Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 750 Have More Money Than God!
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Chapter 750 Have More Money Than God!

Chapter 750 Have More Money than God!

When Jane received Louis’ call, she had just come out of the supermarket where she lost her part-time job. The position hadbeen taken by the boss's niece, and she lost an income and needed to find a new part-time job.

When her phone rang, it showed an unknown number."Hello, who is this?""Jane, it's me, Louis." A deep and sexy voice came slowly from the other end of the phone.

Jane was stunned for a moment. She didn’t think about how Louis got her number and asked back, "It's you. What can | do foryou?"

“First of all, I'm sorry. | went to your previous workplace to ask about your situation..." Louis paused and tried to say gently, "Areyou having some financial difficulties now?"

Jane looked around and walked to a relatively quiet corner. "Louis, what do you want to say?"Louis wasn't surprised that Jane was wary of him as a woman. To be honest, he was satisfied that she could talk calmly with him.

"Well... my company starts doing business here; | will also settle in this city soon, so | just bought a villa, but it's too big... Sowould you like..."

To live with me?Louis didn't finish his sentence but Jane suddenly seemed to understand something.

"I'd love to! Louis, you have found the right person! | used to work as a maid for quite some time; my skills are very proficient inthis field. Besides, my salary requirements are not high at all. Hiring me won't cause any loss!"

Jane felt like she hit jackpot unexpectedly!

Louis choked on his words when he heard what Jane said but he thought...

This was good because Jane would be more willing to accept his help.

"That's great then! As far as salary goes - how does thirty thousand dollars per month sound?""Thir... Thirty thousand?" Jane exclaimed in surprise.

"Is that too little? How about fifty thousand?"

"No, no," said Jane, steadying herself while confirming multiple times if he meant what he said or not.

Louis sighed in relief, "Jane, this salary isn't high actually. Cleaning it up would be difficult because the villa is huge. Practicallyspeaking, it's hard for strangers coming into my place often. You being willing is really great news though... Or maybe you cancome see my villa first before making a decision?"

Jane raised an eyebrow, emotionally thinking rich people were really capricious and they bought villas without much thought...

After some consideration, Jane realized that this job was a thousand times better than her previous part-time job. The pay wasmuch higher, and she would be able to quickly gather enough money for Vivian's surgery!

Thinking about this, Jane felt overflowing gratitude towards Louis. He was like a living angel of wealth! No, he would soonbecome her big boss!

"Okay, boss, I'll start working right away!" Jane's voice was filled with enthusiasm.

Louis paused and furrowed his brows. "Jane, don't call me boss..."

"Should | call you Mr. Boss?" Jane joked cheerfully.Louis chuckled. His laughter brushed over Jane's heart like feathers.Oh no... the big boss’ voice is too seductive!

Jane didn't even realize it herself - she trusted Louis completely from beginning to end... she never suspected that he woulddeceive her...

The rest of the process wentsmoothly - Jane quit her otherpart-time jobs freaking GStrips.gingeaks tebeived such high paynow, it only made sense for her towholeheartedly serve her employer!Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Louis’ villa was really huge...Looking at the luxurious three-story mansion with courtyard, fountain pool and swimming pool, Jane almost burst out in jealousy.Once again realizing how extraordinary this man truly is...novelbin

The intricately carved gate wasequipped with an advancedelectronic passyerq eabatteO'igputting tHe code and pressingconfirm button there came a "ding',then the gate slowly opened up.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

As she walked through the courtyardinto the house where floors andwinding stairs were reeetoo tiklayer of een ed cleaningiit ut thinking about fiftythousand dollars monthly salary gaveher motivation to roll up sleeves andget started right away! Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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