Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 723 Wanting A Daughter
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Chapter 723 Wanting A Daughter

Chapter 723 Wanting a Daughter

At this moment, Martha had no idea what Stefan was thinking and asked in confusion, "Why buy grapes? | clearly prefer apples."Stefan reached out and rubbed her head, whispering softly, "Be good and eat more grapes."

"What did Bianca tell you?"

Martha clearly felt that something was wrong and couldn't help but ask again.

The man lowered his head and saw the shining light in his wife's eyes at a glance. He couldn't resist it after all and revealed thereason.

"Bianca asked me to supervise you eating grapes more. Eating more grapes will make our daughter's eyes bigger."Upon hearing this, Martha suddenly felt that this sounded familiar.

Soon she realized that when she was pregnant with her son Jimmy, Melissa had said something similar to her.Melissa said, "Martha, eat more grapes. If it's a baby girl, she can have bright big eyes. Girls with big eyes are cuter."

Then she really ate a lot of grapes but gave birth to a son instead, which disappointed Melissa. But fortunately, Jimmy wasn'tugly so Melissa quickly immersed herself in happiness.

After coming back to reality from her thoughts, Martha smiled playfully at Stefan.

"If it turns out to be a boy, then we've eaten all these grapes for nothing?"

Stefan's face darkened as he pursed his lips before firmly refuting her statement, "No way. It must be a baby girl"He had one son already, so he was more eager to have a daughter.

But what if it was a boy?

Thinking of this, he glared at Martha's belly with a somewhat gloomy expression.

If they were unlucky enough to have another boy, then he wouldn't mind sending him away somewhere else!

Seeing Stefan like this made Martha worry about their baby even more. What if they do have another boy? Would Stefan dislikehim before he was even born...?

Then she suddenly remembered that she needed to stay hospitalized for observation, which made her pout pitifully."When can | leave the hospital?"

"I'll take you home once your pregnancy is stable," replied Stefan calmly while taking an apple from the bedside table andclumsily peeling it off.

Martha had an uneasy feeling inside of herself, but didn't know the reason.Somehow she felt like she would be stuck in the hospital for ten days or maybe even half a month!

She helplessly lay down on the bed while reaching over for her phone nearby, searching about today's news regarding nationalpainting competition finals.

Soon, she found the video of herself fainting on stage.

Surprisingly, the comments were completely one-sided, all expressing sympathy for her and saying that she worked too hard andneeded more rest. There was not a single negative comment about her at all.

There was a small group of fans who even claimed that they went to the scene today, but their minds were not clear enough toact quickly and take her to the hospital. They regretted not being able to have close contact with their goddess.

In this comment section, there were still many fans who were echoing.

When Martha saw them, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

These fans were really interesting.

Stefan who was currently in a battle with the apple heard her laughter and turned his head abruptly.

"If you meet anything happy, tell me about it.”

“Nothing.” Martha responded briefly and continued scrolling through her phone.

After Stefan finished peeling the apple, she naturally took it and lowered her head to start nibbling on it.

At this time, Martha just saw an interesting comment: "I wish | can possess the body of that man, stand up and save my goddessSunnay. Maybe when Sunnay wakes up, she will give me a painting.

Her lips curled up into a radiant smile.

In excitement, she couldn't help but reach out and tug on Stefan's hand. "Look at this comment. It's so interesting."Stefan cast a curious glance at Martha's phone.

After reading the comments, his eyes darkened and he exuded a cold aura.

It's never someone else's turn to save his wife!

When Martha sensed that something was wrong, her body trembled and she nervously looked up at the man.

She clearly saw Stefan's face darken, and only then did she realize what a stupid thing she had just done.

She licked her red lips with guilt, and tugged at Stefan's hem of skirt in an ingratiating manner. "Honey, don't make a fuss over it.”There was no need to get angry over just one comment, right?

Stefan immediately understood Martha's meaning in her words.

As soon as he thought of someone else coveting his wife, he wished to hide her away and never let her go out again.With this thought in his mind, Stefan bent slightly, kissed her red lips passionately.

Martha's eyes widened in shock, and her hand instinctively rested on the man's shoulder.

She wanted to resist, but her consciousness had faded away.

When Martha was confused by the kiss, she unconsciously made a delicate sound.

When Stefan heard this, the lust in his eyes suddenly increased, and he leaned forward, wanting to make the next move.At this moment, there came a knock on the door accompanied by the sweet voice of a nurse, saying, "Round check."Martha suddenly came to her senses, blushing and whispering, "Someone's here."

The man's throat rolled up and down and he only felt desires overcame him when he heard his wife's sweet and soft voice.The next second, the door of the ward was pushed open by a nurse.

As soon as the nurse walked in, she was slightly stunned by what she saw.

She lowered her head and glanced at the medical record in her hand, then asked softly, "Martha?"

"Yes, | am Martha."

Asuspicious blush appeared on Martha's cheeks, and she felt very guilty.

If they were at home, it wouldn't matter how intimate they were. But now, they were caught in the hospital.

Although they were a married couple, they still felt a little guilty when the nurse caught them like this.

The nurse walked shyly into the wardand remained silent for a whilebefore speaking in a,prqtessiohallrpayyneritMartha, you are about twomonths pregnant and your bloodsugar is low. You need to rest moreand observe yourself closely in thenear future." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

“Okay, thank you, Miss."

Martha looked at the nurse with an unnatural tone of voice.

After the nurse finished speaking, she turned around and quickly left the ward.

After the ward door was closed, the nurse stood outside and breathed a sigh of relief."Phew, fortunately, I'm glad | didn't run into anything more embarrassing."

The nurse blushed at the scene shehad just witnessed upon openidoor. After takings iéep breath, sheHell datd the patient's chart and

turned to walk towards the nextward. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

In the hospital room, after the nurse left, Martha glared at Stefan."It's all your fault!"

Stefan blinked his eyes confusedly in the face of his wife's accusations, "I kissed my wife, and | didn't cheat. What's wrong withit?"

Somehow, she felt what Stefan said was plausible.

Stefan saw the rare look of confusionon the woman's face, and a hi

different olors flastiéa i his eyes.orate his wife with a teasingexpression in his eyes. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"It's said that being pregnant makes one foolish. It seems like my wife is really going to be silly for a while.”However, being silly like this made her quite adorable.

Stefan smiled and gently rubbed his wife's head, saying in a low voice, "Honey, you are so adorable."Martha was slightly taken aback, and a blush slowly appeared on her cheeks.

Stefan smiled faintly before he put on a serious expression and gently comforted her, "Alright. Seriously, if you seduce me again,| won't be able to resist it.”

"Who seduced you?"

Martha muttered under her breath and instinctively distanced herself from Stefan.

Although she had no intention of seducing Stefan, she was still afraid of getting too close to this man and getting "punished".After moving to a safe distance, she picked up her phone again and scrolled through the comments she had just read.Before she could take a closer look, the man snatched her phone away.

Martha furrowed her brows and looked at Stefan with displeasure, "What are you doing?"

"Don't laugh so happily because of other men, or | can't help but punish you."novelbin

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