Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 681 When Is Daddy Planning To Send Away That Woman?
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Chapter 681 When Is Daddy Planning To Send Away That Woman?

Chapter 681 When is Daddy Planning to Send Away That Woman?

Hearing this, Stefan frowned slightly, and his heart thumped.

Helen's words were really misleading.

His eyes darkened, and he explained in a cold voice, "She fell down just now, and I helped her up."

"Yes, yes, that's exactly what happened. Martha, please don't misunderstand us. We didn't do

anything," Helen anxiously explained, looking like she was about to cry.

But standing next to Helen, Stefan frowned even more and looked at her with disgust in his eyes.

He saved Helen in the hotel because he had accidentally bumped into her before.

Later, when Helen talked about her miserable past, he didn't have any sympathy for her.

Martha asked him to redeem Helen's freedom, so he did it accordingly.

But tonight, when Helen poured juice for him, he realized that Helen had ulterior motives to approach


Martha's gaze shifted towards Stefan before she smiled and said, "It's not a big deal. Why are you guys

so nervous?"

Jimmy looked at his daddy suspiciously, "Daddy, I just saw you helped Helen and then avoided her.

Why did Helen act so nervously?"

Stefan pursed his lips and sneered mockingly.

He thought, "Helen's intentions are now very obvious. What she did just now was to make Martha


But he and Martha were finally together after so many difficulties. Such a trivia couldn't drive a wedge

between them.

After hearing what Jimmy said, Helen touched her nose awkwardly. "I'm afraid your mommy will

misunderstand me and your daddy."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Stefan, and then looked at Martha with a

guilty conscience.

Before Martha could speak, Jimmy's voice sounded first, "Don't worry, Helen, it's just a small favor fromnovelbin

my daddy, and my mommy won't misunderstand you."

At this time, although Jimmy showed an innocent look on his face, he had noticed something wrong

with Helen.

It was an insignificant matter, but Helen's description made it exaggerated.

Thinking back to Helen's behavior at the dinner table tonight, Jimmy frowned and guessed that Helen

was coveting his daddy.

With this thought in mind, he clenched his small hands into fists.

Martha smiled and rubbed Jimmy's head, "Jimmy, you're right."

"Helen, it's getting late, and you must be tired. Why don't we go back to rest early?"

Martha's gaze towards Helen remained gentle as ever.

Helen breathed a sigh of relief at this, forced a smile, and responded gently, "Okay."

At the same time, she was thinking that she couldn't make Martha suspicious of her until she


Otherwise, she would be finished by Martha.

The four of them returned to the hotel together, and went back to their rooms to rest.

After returning to her suite, Martha walked towards the bedroom in a good mood, "Today I will take a

shower first."

Immediately afterwards, before Stefan and his son could react, the sound of Martha taking a shower

could be heard in the bathroom.

After Jimmy came back to his senses, he frowned and looked at his daddy with a serious face.

"Daddy, we need to talk."

Stefan raised his eyebrows and looked at Jimmy with obvious confusion in his eyes, "What are you

gonna say?"

Jimmy pursed his lips and walked towards the sofa with his hands behind his back.

After he sat down on the sofa in a serious manner, he patted the seat next to him seriously, "Come and


It was rare for Stefan to see his son look so serious, raised his eyebrows slightly, strode over, and sat

beside Jimmy.

"What is it?"

Jimmy pursed his lips, and then said solemnly, "Daddy, I feel that Helen is up to no good."

Hearing this, Stefan was taken aback. He didn't expect that Jimmy would talk about Helen.

But how did Jimmy find out that there was something wrong with Helen?

Did Helen make a move on Jimmy?

As Stefan thought about this, his eyes became even more gloomy. "What do you mean?"

Jimmy didn't notice his father's change at all and started to analyze it seriously, "I think Helen

approaches you with ulterior motives. Just now, she could explain herself clearly with one sentence, but

she chose to stir up misunderstandings between you and Mommy."

When Stefan heard this, admiration flashed in his eyes.

He was patient and asked a question. "Did you sense something wrong with Helen just based on what

happened just now?"

"More than that," Jimmy replied with a frown and explained, "

"Since she started following us, she has been looking at you from time to time."

"And during dinner tonight, she showed courtesy to you and served you something from time to time.

Luckily, you ate nothing she gave, or I would have tell Mommy about it."

After Jimmy said this, he raised his chin proudly.

Stefan raised an eyebrow in appreciation and patted the messy hair on Jimmy's head.

"I didn't expect my son to notice so many things at such a young age."

He thought that Jimmy only judged Helen based on what happened at night but he never expected him

to observe her behavior so carefully.

His son would definitely surpass him in the future.

The next second, Jimmy's serious voice interrupted Stefan's thoughts, "Daddy, when do you plan on

sending that woman away?"

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