Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 667 Really Exciting
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Chapter 667 Really Exciting

Chapter 667 Really Exciting

At 8:30 PM, after Stefan said he was going to take a shower, he walked into the bedroom.

Martha waited for a while, guessing that Stefan should have gone to take a shower, then turned her

head and looked at Jimmy who was drawing with guilt, then got up and walked into the bedroom.

She listened to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, and her heart unconsciously began to

beat faster.

She opened her mouth, intending to say the lines she had prepared for Stefan, but she couldn't bring

herself to speak them.

Stefan was very clever, and she was afraid that he would easily discover her lies.

So after hesitating for a moment, Martha quickly changed her clothes and got up, pretending to be calm

as she walked towards the door.

"Jimmy, I'm going out for a while. Please tell your dad later."

Jimmy paused with the paintbrush in hand and turned to look at his mother with confusion, "It's so late.

Where are you going?"

"Melissa suddenly called me and asked me to go for a walk with her," Martha answered with a calm

expression, while changing her shoes.

Jimmy nodded understandingly when he heard that Melissa was going to take a walk with Mommy.

"Mommy, please be careful and come back early."

"Okay." Martha smiled and responded before calmly walking out of the suite.

As soon as she walked out of the suite, she couldn't help but pat her chest and let out a long sigh of


Melissa said they were going to watch a male model show tonight, and Martha didn't think it would take

a long time and they would be able to come back before Stefan found it out.

Soon, the door of the opposite suite was opened, and Melissa, who was wearing short suspenders and

shorts, walked from the suite with a smile, and whistled proudly at Martha.

"Am I pretty?"

"Does Eden allow you to dress like this and go out?"

Martha looked at Melissa standing in front of her in disbelief, clearly not expecting her to be dressed

like this again.

Come to think of it, Melissa hadn't really dressed like that in a long time.

It seemed that this male model show had really stirred up her passion.

Melissa slyly winked at Martha and stepped forward with a smile, linking her arm with the latter's.

"He went to take a shower, and then I shouted a sentence outside the door, and slipped out."

After saying that, she turned her head and glanced at the closed door of the suite, her pretty face was

full of excitement.

Martha was a little uneasy, but she was still happy to sneak out with her best friend for fun.

The two took the elevator to the hotel lobby, and soon, a taxi stopped at the hotel entrance.

Melissa smiled at her best friend and shook her phone. "I've ordered a car for us to take as soon as we

leave, so we can get to the venue quickly."

"You even found out where it is held?" Martha looked at her friend in shock, not expecting Melissa to

have gotten the specific address when Eden was around her all along.

Melissa raised her head proudly. "Of course! Don't forget who I am!"

"I'm serious about my obsession with male models," she added.

As they spoke, they got into a taxi and Melissa quickly gave the driver the exact address of the male

model performance.

When he heard where they were going, his gaze lingered on them for a moment before he broke into a

warm smile. "Are you two also going to see the male model performance?"

"You know about it too?" Melissa raised an eyebrow in surprise that this seemingly honest man knew

about this place too.

The driver chuckled good-naturedly and explained that he was a local resident of Lover Island who

made his living by driving passengers around.

"Let me tell you about Lover Island's male model performances," he said.

"Lover Island is a romantic island where two male model performances are held every year to arouse

people's passions."

"Anyone can go watch these performances here; if you make eye contact with someone there, you can

have one night stand with them."

The women sitting in the back seat were stunned when they heard this information. They exchanged

shocked glances and couldn't believe the residents on this small island were so open.

After chatting with their driver about some famous spots on Lover Island, their taxi arrived at the east

side of Lover Island - where the male model performance was being held outdoors on a lawn.

The lawn was crowded with joyful men and women.

Melissa's eyes lit up and she turned excitedly to Martha standing beside her. "Thank goodness we

came, otherwise we would have missed this lively party."

Martha sighed helplessly and before she could come back to her senses, Melissa had pulled her into

the party.

A stage was set up in the middle, obviously for male models to perform on.

Not far away were various types of glasses filled with different kinds of alcohol.

Of course, there were also various special snacks from Lover Island.

Melissa led Martha to a long table where the snacks were placed and picked up a piece at random,

handing it over to Martha's mouth. "Try it."

Martha raised an eyebrow and took a bite with her mouth open. The snack was soft and tender, melting

in her mouth quickly. Soon a fragrant sweet taste spread in her mouth.

She lowered her head in surprise. "It tastes good."

"Really?" Melissa ate the rest of the snack suspiciously and soon revealed a satisfied smile on her lips.

She nodded approvingly and added, "It really does taste good."

She nodded approvingly, they each picked out their favorite colored glasses and sat down at a small

table not too far away from the stage with glasses in their hands.novelbin

Soon, a man walked over, holding his glass and smiling brightly.

He started chatting them up but neither could understand what he was saying.

Martha told him in English that they weren't locals so they didn't understand any dialects spoken here.

The man raised an eyebrow, looking at them with narrowed eyes, and starting to chat with them in

English. "You two ladies look beautiful! Where are you from?"

"I'm sorry, but we're just here for watching the performance. Please don't disturb us," said Melissa,

putting an end to his attempts to flirt with them.

After speaking these words, she turned towards Martha, making eye contact with that latter, as if

implying that she was here just for the show and she wouldn't flirt with any guy.

Martha couldn't help but chuckle without saying anything else.

The man was stunned by the interaction between the two women.

He shook the glass in his hand unwillingly, putting on a gentlemanly appearance and said with a smile,

"If you two ladies don't mind, we can watch the performance together."

"Sorry, sir, we do mind."

Melissa refused the man's request while slyly winking at Martha.

The man's face instantly turned very gloomy upon hearing her words.

Finally, he gave in and left.

It was an outdoor party. Since these two women disagreed, he wouldn't waste more time on them.

Anyway, he could go find other targets.

Though the residents here were fierce, they would not force others.

Not long after, the party suddenly erupted into screams and cheers, with the lights on stage constantly

flashing and changing.

Soon, the atmosphere on site became very enthusiastic, and everyone cheered along with the sudden


When the music reached its climax, shirtless male models stepped onto the stage one by one and

danced hotly on the stage.

Male models were about the same height, around 6 feet, and show off their muscular six-pack abs.

They all wore a black tie around their necks, and their healthy tanned skin looked even more sexy and

charming under the flickering lights.

In addition, they had a red rose pinned to their waist, which created a strong contrast with their tanned

skin and well-defined abdominal muscles. It was so captivating that it sparked one's imagination.

Melissa, who was already excited, became even more excited when she saw this scene.

She reached out and grabbed Martha's hand, unable to resist screaming.

"Ah, they're so charming!"

Seeing her crazy appearance, Martha frowned slightly. Although she didn't understand why Melissa

was so excited, she didn't try to frustrate the latter. She picked up the fluorescent stick placed on the

small table and started to wave it.

Soon, Melissa's screaming voice was subdued amidst the movements of the dancing male models on

the stage.

The ties tied around their necks fluttered back and forth when they pressed their hips, and the eight-

pack abs were faintly visible under the effect of the ties, which was very attractive.

Not long after, the male models took down the roses in their waists under the rhythm of the music.

Melissa saw such a hot male model performance on the stage, and a suspicious redness appeared on

her face.

Even Martha, who had lived abroad for several years, blushed.

She hadn't even imagined that the male model show on Lover Island would be so open.

A few years ago, Martha went with Melissa to see a male model show, which was not even one-tenth

as exciting as the current one.

After the hot music stopped, the male models on the stage walked down the stage in all directions.

When Melissa regained her senses, she looked at Martha with a flushed face.

"Martha, the male model show here is really good."

Martha rolled her eyes with some suspicious redness on her face.

At this point, neither of them knew that they had caught the eye of one of the male models performing

on stage.

The man slowly came down from the stage with a playful smile lingering around his lips. He held a rose

in his mouth and walked step by step towards the small table where Martha and Melissa were sitting...

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