Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 691 This Woman Is So Artificial!
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Chapter 691 This Woman Is So Artificial!

Chapter 691 This Woman is So Artificial!

Upon seeing this, Melissa furrowed her brows and couldn't help but speak up. "Let me do it."

"Melissa, your hands are stained with blood. Let me handle it," Helen said with a soft smile.

Melissa couldn't help but feel annoyed at Helen's fake demeanor. She glanced down at the blood on

her hands and stood up in anger before walking towards the bathroom. "I'll go wash my hands."

She wanted to clean her hands and stay by Jimmy's side to prevent any danger from approaching.

Martha glanced at Melissa as she left and then turned back to her son lying on the bed, worried that he

would wake up without her noticing.

Helen stood by the bedside, using a cotton swab to moisten Jimmy's lips before quickly putting down

what she was holding. She looked down at his tightly closed eyes and felt an inexplicable sense of


She had to get Martha's room key card before Jimmy woke up, so that she could have a chance to stay

with Stefan when he went back alone.

As Melissa came out of the bathroom, there was a knock on the door, followed by a nurse walking in

and saying, "The patient's family member needs to come with me."

Stefan looked over at Martha as he saw her stand up nervously. "What happened? Is there something

wrong with my child's health check results?"

The nurse turned around and looked at Martha; seeing how anxious Martha was made her soften her

tone, "The child is very healthy. We just need you for some paperwork."

Martha breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this news.

Stefan walked forward and gently patted Martha's shoulder. "You rest here; I'll go take care of it." After

speaking these words, he turned around and walked out of hospital room

Melissa furrowed her brows as she watched Stefan leave.

Fearing that nurse would ask for trouble at this time, Melissa spoke up, "Eden, why don't you follow


Upon meeting Melissa's gaze, Eden immediately understood what she meant, "Okay, I'll go take care of

it; wait here for our message."

"Mm-hmm." Melissa responded lightly before turning around and taking position next to Martha.

Once they heard the hospital room door close, Helen turned around once more, moistening Jimmy's


Not long after, Helen turned to look at Martha who had a similarly pale complexion as Jimmy's.

"Martha, both you and Stefan got injured today. It may not be convenient for you to go back and forth,

so Melissa, why don't you go back and bring two sets of clean clothes for you?"

Melissa's eyebrows furrowed as she heard these words.

She thought, "Why does Helen intentionally ask me to go back and get clean clothes? Does she want

to spend alone time with Martha? Is she going to do something shameful again?"

Her eyes darkened and she lightly bit her red lip.

"If I leave, only Martha and Helen will be left in the room. When Martha leaves the ward again, Helen

will be able to do anything she wants to Jimmy, won't she?"

Melissa thought of this and stared at Helen with a hostile look, "What do you want to do?"

Helen's body trembled slightly as she looked at Melissa with fear and explained, "I just wanted you to

go back and get clean clothes."

"Then you can find some separate time to talk to Jimmy?"

Melissa kept pressing closer, her gaze at Helen becoming increasingly fierce.

Helen's eyes turned slightly red, and she looked at Melissa with a face full of grievances.

"Melissa, I didn't mean it, I really didn't."

"I just figured Martha and Stefan might have something important in the suite, and I haven't known you

guys for long, so you wouldn't trust me to go back and get clean clothes, which is why I ask you for

help, Melissa."

Melissa's body stiffened and she furrowed her brow in thought for a moment. Surprisingly, she found

that Helen's words made some sense.novelbin

But if she were to go back to get their clothes and Martha happened to be out, it would give Helen a

chance to stay alone with Jimmy.

Jimmy was still unconscious and she absolutely wouldn't allow a woman like Helen to stay by Jimmy's


As these thoughts race through her mind, her gaze appraised Martha.

Then she exchanged a glance with Martha. The latter immediately understood what Melissa meant.

Jimmy was so important to her, and she would never put him in danger again at this time.

But neither was it good to let Helen go back to their suite.

Martha thought for a while, pursed her red lips and said in a deep voice, "No need to discuss it now.

Let's wait until Stefan and Eden come back."

Helen looked pitifully at Martha, then pretended to suddenly realize something and looked at Martha


"Martha, are you afraid that I will destroy something in your suite and take important documents with


Martha narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling somehow annoyed.

There were no important documents about the Harrison Group or the Doyle Group in their suite where

they lived as a family of three. Some were just finished paintings by her and Jimmy, and there was

nothing else important.

She turned to look at Jimmy who still had his eyes closed tightly. She knew that Stefan wouldn't agree

to this now if she let him go back. After all, Jimmy hadn't woken up yet, so Stefan would probably send

an assistant to get their clothes instead.

After thinking for a moment, Martha looked tiredly at Helen.

"No, is it too much trouble for you alone?"

"It's okay. I'm very familiar with this place and it won't take me long."

Helen smiled confidently as if she was happy that she could finally do something for Martha.

A strange look flashed through Martha's eyes before she took out her key card from her bag and

handed it over to Helen.

After Helen left, the hospital room returned to its quietness again. Melissa frowned as she watched her

best friend with obvious impatience in her eyes.

"Martha, don't you see anything wrong with her?"

"I see," Martha replied calmly while looking exhausted. After experiencing what happened earlier with

Jimmy, all she wanted was just being able to accompany him well by his side.

As for Helen, she had some sympathy towards her earlier on, but now it vanished.

Melissa heard what her best friend said. She was surprised and asked, "You noticed something wrong

with Helen?"

"Mm-hmm," Martha responded lightly while picking up a glass of water from the bedside table along

with cotton swabs before moisturizing Jimmy's lips.

When she put down cotton swabs, Melissa asked curiously, "If you noticed something off, you shouldn't

have let her go into your suite. Aren't you afraid of your things being taken away?"

"Only by letting her enter can I find out what she is really after."

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