Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 679 I Hope To Be As Happy As Martha
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Chapter 679 I Hope To Be As Happy As Martha

Chapter 679 I Hope to Be as Happy as Martha

After Eden poured the red wine, Melissa raised her glass gracefully, shaking it gently.

Seeing this scene, Jimmy's eyes lit up, "Melissa, you look so pretty!"

Melissa tilted her head slightly and smiled at Jimmy. "Of course I do," she said with a hint of pride in her

voice, "I look good anytime."

Martha heard this and couldn't help but smile at her friend's self-confidence.

The next second, Jimmy's soft voice sounded, "Melissa, can I draw you?"

Melissa was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of shock appeared in her eyes.

"Jimmy, you... you really mean it?" She had always known that Jimmy liked to draw, but never thought

she would be his subject of drawing.

Melissa looked at Jimmy with bright eyes, making the latter a little puzzled. "Can't I draw you?"

After Jimmy said this, he turned to look at his mother strangely, with obvious confusion in his big eyes.

Martha smiled wryly and nodded. "Of course you can! Melissa just didn't expect that you would want to

draw her."

Jimmy turned back towards Melissa. He saw the excitement on her face.

He blushed, and said in a soft voice, "Melissa is so pretty. Of course I want to draw her."

"Can I keep it when it's done?" asked Melissa expectantly while feeling somewhat nervous inside.

She knew Martha was a famous painter whose works were worth thousands of dollars. But she couldn't

appreciate the paintings, and this time she wanted to keep Jimmy's painting of her purely because the

person Jimmy wanted to paint was her.

Jimmy nodded and readily agreed. "Okay, but I draw slowly. It might take me some time."

"No problem. No matter how long it takes, I'm willing to wait."

There was a gentle smile on the corner of Melissa's mouth, and she reached out and rubbed Jimmy's

head happily.

Immediately after she looked down, she saw the plate of shrimp Eden had peeled for her earlier and

picked one up before giving it to Jimmy with a smile, "Jimmy, you must be tired today; eat more."

Jimmy nodded seriously.

Eden, who was sitting next to Melissa, smiled dotingly.

Stefan had a relaxed expression in his eyes, and he continued to pick up food for Martha.

When Helen saw this unfold, she lowered her head and clenched her hand into fists.

The happy atmosphere made her feel out of place. But it didn't matter; she would soon defeat Martha

and become Stefan's wife!


After everyone had eaten their fill and Jimmy rubbed his round belly with satisfaction, he said, "Mommy,

I'm so full! Do you want to go for a walk with me?"

"Sure," Martha responded with a smile, and turned to look at Stefan beside her. Seeing the latter

nodding his head slightly, she widened her smile.

Melissa stretched herself lazily, "Martha, I'm really tired today, so I won't go for a walk with you."

"Then go back and rest early."

Martha smiled at her best friend before turning towards Helen who hadn't spoken yet, "Helen, do you

want to go for a walk with us, or go back to the hotel room to rest first?"

"I'll go with you." Helen smiled shyly. Her eyes were moist. Under the hotel lights, they looked


Martha nodded and led Jimmy towards outside.

"Did Jimmy have a good time today?"

"Yes!" Jimmy excitedly nodded his head. "Mommy! I didn't expect that foreign technology developed so

fast that they even made an underwater sightseeing tunnel!"

He had been to an aquarium before where he saw various types of underwater creatures, but none of

them were as amazing as what he saw in the underwater sightseeing tunnel today.

That was the first time he saw the underwater creatures up close, even the big sharks.

When he witnessed the process of a shark hunting its prey, he was deeply shocked. The bloody scene

still lingered in his mind.

At first, he couldn't accept the cruel killing of other fish by sharks.

Later, under the enlightenment of his father, he gradually learned about the law of the jungle.

He sympathized with other fish but forgot that they too were preying on weaker fish like small shrimp.

He still remembered what his father said: "Jimmy, the world is actually not as kind as you think. Some

people exhaust their strength just to survive."

With lowered eyelids and deep thoughts for a while, Jimmy turned to his father beside him. Stefan was

standing next to him at that moment and Jimmy reached out to grab Stefan's big hand and looked up.

"Dad, I understand the law of the jungle now. I'll work hard to become stronger in order to help those in


Martha was visibly shocked when she heard Jimmy's words.

She didn't expect that Jimmy would say such words suddenly.

Stefan, who was standing beside him, seemed to have expected it long ago, his lips curled slightly, and

he stretched out his hand to rub Jimmy's head with a smile. "I believe in you."

Jimmy looked ahead firmly, not afraid of the unknown future.

The three figures cast long shadows on the ground which made Helen's fragile and sensitive heart

ache again.

She used to have a complete family when she was a child, but later, all that was taken away from her,

and all that awaited her was endless torture.

After she was sold off, she sought help from others but only received insults instead.

Now, she no longer trusted men. After all, money was more reliable than any man.

Helen's eyes wandered around before settling once again upon Stefan.

Stefan was so extraordinary. If she could hook up with him, she would definitely have nothing to worry


By then, she would make those who humiliated her pay the price they deserve!

Just then, Martha suddenly remembered Helen following along behind them, so she quickly turned tonovelbin

look at Helen.

"Helen, why are you walking so slowly alone?"

Helen's face changed slightly, and soon reverted back into an innocent and pitiful look.

She smiled and looked at Martha, her eyes full of envy, "Martha, I see that your family of three is so

happy, I can't bear to disturb you."

"You will be happy too someday." Martha turned to Helen and waited for her to approach.

Helen blinked and blushed as she walked up to them and held Martha's arm. "I hope I can be as happy

as you someday," she said meaningfully, glanced over at Stefan and then their eyes met.

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