Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 764 I Trust You
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Chapter 764 I Trust You

Chapter 764 | Trust You

"| certainly couldn't just say she liked his money," Jane thought to herself.

"Hmm?" Louis raised an eyebrow in response.

After her amnesia, Jane had changed from her usual self. But this new side of her was amusing to Louis.“Louis, do you not trust me?" Jane asked nervously as she noticed his blue eyes fixed on her.

Louis smiled at the sight of her anxiety. When she used to be by his side, she always wore professional attire and maintained aserious demeanor. But now he found this new side of hers natural and endearing.novelbin

"| didn't say | don't trust you," Louis replied with a grin. "If what you say is true, then that's good enough for me! Let's headhome."

Eating out was too expensive anyway. If she cooked at home, she could save some money and maybe even make a profit!Wow! She was quite proud of herself for coming up with such a clever way to earn some extra cash.

So Louis took her back to their mansion where all the things they bought from the mall were already delivered by his staffmembers. Their bedroom was on the second floor and as they walked up together, he said, "If you don't like the decoration stylein our bedroom, | can have it changed."

Jane had been stunned by how luxurious their mansion looked since the moment she first saw it; not to mention that he camefrom an aristocratic family abroad! The castle over there must be super huge!

She shook her head and said, "No need for changing anything... but there is something else..."

Jane felt embarrassed bringing it up but eventually mustered up the courage. "Although we are newlyweds tonight, everythinghappened too suddenly for me. Louis... could you please give me some time?"

As soon as those words left her mouth, Jane felt nervousness grip hold of every inch of herself - even down to each finger thatclenched tightly into fists.

Though she knew that making such a request was unreasonable.

But for her, no matter how familiar Louis made her feel or how much he brought up the past, it remained blank to her. Shecouldn't bring herself to share a bed with a man she had only known for such a short time.

“How long do you need?"Louis asked quickly as he stepped closer to her.

His tall figure loomed over her and she felt an oppressive feeling wash over her. She didn't like this feeling and instinctively tooktwo steps back.

"| don't know how long | need, but Louis, | will do my best to..."

Jane bit her lip as she struggled with uneven breathing.

But Louis interrupted her before she could finish speaking. "I told you tonight is our wedding night."She had to go back with him; she had no choice but to...

Thinking about it made Jane's head ache. At the time of Vivian's request, Jane hadn't thought too much about it, but now thattheir relationship was firmly tied together, problems kept arising one after another.

"| can sleep with you tonight, but..."

“Don't worry. | won't force you."

Those words were like an adrenaline shot for Jane.

Her eyes widened in shock as she looked at him; did this man really just say those words? It was unbelievable!“Are you really not going to force me?"

Men tend to lie.

If they shared the same bed tonight, what if he couldn't control himself?

As soon as Louis heard Jane's response his face darkened in anger.

"Jane, don't you trust me?"

He didn't like this version of Jane especially when he saw the way she looked at him now.

The old Jane always believed everything he said or did and put his words first without any conditions attached.

However, thinking back on those times caused Louis’ heart pain because it reminded him of his "perfect plan". Martha said thatat the time Jane trusted him too much which led later on to her despairing hopelessness.

Everything they went through then was because of what she wanted - not wanting anything else from him nor wishing ever againbeing seen by him nor having any other kind of interaction between them whatsoever .

Now everything happening between them came from his initiative alone.

Therefore, Louis quickly stopped his thoughts and spoke before Jane had a chance to say anything. "Don't worry, | keep myword. | am suffering from insomnia right now. If you can tell me a story and keep me company, | will pay you 50, 000 dollars forthe night."

At this critical moment, Louis thought about Jane's current situation and her love for money."Really?"As soon as she heard the amount of money he was offering, Jane's eyes lit up with excitement.

For her, being able to tell a story and keep someone company in exchange for 50, 000 dollars was an opportunity she couldn'tPass up.

"| never go back on my word," said Louis with a smile when he saw how excited she was.

Jane was overjoyed. "! believe you! So it's settled then - I'll tell you stories all night long if you give me 50, 000!"

"Yes," replied Louis without hesitation; he would give her however much she wanted.

But before they could sleep together that night, Jane needed to figure out what to make for dinner based on Louis' preferences.

The fridge was well-stocked withingredients, but she stil soughtotit!rs pester. weer are SO manydishes in your fridge! What do youwant to eat?" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

As soon as those words left hermouth, an idea popped into her head:since Louis is an arisfaqrgt cedar’t fave expensive tastes infood anyway - why not makesomething difficult? That way shecould raise the price even more!Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Little did Jane know that every reaction of hers had been noticed by sharp-eyed Louis...“How should | put it... I'm quite picky when it comes to food,” said Louis slowly and deliberately while looking directly at Jane.

She felt like everything around her suddenly became chaotic because his request seemed impossible! How could anyone fulfillsuch specific demands?

It felt like torture or some kind of test!Louis knew exactly what kind of reaction he would get from Jane at this point...

Jane crossed her arms in frustration."Louis, even though we are married, itdoesn't chang thefaetlthat youresfiy rrp bose | understand that youhave requests, but you can't be toodemanding, can you?" Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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