Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 746 Sir, Do You Know Me?
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Chapter 746 Sir, Do You Know Me?

Chapter 746 Sir, Do You Know Me?

After the man in black returned to the VIP lounge with his coffee, he still had many questions on his mind.

He quietly approached his senior colleague and whispered, "Leon, | just saw a woman who looks exactly like Jane. Mr. Caesarhas been unable to forget her... Should we bring her here for him to see?"

Leon narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice as he scolded Randy, "Don't say things like that again. If Mr. Caesar hears you,you're done for."

Randy shrunk back and didn't say another word, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that the woman from earlier looked toomuch like Jane.

Taking advantage of an opportunity to use the restroom, Randy went back to the coffee shop."Hello," said the waitress when she saw him return. She was intimidated by this big guy's sharp gaze and almost started crying."H-hello, what... what can | do for you?" the waitress stuttered out.

"Do you know where that lady who brought me my coffee earlier is? | need to ask her something," Randy tried to sound friendlierthis time.

The waitress choked up before replying hesitantly, "Please wait a moment."

She then ran back into their grinding room.

"Jane! That big guy from earlier is here again looking for you!" she exclaimed.

Jane was taken aback but wiped her hands clean before walking out of her workspace.

“Hello sir! Is there anything | can help you with?" Jane asked calmly while staring at him without blinking once.Randy muttered under his breath as he gazed at Jane, “Just as | thought... You look exactly like her!"

Jane frowned slightly but still maintained a gentle tone of voice towards him, "Sir, if there's nothing else, please don't disturb ourother customers.”

The man quickly waved his hand apologetically. "I'm sorry about that. It's just that you look exactly like someone | knowpersonally... May | ask what your name is?”

Jane raised an eyebrow and pointed at her name tag on her shirt. "My name is Jane; hopefully this isn't about any complaintsregarding my service?"

The man's eyes widened suddenly - could it be possible for someone else in this world to have both identical facial features andnames as "Jane"?

"Miss, would it be possible if you could do me a favor? Could you personally deliver another cup of coffee over to our VIPlounge?" Randy asked carefully despite feeling nervous inside.

"I'd be glad to do so!" replied Jane with a smile.

Since after all these people in VIP lounge were either wealthy or influential, maybe she could even earn herself some tips!Jane prepared another cup of coffee before following Randy over towards their VIP lounge area...

"Huh?" Standing at the entrance, Jane saw a man whose silhouette seemed oddly familiar...

It turned out to be the man who generously paid her a lot a couple of days ago!

Now that she could see him clearly without the hood blocking her sight, she had a clearer recognition of the man's features."He is really handsome!"

Especially those blue eyes could make all women swoon!

He was good-looking, and wealthy with a great personality, which gave Jane a stronger with a great personality.

Jane pursed her lips and thought to herself that the last time they met, she was wearing a costume.

To him, she was just a stranger. It was better not to think too much about it.

With a smile of readiness for business, Jane walked into the lounge without noticing how many people dropped their jaws inamazement at the sight of her.

"Sir, hello, here's your coffee." The sound of the coffee being placed on the table was somewhat crisp.

While Louis was resting with his eyes closed, he heard a voice and unconsciously frowned. "I didn't ask for coffee..."

All sound ceased when Louis opened his eyes, and he even felt like he was dreaming.

The face in front of him was sofamiliar, it was that very face that hadcaused him counties eiitestNotwart tolWake up from his dreams,and every time he thought of her, itwas a suffocating pain. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.novelbin

It was his blindness and arrogancethat killed her. He didn't reali

much he lo ved henitallie lost her. Intha pale years, he had beensuffering the self-blame and the painof losing his beloved. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

But now, she stands alive and well in front of him.

"Jane..." Louis struggled to make a sound, filled with disbelief.

Jane was taken aback and asked, "Sir, do you know me?"

Louis suddenly stood up and grabbed Jane's wrist, his voice urgent. "Are you still alive?!"

What does he mean?

Of course, she is still alive!

Jane was simply baffled, she struggled, but found that the man really had a lot of strength, she couldn't help feeling a little angry."Sir, please let go of me, otherwise | will report you for harassment!"

Louis finally realized that somethingwas wrong. The woman in front ofhim looked at him ithacstrangelaniddexeressicn, which was notthe familiar look he knew from hisJane. His Jane always centered hertrust on him and had never been socautious before. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

“Aren't you Jane? Who sent you?" Louis calmed down and wondered why this woman who looked exactly like Jane wasapproaching him.

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