Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 697 The Beginning Of A Living Hell
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Chapter 697 The Beginning Of A Living Hell

Chapter 697 The Beginning of a Living Hell

The curtains had been drawn.

The four men in black approached Helen with solemn expressions, moving like robots. She watched

them with obvious panic in her eyes.

Turning to Martha, she angrily questioned, "Martha, didn't you say that you wouldn't do anything else tonovelbin

me after you hit me?"

"What... what's going on now? How could you go back on your word?"

Seeing Helen's confusion and distress, Martha calmly said, "I didn't bring these people here."

Helen was shocked and turned towards Stefan sitting next to Martha.

Wasn't it Martha who brought them here? As soon as this thought crossed her mind, Stefan's cold

voice came out of his lips, making everyone in the room feel as if they were trapped in an ice cave.

"I brought these people here. You hurt my son and I will make sure you pay a heavy price."

"Stefan... I didn't mean it," Helen backed away fearfully while looking at him with pleading eyes, hoping

he would take pity on her.

But Stefan's gaze did not linger on her for even a moment. Instead, he looked lovingly at Martha beside

him, saying,"Martha, let's leave first."

Martha nodded calmly and got up, walking towards the door. Stefan glanced coldly at the four men

dressed in black suits, indicating that they should wait until he and his wife left before taking any action.

The four men nodded slightly, then slowly turned around, and approached Helen step by step, causing

her legs to become so weak that she leaned against the door frame, trying not to fall down.

At this moment, she truly felt their oppression, which made her panic even more. She looked towards

where Martha and Stefan had left, shouting frantically, "Martha! Come back! Please come back!"

But neither of them stopped or even turned around when hearing her cries for help.

After leaving the suite, Stefan pulled Martha into another suite next door.

As soon as they entered it, Stefan reached out and gently pulled Martha into his arms. "It's okay. Don't

worry. Jimmy will be back to his lively self in three months."

Martha nodded lightly, still holding onto her husband's coat tightly.

Leaning against him and smelling his familiar scent, she couldn't hold back her emotions any longer.

The self-blame that had been suppressed in her heart began to amplify infinitely.

After waiting for a while without hearing Martha's answer, Stefan immediately sensed that something

was wrong with her and loosened his embrace on her.

When he saw Martha's slightly red and wet eye, he tenderly wiped away the tears from her face with

his hand and whispered softly, "It's okay now."

Upon hearing Stefan's comforting voice again, Martha broke down emotionally once more.

"It's all my fault. I didn't protect Jimmy well enough," she said through sobs.

"I said I would take good care of Jimmy, but I left a bad woman around him," she continued blaming

herself further.

"If it weren't for me, Jimmy wouldn't have broken his leg."

Stefan listened to Martha repeatedly blaming herself with a pained expression in his eyes.

After consoling her for a long time, Martha was still sobbing. He finally lowered himself towards her

face and kissed away each tear drop from her eyes until they were gone completely.

Feeling Stefan's warm lips on her face made Martha freeze up momentarily.

Once Martha regained composure, she blushed slightly before pushing him away gently with one hand.

Stefan released Martha, then looked at her lovingly and said, "What is done cannot be undone; we

cannot change it anymore, so we must learn to accept what has happened."

"This incident should serve as a warning for you to be careful of those people who have ulterior

motives," he added sternly, "Do you understand?"

He pointed lightly at Martha's nose tip playfully, which made both of them burst into laughter.

Then an incoming phone call interrupted their intimate moment together.

As soon as he answered the phone call, a respectful voice spoke out from within it, "Mr Harrison, how

do you want us to handle this woman now?"

"Take her to Moriya. He knows how to handle her."

After saying this, Stefan hung up the phone in a casual manner.

Martha pursed her lips and asked in a calm tone, "When are we going to the hospital?"

She had missed Jimmy shortly after they broke up.

Stefan reached out and gently rubbed his wife's hair, his deep voice rang out, "Wait a little longer.

When things are done over there. We'll go over and pack a few clothes before we go to the hospital."

"Okay," Martha softly responded and thought to herself that she would accompany Jimmy well during

the next few days of staying in the hospital.

At dusk, she suddenly thought of something and reached out to grab Stefan's arm.

"Stefan, about the paintings in the room, please have someone deliver them to the hospital."

Jimmy just had a fracture, but his hand could still move.

Moreover, drawing can divert his attention and prevent him from constantly thinking about the fracture.

In the past few days, they had visited many places and Melissa had taken many photos, which should

be enough for Jimmy to paint.

Stefan thought the same as Martha.

He reached out to pinch her cheek gently, his lips curled slightly and his gaze towards her was


"Okay, I got it."

In the next-door suite, Helen had become numb to pain after both of her legs were broken by the four

black-clad men.

She collapsed on the ground with cold sweat all over her forehead, gasping for breath.

At this moment, she deeply regretted laying hands on Jimmy.

If she hadn't messed with that child, she wouldn't have ended up in this situation now.

But what she lamented more was the failure of seducing Stefan.

If she could have more time spent with him, she believed she could win Stefan over with her figure and

good looks.

Unfortunately, there would never be another chance for her to try again..

Helen lay on the ground, listening to the black-clad man making a phone call to ask how to handle her.

She thought to herself that at most she would be sold once more, and it wasn't a big deal.

But she couldn't have imagined that her living hell had just begun from now on.

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