Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 657 Eden, Do You Like Me?
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Chapter 657 Eden, Do You Like Me?

Chapter 657 Eden, Do You Like Me?

Martha felt the temperature on the man's body, and her pretty face turned red once again.

She pushed him with a blush and said, "Let go, Jimmy is still here."

The man chuckled, let go of Martha, and turned to look at Jimmy standing aside.

"Jimmy, do you want a sister?"

Jimmy turned his head and nodded heavily, "Yes."

Seeing her son's bright eyes, Martha suddenly felt angry, wishing she could walk over quickly and

shake her silly son awake.

Her silly son hadn't realized that he was used and fooled but was still happy.

Stefan looked at Martha meaningfully, a smirk curled up on the corner of his moutht.

After Martha took deep breaths, she picked up her clothes and walked towards the bathroom in anger.

"I'm going to take a shower and calm down."

The door of the bathroom slammed shut, and Jimmy regained consciousness belatedly, and looked at

his daddy with a puzzled expression.

"Daddy, what's wrong with Mommy?"

"It's okay, your mommy thinks it would be nice to have a little girl."

Stefan's mood lifted as he curled his lips into a smile, then pulled Jimmy over to sit down on the sofa.

Jimmy blinked and asked suspiciously, "Daddy, what are you going to tell me?"

"How did you know I was going to talk to you about something?"

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He obviously didn't

expect Jimmy to react so quickly.

Jimmy smiled slyly and explained rigorously.

"Daddy, you don't usually treat me like this. You suddenly dragged me to the sofa and sat down. You

must have something to discuss with me."

Stefan nodded in agreement and said gently, "Jimmy, you just said that you wanted a younger sister.

Does Jimmy know how to have a sister?"

"I know." The little one nodded seriously and answered his father's question with a straight face.

"As long as Daddy sleeps with Mommy, there will be a little sister, and when Mommy has a big belly,

the little sister will be born soon."

Stefan froze for a moment, apparently unaware that Jimmy even knew this.

In the next second, Jimmy's soft voice sounded again, "Philip told me all this, and he also said that my

sister would move when she was in Mommy's womb."

The shock in the man's eyes flashed again. He was marveling at the little one's sensitivity.

He regained his composure soon. Unexpectedly, his change was still seen by Jimmy.

His child is truly exceptional and not inferior to others.

The corners of Stefan's lips were slightly raised, and he touched Jimmy's head with a smile, "Jimmy is

so smart."

"I pulled you here just to tell you, if you want a younger sister, give Daddy and Mommy some space, so

that there will be a little sister in your mommy's belly."

Jimmy nodded seriously, then sighed helplessly.

"But it's so late now. Where else can I go?"

"What do you think of Eden's room?"

Stefan's eyes gradually darkened, and he was secretly glad that Eden and Melissa came here together.

Otherwise, he was really worried about leaving Jimmy alone in a room.

Jimmy blinked, and asked with some concern, "It's not good to go to Eden so late."

"Does Jimmy like Eden and Melissa?"

The man was not in a hurry, but instead asked a question with patience.

Hearing that, Jimmy nodded heavily, "Eden is gentle, Melissa is cute and charming, and has a good

personality. Jimmy likes them very much."

"Do you think they like you?"

Stefan asked again in a gentle voice, making Jimmy think seriously.

After a while, he nodded seriously, "Yes, Melissa says I'm cute every time she sees me, and likes to

pinch my cheeks, and Eden always smiles when he sees me."

"So they should all like me."

At this time, Jimmy didn't even know that he would be tricked by his father, causing Eden and Melissa

to be infuriated.

After hearing the expected answer, Stefan nodded in agreement.

"Can Jimmy sleep with Eden and Melissa tonight?"

Jimmy blinked and looked at Daddy anxiously.

"Daddy, isn't this a bit inappropriate?"

Although he was young, he knew what and what not to do.

His intuition told him that he shouldn't go to sleep with Eden and Melissa at this late hour.

After all, in sleep, people who were woken up tended to be angered.

He thought so, and then said what was in his mind.

"It's so late now. Eden and Melissa should be asleep. They should be angry if I disturb them."

Stefan's eyes darkened, and he continued persuading Jimmy, "It's only past ten o'clock. Melissa is an

online worker and she won't go to bed this early."

"Besides, doesn't Jimmy want to have a younger sister sooner?"

The temptation of the younger sister became the last straw that broke Jimmy's resistance, and henovelbin

nodded firmly.

"Okay, then I'll go to Eden's room to sleep at night."

Stefan nodded in satisfaction, then led Jimmy to open the door and walked towards Eden's room.

When Jimmy stood at the door of Eden's room, Stefan said in a deep voice, "Eden is probably not

interested in seeing Daddy so late. Does Jimmy know how to talk to Eden alone?"

"I know."

Jimmy had no guard up at all and happily nodded his head..

Stefan rubbed Jimmy's head in satisfaction, "Daddy will ring the doorbell for you, and you can go in

with Eden to sleep later."

"Okay." Jimmy nodded firmly and watched as his father pressed the doorbell, then turned around and

walked back to his own suite.

Stefan returned to the suite, still worried about Jimmy's safety. He stood at the door and observed

Jimmy's every move through the peephole.

Outside the door, after Jimmy waited for a while, the door was opened by Eden.

Eden was obviously taken aback when he saw Jimmy standing at the door, and asked suspiciously,

"Jimmy, why are you here?"

"Eden, do you like me?"

The man paused, then replied softly, "Yes, I do."

Hearing that, Jimmy immediately showed a big smile.

"I also like Uncle Eden."

Eden furrowed her brows slightly, a hint of darkness flashing in her eyes. "Is there something wrong?"

Jimmy clenched his little hand guiltily, and the smile on his face became brighter.

"Uncle Eden, can I sleep with you tonight?"


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