Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 886 I’Ll Teach You
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Chapter 886 I'Ll Teach You

Chapter 886 I'll Teach You

Anna didn't withdraw her gaze fixed on Jimmy until Gia came to her.

"He's so handsome," Gia didn't hide her admiration for Jimmy, with seductive eyes that occasionallyglanced in his direction.

Anna politely smiled. "Everyone knows that."

Anna didn't have a good impression of this mixed-race beauty, so she just chatted with her out ofcourtesy.

Perhaps because she had always lived abroad, Gia was an outgoing girl who never concealed heremotions.

So facing Anna, she did not conceal her interest in Jimmy either.

"His woman should be beautiful and charming with a well-proportioned figure. And you..." Gialooked Anna up and down with disdainful eyes while pursing her lips into a sneer that blatantlyappeared on her cheeks. "You're not worthy of him."

Gia's blunt words made Anna frown slightly.

Although she had always known that she and Jimmy were not a perfect match, no one else hadever pointed it out so directly.

"So what? I am his girlfriend; that is the fact," said Anna calmly without paying attention to thecontemptuous look in Gia's eyes.

"Following him to the golf course but only watching him play here will make others think you are justa white elephant instead of someone who can help him. It will embarrass him," continued Gia.

After saying these words, Gia held onto the club and swung gracefully towards Jimmy.

Anna remained calm until after Gia left; then there was a hint of self-doubt on her face.

Gia went directly to Jimmy and raised an eyebrow. "Jimmy, your swing is great! Can you teach me?"

Facing such an invitation, there was no change on Jimmy's handsome face at all. Instead it wasJenson beside them who understood what his daughter meant when he saw the determined lightshining from his precious daughter's eyes.

"Jimmy, help me teach my baby girl."

Gently approaching Jimmy's arm as if by accident while exuding strong perfume fragrance alongwith every step closer toward him.

"The smell from Anna's body smells better..." Jimmy thought.

In the face of Gia's intentional or unintentional seduction, Jimmy came directly to Anna.

"I'll teach you how to play," he said gently, taking Anna's hand and embracing her in front of Gia. Hewhispered the key points and precautions for playing golf into her ear.

Although Jimmy was a master at it, Anna's skills were really terrible. She hit several golf balls thatmade those around her laugh.

This embarrassment made her realize that she was really not cut out for golf as a sport.

"You should play with them instead. I'll wait over there for you," Anna said to Jimmy in a pleadingtone, with beautiful eyes full of emotion.

Jimmy nodded and kissed her cheek in front of everyone before she shyly returned to the rest area.

"Mr. Harrison, you're indeed an attentive boyfriend who takes care of his girlfriend very well. MissMiller is so lucky to have met such a good man like you," Gia said sourly.

Jimmy raised an eyebrow slightly, his handsome face showing a hint of coldness.

"I'm here for business, and one's golf skills represent their character. I believe you understand thisvery well, don't you?" His words were faint but carried a warning tone with them.

Gia had never been ignored by a man like this before and felt unwilling inside as she swung herclub expertly which earned praise from those around them all while looking at Jimmy proudly.

"I only believe in character; as for golf skills... I'm not interested."

Jimmy exuded an aura that kept people away from him which only fueled Gia's desire even more -wanting nothing more than to conquer him completely.

She whispered something into the ear of one of the staff members on the field who immediatelyunderstood what she wanted before leaving quickly.

In no time at all he arrived holding wine glasses walking towards Anna, saying "Miss Townsendasked me to give these drinks to you."

Anna frowned slightly as strong alcohol fumes wafted up into her nose. "Sorry, but I don't drink."

The staff member paused momentarily upon hearing this response from Anna before speaking upagain, "Miss Townsend is Mr. Harrison's client's daughter; if we upset her, it could affect bothcompanies' cooperation greatly, Miss Miller, are you sure you don't want it?" The staff memberreminded.

Anna didn't know much about the business world, but the staff member's words made her reallyworried. Her refusal might affect the cooperation between the two companies.

After hesitating for a moment, she still accepted the glass.

The strong scent of alcohol almost made her faint, especially since she was sensitive to smells.

"Try a sip; it tastes great," the staff member said.

Accepting the glass was already Anna's limit. Facing the unreasonable demands of the staff, shestood up directly and placed the glass back on his tray.novelbin

"Sir, I am a guest at the venue. Are you sure you have the right to ask a guest to do something shedoesn't like?" Anna asked sharply, her voice cold with a hint of anger.

Seeing that Anna was genuinely angry, the staff member was taken aback for a moment but quicklypicked up the glass and smirked.

Just when Anna thought he would leave, he actually poured the entire glass of alcohol on himself.

What was he trying to do?

Anna was completely stunned.

"Miss, why would you treat me like this? Even though I'm just an ordinary staff member, you can'ttrample on my dignity like this," the man suddenly raised his voice, attracting everyone's attention,and all eyes fell on them.

Jimmy immediately walked over. "What's going on?"

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