Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 731 Thought They Were A Family Of Three
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Chapter 731 Thought They Were A Family Of Three

Chapter 731 Thought They Were a Family of Three

After writing down the girl's name, the officer looked up at Stefan.

“Where did you find this little girl?"

Stefan remained silent for a moment before stating the address where they had just stopped the car in a detached tone.The officer quickly made note of it and then turned to Anna with a slightly sympathetic expression.

“Anna, do you remember what your mommy and daddy's names are?"

"Uncle, | remember what my mommy and daddy look like, but I... | don't remember their names."

Anna shook her head lightly, looking confused at the policeman in front of her.

The officer sighed helplessly upon hearing this response. He continued to ask another question.

"Do you remember your home phone number?"

Once again, the little girl shook her head pitifully and said, "My mommy didn't teach me that; | don't know."Upon hearing this response from Anna, the officer sighed helplessly once more.

Another child who didn't seem to remember anything had gone missing. It seemed they could only wait for her parents to comeclaim her.

Anna heard the police officer sighing and felt her eyes start to water again.

She stubbornly refused to let any tears fall as she stared intently at him holding his pen."Uncle, will | never be able to find my mommy or daddy again?"

"How could that be?”

Seeing how pitiful Anna looked tugged on his heartstrings; he immediately reassured her, "Don't worry, Anna. | will do everythingpossible to help you find your mommy and daddy."

Upon hearing these words from him, Anna finally relaxed a bit more before politely thanking him.

"Thank you, Uncle."

"You're welcome," the officer replied softly so as not scare or upset her further with his tone of voice.

He then turned towards Stefan who was holding onto the little girl.

"The statement is complete now; You guys can leave while leaving behind this young girl here."

As soon as she heard those words from him, Anna pouted anxiously, turning around quickly grabbing onto Stefan's collar tightly."Uncle, please don't leave me here alone! Please!"

Seeing how pitifully scared she looked, Stefan felt her heart soften.

He reached out to pat Anna's back and softened his tone of voice.

"Don't worry. We won't abandon you!"

The police officer frowned slightly upon hearing this. "Are you taking this girl with you?" he asked.

"Yes," Stefan replied nonchalantly, his brow furrowed as he added, "Do we need to go through any procedures?"The officer hesitated for a moment before asking seriously, "Are you sure about taking her away?"

"Yes," Stefan answered again, looking directly at the officer and waiting for further questions.

The officer paused briefly before regaining his composure. "You'll need to provide us with the address where she'll be taken andyour phone number," he said in a formal tone after jotting down their information in his notebook.

"Sure thing." Stefan responded coolly before turning to glance at the woman sitting beside him.Martha caught his gaze and offered him a gentle smile while shaking her head slightly to indicate that she was fine.Stefan nodded silently without saying anything while the police officer had left to retrieve some paperwork from outside.

Soon enough, the officer returned with some forms which he placed in front of Stefan. "Fill these out and then leave yourfingerprints here. Once that's done, you can take the child away."

"In case we find her parents or they come looking for her later on, we'll verify their identities first before disclosing your addressso they can pick up their child," the officer explained further.

“Of course, just in case something happens along the way or if there are any concerns regarding her safety during transport orotherwise, we will contact you from time to time.”

After hearing all of this, Martha smiled warmly at him, "Thank you so much. Sorry for troubling you.""You're being so kind towards a strange kid. | should express my thanks to you."The officer looked at the couple sitting across from him with much more appreciation.

If they didn't take the little girl with them, she would have no choice but to stay temporarily within the police station, where policewere busy handling various cases throughout town, leaving little time or attention given towards this little girl.

Anna smiled and squinted her eyes, her childish voice ringing in the office.

"Uncle Policeman, you're really good!"

Stefan, who was filling out paperwork, heard this and furrowed his eyebrows slightly with some displeasure.He raised an eyebrow and said suddenly, "Why don't you stay here?"novelbin

"No," Anna shook her head immediately and grabbed Stefan's tie. "| don’t want to stay here alone."

Stefan raised his eyebrows slightly as he looked at the little girl in his arms with darkened eyes.

At this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly came to Anna's mind. She showed a big smile to Stefan."Handsome Uncle, | like you the most!"

Satisfied with what he heard, Stefan nodded and continued filling the forms.

Anna breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this scene.

Fortunately, this uncle was easy to please; otherwise she would have had to throw tantrums just to follow them out.Martha sitting next to them couldn't help but be amazed when she saw all of this happening before her eyes.She never expected that Stefan would get jealous over one sentence from a little girl.

She also didn't expect that Anna had such strong survival instincts at such a young age.

At that moment, Martha couldimagine what life would be like forStefan with his da hterdn theRtliteTyp constantly being jealous whilehis daughter coxed him dependingon how she felt about it. After all,those who were favored were alwaysmore secure. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

After filling out the form completely,Stefan carried Anna on one mwhile holdi Macinaehand as theydep the olice station together,heading towards the airport by car.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

As they left behind several policeofficers who couldn't hala but gaterundyoKiagly\Seying, "That kid isso cute." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"If we didn't know that little girl was picked up off the street, we'd think they already a family of three.”"I've never seen such a perfect match before."

"Their baby must be very cute.”

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