Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 693 Jimmy Was Pushed
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Chapter 693 Jimmy Was Pushed

Chapter 693 Jimmy Was Pushed

In the hospital room, Stefan waited for Martha to calm down before speaking. "When I followed the

nurse out earlier, she tried to hit on me," he said.

"Thank goodness I have self-control and left the room quickly."

Martha understood why Stefan had looked so gloomy when he first came back into the room. She

looked at him with a hint of admiration in her eyes. "Mr. Harrison, you're quite charming; everyone

seems to want you."

Stefan raised an eyebrow and wrapped his arm around Martha's waist, leaning in close to her ear. His

voice was low and seductive as he spoke through his lips, "But I only want you."

Feeling his warm breath on her face made Martha blush slightly. "Stop it," she said as she pushed him


As she turned her head away from Stefan, she saw their son lying on the bed staring at them with big


"Mommy!" Jimmy exclaimed with a mischievous grin on his face.

Martha paused for a moment before blushing even more at being caught by their son while flirting with


"Jimmy... when did you wake up?"

"Just now," Jimmy replied happily as he felt overwhelmed by love from both of his parents who were

always there for him no matter what happened.

Martha glared at Stefan who had caused this awkward situation but then quickly shifted her attention

back to Jimmy's condition.

"How are you feeling? Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt yet," Jimmy replied confidently, knowing that anesthesia was still working on him so he

couldn't feel any pain yet.

Martha gently touched Jimmy's head and comforted him. "The anesthesia hasn't worn off yet; your leg

will start hurting soon."

"Don't worry, Mommy. I'm not afraid of pain," Jimmy reassured her with a smile full of happiness!

Then he put on a serious expression and thought to himself, "I must protect my mommy well!"

Martha touched Jimmy's messy hair with pity. "Jimmy, you need to rest well even if you don't want to

feel pain. The doctor said that you need at least three months of recovery for this condition."

Jimmy pouted when he heard this.

When he fell, he felt his leg hit the rockery wall and it hurt. At that moment, he knew that his leg would

be injured but didn't expect it would take so long to recover.

He thought, "Doesn't that mean that I can't go with Mommy and Daddy to Z country?"

He nervously looked at his mommy and asked tentatively, "Does this mean I can't go with you to Z


"You can go to Z country but only when your feet is almost healed," Martha said smilingly as she looked

at her son lovingly.

Last time Louis came for the wedding, he told many stories about Z country which made Jimmy really

want to visit there. If Martha told him now that they couldn't go, she was afraid her son would be upset.

As expected, after Jimmy heard Martha's answer, his eyes lit up. "Mommy, you must keep your


"Yes, I will," Martha replied smilingly as she got up and poured a glass of water for her son. "Do you

want some water?"

"Yes please," Jimmy took the glass from his mommy and drank it all in one breath before handing it

back over.

Martha was about to ask if Jimmy was hungry when she saw him suddenly frown deeply.

She furrowed her brows, nervously looking towards him.

"What's wrong? Is your leg hurting?"

Jimmy shook his head, turned serious looking towards Stefan who had noticed something wasn't right.novelbin

Martha saw them staring at each other; Stefan had a grave expression on his face while Jimmy also

looked serious.

"Is there something I should not know about?"

"It wasn't me who fell down this time," said Jimmy, turning towards Martha.

Upon hearing those words, Martha was taken aback.

Did Jimmy not accidentally fall down himself?

Did someone push him?

A figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

Jimmy clearly saw his mommy's face change, and then looked at him with a serious expression.

He nodded and said in a deep voice, "Mommy, you guessed right. Helen pulled my foot, so I couldn't

hold on and fell."

Martha froze from head to toe as countless fears spread from the depths of her heart.

She never thought she had kept a "snake" by her side.

If... if she had reacted just a little slower at that time, Jimmy might have suffered more.

Thinking of this, Martha felt scared and trembled slightly.

Stefan quickly stepped forward and hugged Martha tightly. "Martha, calm down. Jimmy is fine now. You

should think about how to deal with that woman."

Martha turned her head blankly to look at Stefan and bit her lower lip.

The pain from the lip made her regain consciousness in an instant.

She grabbed Stefan's big hand firmly with one hand and replied firmly, "If she dares to mess with

Jimmy again, I won't let her off."

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