Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 714 We Need To Have A Daughter
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Chapter 714 We Need To Have A Daughter

Chapter 714 We Need to Have a Daughter

Martha shyly avoided the man's gaze and awkwardly retorted.

“What are you talking about..."

"| mean it.”

Stefan held the woman's slender shoulders, forcing her to face him.

"Jimmy wants a younger sister, and we are lacking a daughter, so | think we should prioritize having a daughter on our agenda."Before Martha could speak, Stefan lowered his head and blocked her lips, taking the opportunity to bite her lower lip.

Martha couldn't help but gasp. As soon as she came to her senses, she immediately pushed the man in front of her and saidintermittently, "No... no, | can't..."

But Stefan didn't even give her a chance to finish speaking, he just arrogantly took what he wanted.Not long after, Martha surrendered under the man’s fierce attack.

Since that night, Martha had returned to her old life: go to work and get back home. The only thing that remains unchanged is theintimacy between her and Stefan at night.

She was not currently managing the Doyle Group anymore, instead she occasionally went to the studio where she collaboratedwith Rhys.

The paintings she created were loved by everyone in the entire studio, and they all begged her to create more so they couldfeast their eyes on them.

Later on, gradually, her time spent in the studio turned into time for painting.She was painting beautiful clouds, misty streets in the rain, and lovely smiling faces over at the studio.Of course, what the studio staff liked most was still that group picture at work.

The work picture showed each of them busy and was drawn by Martha in her spare time. However, it was observed by everyonein the studio and after unanimous agreement, it was hung on the wall.

When Rhys came over, he didn't see himself and said a few indifferent words to Martha because of it.Finally, Martha also painted Rhys, who looked at her with a resentful gaze.

Upon seeing this, the bitterness in Rhys’ dark eyes towards Martha dissipated somewhat.

In addition to her daily routine, Martha went back home that belonged to her and Stefan.

Martha had previously discussed with Stefan whether or not to move back over there, but after further discussion between them,they ultimately decided to stay living at the Doyle Manor.

Jimmy is a happy-go-lucky guy who can bring a lot of joy to those around him. As for the golden retriever that Jimmy takes careof, it slowly grows up day by day.

Time passes quickly, and two months have passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Martha went to her studio as usual,preparing to paint a portrait of the golden retriever as a birthday gift for Jimmy.

But little did she know that as soon as she arrived at the studio, Rhys' assistant came over with a package in hand."Martha, this is your delivery," said the assistant cheerfully.

As one of Martha's fans who was in awe of her talent and beauty after getting acquainted with her, he had even started callingher "Martha."

He often ran errands here because his idol was here. Of course, he didn't miss anything related to the Williams Group since itwas also part of his job responsibilities.

When Martha saw the package, she hesitated for a moment and asked, "My delivery?"

"Yes," replied the assistant with a smile. His eyes lit up at the sight of Martha; after all, Martha was not only beautiful but alsograceful like an angel walking out from one of her paintings.

Martha accepted the package while still looking puzzled and thanked him, "Thank you."

"It's my pleasure," replied the assistant bashfully when he heard Martha thanking him. He blushed slightly and scratched hishead nervously.

Martha gave him an appreciative look before heading towards her office while opening up the package along on way there.Inside was a large card that caught her attention immediately upon opening it:

“National Painting Competition" - three words stood out prominently in its center followed by: "Sunnay, congratulations! You havesuccessfully entered into finals competition for National Painting Competition! Please arrive at Ulmore Gallery on June 30thpromptly to participate!"

Martha blinked several times; she didn't remember when or if she had signed up for such competition herself? Moreover,whoever submitted artwork on behalf must be someone close enough like Rhys, since he just recently acquired some piecesfrom her.

With these thoughts running through her mind, she took out her phone, dialing Rhys' number right away.Soon enough, a man's charming voice came through from the other end. "Why did you suddenly call me today?"

Martha flipped over notification letter in hand nonchalantly before asking, "Did you sign me up for National PaintingCompetition?"

On the other end of the phone, Rhys listened to Martha's confident voice with a hint of confusion, but couldn't help but smile ather certainty.

"It's me," he replied.

"Why did you sign up for the competition?" Martha asked absentmindedly, already having an idea as to why Rhys had signed herup.

He probably wanted to use the national painting competition championship title as a way to promote their studio and make aname for themselves. After all, who would refuse free publicity?

Sure enough, Rhys chuckled and said, "As a businessman, | wouldn't miss any opportunity for free promotion."Martha placed the notification letter on her desk and rubbed her forehead in frustration. "Okay, I'll participate in time."

She was now part of the studio and should have some professional attitude towards it. She needed to work hard for its futureprospects.

Thinking about this made Martha wonder what kind of theme they would be given during the finals when she got there.

On the other end of the phone line, Rhys heard this and his fingers curved slightly on his desk before tapping lightly on it. "Doyou need me to go with you?"

"No need. | can go by myself," Martha replied calmly as she picked up a brush from beside her and dipped it into water.Rhys' eyes darkened slightly at this response before returning back to normal. "I'm afraid Stefan won't let you go alone."

“Well, then I'll just go with him," Martha sighed, knowing that Stefan wouldn't let her travel alone all that way out to Ulmore Citywhere they were holding the competition finals.

Last time they went on their honeymoon for two months or so; after returning home, Stefan worked nearly another month justcatching up with work piled high while they were gone!

If she went alone again this time around, it would surely take even longer than last time!After snapping back into reality, she chatted briefly about some more studio matters with Rhys before hanging up.June 30th was coming soon - at month-end.

Jimmy's birthday was next month, which meant that, after participating in this competition, she could come back home and refineher artwork further.

Martha began to arrange the tools she needed and then placed a new piece of paper on her easel. She closed her eyes slightly,and the scene of Jimmy playing with the little golden retriever last night suddenly appeared in her mind.

Jimmy was always happy when playing with the golden retriever. As an intelligent breed, the retriever learned quickly and couldalready do basic actions like shaking hands and fetching balls. Jimmy had also become more active, spending more time playingwith his furry friend every day.

Martha supported this change as Jimmy was still young and should be lively. When Martha opened her eyes again, she had arough idea for the painting's composition in mind.

With this idea in place, she began to paint smoothly. By noon, she had completed a preliminary framework for her painting.

That evening, Martha went to pick up Jimmy from school before they both made a trip to the supermarket together. When theyreturned home, Bianca was preparing ingredients for dinner in the kitchen.

Martha walked into the kitchen carrying their purchases and said cheerfully, "Bianca! I'm back!"In response came a childish voice from outside, "Granny Bianca! Jimmy is back!""Okay," Bianca replied before turning back towards Martha. "So what would you like to eat tonight?”

Martha blinked at first, but then looked mischievously at Bianca before answering hesitantly, "Everything you make is sodelicious that | don't know how to choose."

Bianca chuckled at this response while affectionately patting Martha's head, saying, "You're such a sweet child. No wonderJimmy is also very sweet."

Martha smiled even wider after hearing that comment while feeling grateful for having such wonderful people around her.Jimmy was well-behaved as usual; he told Bianca about his return first before putting down his backpack and going off to playwith his furry friend again.

After dinner, Jimmy would sit byhimself writing homework while mMMaxwell watc c-pews|on WS? read

bopkerearBy, meanwhile, Biancaworked on some handicrafts projectsuntil it was time for bed. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

As for Stefan, he spent most of hisnn in the study dealing Gy mMbusiness mattergQaeasion MewWouiceeorhe'down to make a cup ofcoffee and watch the news withMaxwell, discussing recent industrytrends. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Martha usually curled up on the couch at night reading a book. Whenever she put her book down and saw this scene, she feltwarm inside. This was the home she wanted - a warm one.

That evening, they all had a pleasant dinner together. When it was almost time to rest, everyone said goodnight and went backto their rooms to rest.

As soon as Martha returned to her room, she started packing luggage when Stefan walked in through the door.Seeing Martha busy folding clothes, Stefan raised an eyebrow and asked curiously, "Are you packing your luggage?""Yeah," Martha replied while continuing to sort out her clothes. "I'm going to Ulmore at the end of this month."

Upon hearing this news, Stefan frowned.

He took two steps forward and spoke in a low voice, "What are you doing in Ulmore?"

"To improve our studio's reputation,"Martha explained while still sortingout her clothes. "R ys-submitiéa hh)peintiog farhatibria paintingcompetition. | received notificationletter that | needed to participate inthe finals at the end of this month."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.novelbin

Stefan listened intently as Martha explained everything; his eyes gradually darkened.

So was Martha going alone? He didn't object if she pursued her own career but he objected if he was left behind here.Thinking about it made him ask softly, "So you plan on going alone?"

"What else can | do?" Martha replied immediately without giving it much thought.

The temperature inside their room suddenly dropped after Stefan heard those words.

After pausing briefly with surprise written all over her face, she smiled lightly then stepped forward towards Stefan, hooking herarms around his neck.

"Of course, if you have free time, I'd love to have you accompany me!"These words made Stefan feel better instantly."Pack my clothes too."

"Sure thing," replied Martha happily before planting a kiss on Stefan's cheek and then turning around again to continue packingup things.

As soon as Stefan approached closer, he could see that his own clothing were neatly folded next to hers!He raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Martha with a meaningful gaze.

Martha smiled and blinked her big eyes, full of cunning.

"You're my husband, so wherever | go, you'll go."

Stefan's mouth lifted slightly as he looked deeper into Martha's eyes.

Martha had packed their clothes. Everything that just happened was just an act she put on for him.

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