Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 654 Jimmy Wants A Sister
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Chapter 654 Jimmy Wants A Sister

Chapter 654 Jimmy Wants a Sister

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and a group of five people embarked on a honeymoon trip after

saying goodbye to their families.

Jimmy was very happy to be able to go out to play this time.

He was happy that he could finally go on a trip with his parents, and of course, before going on a trip,

he didn't forget to leave Nick to his grandfather and Bianca.

Before leaving, he specifically told Bianca what Nick would eat and when it needed to get vaccinated.

When it was time to leave, Jimmy hugged Nick tightly for a while before finally letting go reluctantly.

On the plane, Jimmy looked at his mother with excitement.

"Mommy, where is our first destination?"

"Lover Island." Martha responded wearily, tilting her head and preparing to sleep on the plane.

Seeing his mommy's tired look, Jimmy frowned suspiciously, "Mommy, did you not sleep well last


When Martha heard that, her face turned red, and she glared at Stefan who was sitting next to her.

How could she have slept well last night? This man had been pestering her until late into the night

before sleeping himself.

Now even Jimmy knew that she hadn't slept well; how was she supposed to answer now?

Stefan who had been stared at by Martha showed no signs of embarrassment but instead answered

seriously, "Your mommy is recovering from a serious illness, so she's been sleepy these days."

Jimmy suddenly realized what happened and obediently covered Martha with a blanket, saying,

"Mommy, take a good rest."

Melissa sitting beside them couldn't help but chuckle after hearing all this. "Oh I see! I thought Martha

had already fully recovered!"

Martha glared at her best friend in embarrassment, blushed and said nothing.

Stefan couldn't help but smile at Martha's reaction, and he patted her head lovingly.

"Be good now! Rest properly. I'll wake you up later."

"Uh," Martha responded in a low voice, reclined in her seat and closed her eyes gently.

Jimmy, who was sitting next to her, saw Melissa's bright smile, and his eyes lit up.

He always knew that Melissa was pretty, but he didn't expect she would look even better when she


He squinted his eyes, unbuckled the safety buckle, ran to Melissa and opened his arms.

"Melissa, give me a hug."

"OK," Melissa smiled and lifted Jimmy onto her lap.

A big smile appeared on Jimmy's face, and he said softly, "Melissa, you are so pretty."

"Of course!" Melissa's mood obviously improved when she heard the compliment.

Eden frowned slightly, and after a long silence, he got up, picked Jimmy up and put him on the chair

next to Melissa.

"Jimmy, you're getting bigger now. Melissa will get tired if you keep sitting on her lap."

Jimmy was stunned, and after thinking for a moment, he nodded in agreement.

"I'm a big boy now, it's not right for me to sit on Melissa's lap."

Melissa, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help chuckling, and stretched out her hand to pinch his

chubby cheeks .

"Jimmy is so cute."

"Melissa is cute too," Jimmy replied sweetly, causing her heart to melt even more.

Eden looked at her deeply and asked in a low voice, "Do you want a child too?"

After Melissa came to her senses, her face turned red and she scolded angrily, "Stop talking."

Eden smirked slightly but didn't say anything else.

Jimmy blinked and turned to look at Melissa, "Melissa, can you give me a sister?"

He really wanted to have a younger sister, since his classmates who had younger sisters could brag

about it at kindergarten every day

And he only had Nick.

Melissa was taken aback for a moment, and under Eden's smiling gaze, she managed to come up with

an answer that would satisfy the child without making any promises.

"If you want a younger sister, why don't you ask your mommy?"

When Jimmy heard that, his eyes lit up.

He thought, "That's right. Why did I forget that Mommy could have another baby?"novelbin

With this thought in mind, Jimmy secretly made up his mind to have a good talk with his mommy about

having a baby girl at night.

Seeing Jimmy's happy face, Melissa turned her head and silently glanced at Martha who was asleep,

with a mischievous look in her eyes.

She wondered how would Martha react when she knew about that.

Jimmy, after secretly planning on it with Melissa for a long time, he finally remembered his purpose of

coming here.

He tilted his head and asked, "Melissa, what does the Lover Island we're going to look like?"

Melissa blinked her eyes, took out the tablet from her bag, drew out the photos and showed Jimmy the

pictures she found on the Internet.

"Lover Island is known as one of the five most romantic places in the world, and it is called Ocean

Paradise, so your mommy and I would like to take this opportunity to go see it together."

Jimmy's eyes lit up when he looked at the sea view photos on the tablet screen.

"Jimmy likes the ocean too."

"It's because you like it that our first travel destination is Lover Island."

Melissa affectionately rubbed Jimmy's head, feeling that he was so cute.

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