's speedboat andrunning towards it like a madman.

"Jimmy, are you crazy?" Bryce gasped, quickly following him.

"The waves are getting bigger and the search teams have all left. It's dangerous for you to go out onthe boat like this," Bryce shouted anxiously.

But Jimmy pushed him away. "Even if it is dangerous, I don't want to give up."

After saying these words, Jimmy quickly got on the speedboat. Afraid that he would be swallowedby the waves alone, Bryce gritted his teeth and joined him on board.

Looking at Bryce who had boarded with him on the speedboat together, Jimmy felt warm. After awhile he finally uttered two words, "Thank you."

Following the flow of waves, Jimmy searched everywhere with his speedboat, knowing full well howfoolish his behavior was but... he didn't want to give up even though there was only a glimmer ofhope left.

Until the waves grew bigger and bigger accompanied by pouring rain. Bryce knew that if he didn'tstop Jimmy's madness now, then something terrible would happen soon enough.

"Jimmy! Hurry back! The rain is getting heavier and heavier; the boat will capsize!"

Bryce shouted loudly at Jimmy.

The rain soaked through their clothes as tears flowed into sea water from Jimmy's eyes.

Looking at vast ocean in front of them made Jimmy's heart feel like it was being pricked by needles;sharp pain spreading throughout every inch of his body.

After much effort they finally managed to get ashore but Bryce was so exhausted that he almostcollapsed onto land when they arrived.

Seeing that Jimmy had been staring out into sea this whole time without moving an inch from wherehe stood made Bryces sigh heavily before slowly standing up himself and walking over towards him.

"You know we should both know what has happened already," said Bryce as he approached Jimmy,"I believe Anna in heaven wouldn't want you..."

Before Bryce finished what he wanted say, Jimmy suddenly grabbed hold of Bryce's collar tightly,

"She's not dead! She's waiting for me to save her!"

Bryce understood how much pain Jimmy must be feeling right now, so he didn't feel offensive byJimmy's actions.

"Calm down. I'm telling the truth."

After a while, Jimmy silently let go of Anna's hand and collapsed onto the beach. His once perfectlife had become bleak again.

"Anna, how could you be so cruel? How could you leave me alone?" he cried out. "You said you hadsomething important to tell me. Why did you break your promise?"

"Why?" Jimmy's beautiful face was now filled with sadness and pain.

The pain felt like an invisible vine that tightly wrapped around him, making him feel suffocated. Hewas shattered by this sudden blow.

The next day, the police announced that Anna had passed away. Mr. Miller received the news anddespite his weakened state, he and Mrs. Miller went to the beach.

Although Mrs. Miller loved her son Gavyn dearly, she couldn't control her grief when she heardabout her daughter's death and soon fell into a coma at the beach.

Mr. Miller sat in his wheelchair with tears streaming down his face.

Jimmy suppressed the sadness and settled down Mr. Miller and Mrs. Miller. Then he stood alone onthe seaside, gazing out into the distance.

"Anna, I don't believe that you just left me like this," he whispered softly to himself. "I won't give uphope even if there is only a slight chance."

Jimmy immediately found another search team and began another round of searching for Anna butafter a week, they still hadn't found any leads, which caused Jimmy to completely break downphysically from exhaustion.

Seeing Jimmy lose all vitality made Bryce worried about him, so he came over again, trying to helphim move on from Anna's passing.

"Jimmy, accept reality; she won't come back," Bryce said heavily. "Do you really think she couldsurvive without food or water drifting at sea? Besides... the experienced search teams have givenus accurate answers."

"I just want her," replied Jimmy weakly with a hoarse voice filled with longing for Anna. In this worldall he wanted was Anna.

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