Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 718 My Amazing Wife
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Chapter 718 My Amazing Wife

Chapter 718 My Amazing Wife

And Martha had seen Stefan in the crowd when she just got on stage. Now, even though her attention was focused on herpainting, she could still feel his loving gaze upon her, just like when they went on their honeymoon together.

When they went on their honeymoon together, she would come back and paint with Jimmy at night while Stefan finished up hiswork and poured himself a glass of red wine while watching her.

At first, Martha was puzzled as to why Stefan kept staring at her. When she turned around, she had even caught him looking ather with affectionate eyes.

Later on, when Jimmy wasn't around, Martha asked Stefan curiously why he kept staring at her all the time.

The man's lips curled up into a smile as he answered playfully, "Wherever you are is my home. Am | committing a crime bylooking at my own wife?"

Martha rolled her eyes and didn't say anything else about it. But slowly but surely, she grew accustomed to it.She got used to painting while he watched from nearby with that same look in his eyes as now.

The painters participating in the competition quickly immersed themselves in their paintings onstage while those watching belowwere also gradually drawn into each stroke of their brushes.

Time slipped away unnoticed as everyone became engrossed in what they were doing for three hours until one by one eachpainter stopped using their brush and admired what they had created so far with satisfaction.

The host standing offstage looked down at his watch after seeing several painters put down their brushes before announcingcheerfully, "Some of our painters have completed their works and can take a break over there where we have some.refreshments waiting for them. For those who haven't finished yet, don't worry. We still have plenty of time."

As soon as he spoke these words, some artists who weren't mentally prepared enough began getting anxious, which causedthem to become unsteady with holding onto their paintbrushes.

On the other hand, though Martha's gaze remained fixed solely upon what was being painted throughout this entire eventfulexperience, if anyone stood before Martha right now, that person would definitely see Martha always wearing a faint smile whilepainting.

Another hour passed by quickly, until finally it came time for this competition to draw its curtains closed.

As Martha stepped off the stage, her gaze landed precisely on Stefan sitting in the front row. Her eyebrows lifted and a confidentexpression spread across her pretty face.

Seeing her like this, Stefan knew without a doubt that she would be the champion this time around.

The artists orderly left the center of the stage and slowly made their way to chairs on the side to drink water and replenish theirenergy. The host then took over.

With a signature smile on his face, he addressed the audience with high spirits. "Ladies and gentlemen of our esteemed panel ofjudges and those who have come to watch, after four hours of hard work, our finalists have all completed their paintings aboutsnow. Now we come to an exciting moment!"

"Firstly, let us appreciate each artist's work one by one. Judges and audience members alike, please look at our big screen."As soon as he finished speaking, a huge curtain fell from above, revealing number one artist's painting projected onto it.Soon enough all the paintings from each finalist were projected onto that large screen for everyone to see.

After projecting the last painting up there for everyone's viewing pleasure, finally came another moment where many whitesnowflakes formed together into a giant word ‘SNOW’ was displayed on that same screen!

At this very moment, a hostess walked onto stage, wearing a long white dress while walking slowly but gracefully.

Then came her delicate voice through microphone echoing throughout entire venue. "Next up is our judges who will score eachpainter's artwork."

“Next up we have Edward," she announced after finishing speaking.

As soon as she finished speaking, there was an eruption of enthusiastic applause from those present in attendance; The painterEdward made his way slowly up onto stage.

Taking hold of the microphone handed over by the hostess himself, Edward bowed respectfully towards both judges panel andaudience before introducing himself. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Edward. | am the contestant with my paintingtitled Snowy Path - please evaluate my artwork."

With these words spoken aloud by him; projector behind him began displaying his entry piece upon large canvas hanging abovethe stage.

Edward's art matched its name perfectly — it depicted winding mountain path during heavy snowfall season.

The trees, rooftops, and land were all covered in white snow, as if the entire world was blanketed in a snowy wonderland.However, amidst this sea of white, there was one path that remained untouched by the snow. The path was muddy and winding,leading off into some unknown direction.

After a few moments of silence from the judges, the hostess broke the quiet with a smile. "Mr. Clarke," she said turning to one ofthem. "What do you think about Edward's painting?"

Mr. Clarke snapped out of his thoughts and picked up his microphone to give his evaluation. "The painting has deep meaningand good attention to detail but still lacks something essential for it to be truly great. I'll give it 80 scores." He then turned towardsMr. Hebert sitting next to him. "What do you think of it, Mr. Hebert?"

Mr. Clarke came back to his senses, picked up the microphone and remarked on it, "It's true that it's not quite great."

Mr. Hebert paused and continued, "Snowy Path, it's a good name. The artist's idea is also very good, and the details are handledproperly."

"| personally feel that it lacks a bit of tender feelings and warmth. If you add a few more strokes in the chimney on the roof, it willgive me that kind of feelings. | give it 75 scores."

“Thank you, Mr. Hebert."

When Edward heard this comment, his eyes lit up and he bowed respectfully toward the judges.

When he was painting, he always felt that something was missing somewhere, but he couldn't figure it out.

Mr. Hebert pointed it out, which enlightened him.novelbin

Martha's lips pursed slightly with admiration for their sharp eyesight as judges on national level competitions.

Martha listened intently as other four judges gave their remarks and scores that were recorded by the staff members.Soon, it was number twelve's turn.

The hostess smiled and said, "Thank you to all the judges for your comments on 11 contestants. Now, let's welcome contestantnumber twelve, painter Sunnay."

Martha heard this and calmly walked onto the stage from backstage. She stood in the middle of the stage with composure andtook the microphone handed to her by the hostess. She looked politely at a certain audience member sitting in the front row.

Stefan felt his wife's gaze and his lips curled up slightly. His eyes were full of doting affection for Martha.

Martha quickly glanced at Stefan before returning to her composed state. She said with humility, "Hello everyone, judges andaudience members alike. | am painter Sunnay, contestant number twelve. My painting is called Warmth."

The canvas revealed Martha's painting depicting Jimmy playing in the snow during winter time - his cheeks red from cold butsmiling brightly with happiness shining through his big eyes.

In front of him was a man's back figure that exuded an air of nobility despite being only seen from behind.

When the judges saw this painting, they were momentarily stunned, but then began examining it more closely and noticing manydetails such as white snow sticking on Jimmy's head or tiny rocks under the man's feet.

After a while, Mr. Hebert took over the microphone, excitedly saying, "Wonderful! The details are handled so well." He turnedtowards Martha on stage, trying hard to show an affectionate smile. "Miss Sunnay, do you have any mentor?"

“l|_am self-taught," replied Martha calmly as she looked at Mr. Hebert who was eagerly seeking talented artists amongcontestants.

Three years ago, she had become famous globally due to her paintings being exhibited worldwide. If she was not great inpainting, how could her fans spend so much buying her paintings?

Mr. Hebert could tell that Martha was indeed a genius artist who possessed great talent in painting, which made him even moreexcited.

At that moment, Mr. Clarke, sitting next to him suddenly reached out gently to pull Mr. Hebert's sleeve while whispering softly,"Hebert, calm down."

Mr. Clarke's voice was very small, so he was not heard by anyone else.After hearing this, Mr. Hebert took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.After calming down, he suddenly felt ashamed of himself.

He had worked hard for his life to learn painting techniques and only after he was fortunate enough to be guided by a famousteacher did he achieve his current success.

But the woman standing on stage was young and had no famous teacher guiding her. She taught herself and still had such greatpainting skills.

How could he be in the position to judge her painting?After calming down, Mr. Hebert couldn't help but show a bitter smile on his lips as he looked at Martha with complex feelings.

Martha frowned slightly when she saw Mr. Hebert’ strong reaction and asked in confusion, "Mr. Hebert, may | ask if there isanything wrong with my painting?"

She modestly looked at the judges with a puzzled expression on her pretty face.

Because of Mr. Hebert's reaction just now, fans who were full of expectations for Sunnay also became nervous and all lookedtowards Mr. Hebert.

They thought Sunnay painted very well without noticing anything wrong with it.

But why did Mr. Hebert have such a reaction?

Just as everyone was wondering, Mr. Hebert's deep voice echoed through the microphone, "There is nothing wrong with yourpainting."

"On the contrary, | think you paintedvery well, with moderate stro @s thathandled detailg nested ou are

thud) Git ed. | give you 99 scores, andhope you continue to work hard for

that last point." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

“Thank you, Mr. Hebert."Martha smiled brightly while remaining humble throughout their conversation.The audience below breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing this scene unfold before them.

They thought Sunnay must havemade some huge mistake in her mMartwork which quse@siieh Sn?iqrenda reaction from Mr. Hebert.Now it seemed that he was simplyexcited because Sunnay's paintingwas too good! Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Fans naturally hoped for Sunnay's success since she had always been their favorite artist who rose to fame years ago but wasnow making another comeback!

Mr. Hebert was increasingly pleased with Martha's humble and composed attitude. However, he knew that they were not capableof providing her with more in-depth guidance to improve her painting skills.

He hoped that Martha would continue to paint because there weren't many talented artists in the industry, and he wanted CCountry's paintings to be promoted by someone like her.

After coming back to his senses, Mr. Hebert looked at Mr. Clarke next to him with deep emotion.

Their eyes met and they both saw admiration and frustration in each other's eyes.

They admired Martha's talent but were frustrated that they didn't have the ability to take on such an apprentice themselves.For those who are gifted, as long as they persist on this path, becoming famous is just a matter of time.

Mr. Clarke regained his composureand looked lovingly at Martha onstage before slowly speaking: O'")" nnay, Your baftting is veryinfectious; you've managed tocapture the joy of the kid in yourpainting, which has shocked me."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"You've brought snow truly alive through your art.”

"Thank you for your praise, Mr. Clarke," replied Martha humbly without any hint of pride or arrogance.

Mr. Clarke nodded approvingly upon seeing this behavior from her.

"| give you 100 scores for this painting; | hope you can create even better works with greater emotional impact in the future."

"Thank you for encouraging me, Mr. Clarke; | will continue working hard," said Martha as she raised an eyebrow while showing aperfect smile.

The audience sitting below couldn't help but cheer loudly after hearing these words from their idol who had received high scoresfrom two famous judges consecutively!

They cheered for Sunnay while also cheering for her exceptional artwork.

The other judges also gave high scores one by one when commenting on Martha's artwork.

Martha humbly expressed thanks to all the judges before stepping down from stage and looking towards Stefan!

It seemed like winning the first place at this competition was already within reach!

Stefan sitting in the front row saw his wife's brilliant smile and couldn't help but show a shallow grin - His wife is amazing!

His handsome face was filled with a mixture of joy and pride. He was proud to have such an amazing wife by his side.

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