Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 757 I Can Do Anything For You!
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Chapter 757 I Can Do Anything For You!

Chapter 757 | Can Do Anything for You!

Once they got in the car, Vivian's face turned pale and her lips were slightly purple. Jane's eyes were red as she kept whispering,"Vivian, don't fall asleep. Open your eyes and look at me!"

Louis sat beside them with a serious expression and told the driver to hurry to the hospital. He also made a phone call but Janedidn't hear what he had said when she was consumed by panic.

Louis felt sorry for Jane and held both her and Vivian in his arms, giving her some strength without saying anything.

They rushed to the hospital where doctors had received Louis' notification about Vivian's condition. Doctors took over Vivianimmediately upon their arrival.

Jane collapsed on the hallway floor after they gave Vivian to doctors. She looked like a soulless body with pale skin color whileLouis helped her up and comforted her softly. "It's going to be okay. Trust me."

Jane cried silently on Louis' shoulder while thanking him for being there for them during this difficult time.She couldn't imagine how long it would have taken if it wasn't for Louis’ help to get Vivian back safely.

After what seemed like an eternity of waiting outside of surgery room, a doctor finally came out with a grave face. "The child isout of danger now but needs rest. But | advice her to undergo surgery soon, or the emotional instability like the one today cancause further harm to her."

Jane nodded absentmindedly with tears streaming down her face.Vivian was sent back to the hospital room. Jane watched her daughter's pale face in distress.

Suddenly, she seemed to make up her mind, stood up and went straight into Dr. Peck's office, only to see the latter's seriousexpression.

Jane had a bad feeling and said under her breath, "Dr. Peck, may | ask about Vivian's heart donor?"

Wyatt furrowed his brows as he spoke, "Miss Jane... I'm sorry but we've just received news that Vivian's previous heart donorbacked out last minute because they want their child whole again."

Those words hit hard like lightning bolt on clear day sky, leaving Jane stunned momentarily before regaining composure, "Thankyou, Dr. Peck... | understand."

The current situation was already bad enough, but now it seemed to be getting worse. Jane wandered the hallway like a lostsoul, with Louis quietly following behind her.

When he heard faint sobs coming from up ahead, Louis quickly stepped forward and stood in front of Jane.He was a bit annoyed as he asked her, "Why do you always forget that you can ask me for help?"Jane looked up at him dazedly and saw his clear blue eyes. It was as if she had suddenly woken up from a dream.

Her previously dull eyes suddenly lit up as she said urgently, "Louis! Can you help me? Please help me! I'll do anything for you!"


Louis’ joyous mood was eneby her last sentence. Aivle\eeltrvontso, ay you dorete for them?" he asked. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Jane was taken aback by hisised and hesitated f atsieeo)swering slowifNo- iF it'ssomeone else, then I'd have to thinkabout it." Please read the original

content at NovelDrama.Org.

Louis’ breathing hitched at her wordsand his heart skipped a beat. Heclosed his eyes briefly befor imgthema inandsard Gia, "Sincehatee Soe | can help you out. I'llfind Vivian's heart source myself andarrange for the best surgeon tooperate on her. You don't have toworry about the cost. But on onecondition." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Jane looked up at him with anticipation in her eyes."| want... you to marry me," Louis declared.Did she mishear it?

But Louis’ serious expression told her that he meant every word of what he just said; there was only room for her in his fiery blueeyes.

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