Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 676 Stefan’S Bad Luck
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Chapter 676 Stefan'S Bad Luck

Chapter 676 Stefan's Bad Luck

"Sir, my name is Helen. Thank you for helping me just now. I... I am extremely grateful."

"It's not a big deal," Stefan said lightly and took Martha's hand to leave.

Just at this moment, Helen stepped forward to block their way, looking at them with embarrassment.

"Excuse me, I... I do have a favor to ask. I wonder if you can give me a few minutes."

Stefan frowned, and looked at the girl with obvious impatience.

In his opinion, it was his fault for accidentally bumping into this girl.

But later, he helped her out of trouble, which was considered a compensation.

Now, what was this woman trying to do by stopping him?

Martha, who was standing beside him, didn't think much, but turned to look at Stefan with a puzzled


"What's going on?"

Before Stefan could explain, Helen's voice sounded, "Miss, you must be his wife, right?"

"Yes, my name is Martha Doyle."

Martha turned to look at Helen with gentle eyes, and introduced herself gracefully.

Helen pursed her lips, lowered her eyelids, and said softly, "My name is Helen Moore. Just now, when

your husband was in the corridor, he accidentally bumped into me. I was being chased by a rogue, and

it was your husband who helped me."

"I am very grateful to your husband for helping me."

What happened here was seen by Melissa who was sitting on the sofa not far away.

She frowned in confusion and wondered if that girl was trying to steal Stefan away from Martha.

In the next second, she denied her thoughts.

She knew how deeply Stefan loved Martha.

Even if that girl wanted to, Stefan would not make it happen.

But Melissa couldn't hold back her curiosity and walked over, "Who is she?"

Just as Helen was about to continue speaking, she saw a couple walking over with a child, and the

woman looked at her with a puzzled expression, with obvious scrutiny in her eyes.

She lowered her eyes humbly, revealing a helpless look.

"I... My name is Helen Moore. I am the barmaid of this hotel. I was kidnapped by human traffickers and

sold alcohol here."

Hearing this, Martha thought of Helen's expression and appearance just now, and it was not difficult for

Martha to guess what Helen wanted to say.

"Miss Moore, do you want us to help you get out of here?"

When Helen heard this, she looked up at Martha in shock, her wet eyes seemed to glint with hope.

She nervously looked at Martha for a while before finally nodding slightly.

Then she told her life experience, "Miss Doyle, when I was very young, my parents died in a car

accident. My uncle and aunt raised me, and then took over the company under my parents' name on

the grounds that I was young and ignorant."

"When I was fifteen, they were afraid that I would take back the company left by my parents when I

became an adult, so they sold me to human traffickers under the pretext of letting me go out to broaden

my horizons."

When Helen said this, tears welled up in her big eyes at the right time, making her look pitiful.

Martha could feel the sadness emanating from the girl, and her eyes softened a bit.

Melissa, who was sitting next to Martha, heard this, she felt sympathy for the girl as well as anger

towards Helen's uncle and aunt.

"So you never thought about going back and taking back what belongs to you?" asked Martha.

"Of course I thought about going back, but I was penniless. When I was sold by human traffickers, I

was forced to sign an indenture to sell myself."

"I also thought about running away regardless of the indenture. But every time I was caught, I would be

beaten severely, and if my master disliked me, he would sell me to someone else."

"I... I'm staying in this hotel after being sold five or six times."

"This time, I don't dare run away anymore, but the money I have saved now should not be enough for

me to go back to my country," said Helen as she paused briefly while wiping away tears from her eyenovelbin


She tried her best to show a strong appearance, but she still appeared quite disheveled in the eyes of

the few of them.

Martha looked at her sympathetically, and her voice softened a bit.

"How do you want us to help you?"

"I hope you can take me back."

Helen looked eagerly and pleadingly at the group of people in front of her, "We're all from the same

country, and I'm willing to give you all the money I've saved up."

Afraid that they wouldn't agree, she quickly added, "When I go back home, I'll also transfer all my

money to you. Please just help me leave this place now."

She gritted her teeth and hesitated for a moment before slowly bending down...

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