Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 651 Honeymoon
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Chapter 651 Honeymoon

Chapter 651 Honeymoon

Stefan and Martha walked hand in hand into the Doyle Manor, and Jimmy, who had been eagerly

waiting at the door, ran towards them.

Jimmy hugged his mommy's thigh, and he raised his face and showed a big smile.

"Daddy, Mommy, you are back!"

"Has Jimmy eaten yet?"

Martha smiled and bent over to hug Jimmy, with faint tiredness in her eyes.

Jimmy nodded lightly, "Daddy, Mommy, Bianca left food for you too."

Standing aside, Stefan saw the tired look in Martha's eyes at a glance, and the guilt flashed in his eyes.

He stepped forward and reached out to take Jimmy, "Let me do it."

Martha responded softly, and handed her son to Stefan.

After taking hold of Jimmy, Stefan lifted him up onto his shoulders directly.

"What did Jimmy have for breakfast?"

"I ate sandwich and milk."

Jimmy's sweet voice rang out above Stefan's head, and the smile on Jimmy's face never disappeared

after seeing them.

Martha looked at Jimmy, who was obviously much more cheerful, and suddenly realized something.

On the eve of the wedding, she feel Jimmy's uneasiness, but she thought it was her illusion.

In her opinion, Jimmy was still so young, now that she and Stefan were by his side, how was it possible

for Jimmy to feel uneasy?

It wasn't until the moment Stefan put Jimmy on his shoulders that she suddenly figured out what Jimmy

was uneasy about all this time.

He'd been uneasy about her relationship with Stefan.

Their wedding completed broke down all Jimmy's uneasiness, which made him look a lot more cheerful

than before.

When Martha thought of that, she felt guilty towards her child.

After she sighed silently, she smiled and stepped forward to hold Stefan's big hand.

"Jimmy, our family will never be separated from now on."

Jimmy's eyes lit up obviously, he nodded with a smile, and echoed loudly, "Nick, Grandpa and Granny

Bianca will also be with us!"

"OK." Martha smiled softly, took Stefan's hand and walked towards the living room.

As soon as they walked into the living room, Bianca's loving voice rang out, "You're back! Breakfast is

on the table."

Maxwell, who was sitting on the sofa, heard the voice, put down the newspaper in his hand, and turnnovelbin

towards the three people.

The woman had a big smile on her face as she held Stefan's hand while their little one sat happily on

Stefan's shoulder. The man himself had a faint smile. They looked like a happy family of three.

Maxwell smiled and said softly, "Come over and have dinner."


In the evening, Stefan's assistant suddenly walked into the room with a pile of documents.

"Mr. Harrison, I have brought all the planning cases you asked for."

"Put them on the table."

Stefan glanced at his assistant before continuing to work on the documents in his hand.

After the assistant responded respectfully, he put down the documents in his hand, and picked up all

the documents that Stefan had finished before leaving the Doyle Manor.

Martha, who was sitting in front of the easel, was wondering what to paint next, Stefan suddenly said,

"Come take a look at these planning cases."

"Me?" Martha looked at him puzzledly wondering why he would ask her to look at those planning


The man responded "yes" in a deep voice, and continued to work on the documents.

To make time for his honeymoon, he'd been overloaded with work lately.

And those planning cases were about the itinerary planning of the honeymoon trip, which he had

ordered his assistant to do as early as a month ago.

Each planning case introduced in detail different routes, customs and characteristics of each place.

As far as he was concerned, wherever Martha went was paradise, so he left choosing where they

should go entirely up to her discretion.

After Martha got the answer, she thought that Stefan needed her help to look at the planning case, but

when she opened one, she unexpectedly saw the words "Honeymoon Travel Planning Itinerary".

She was slightly taken aback, she obviously didn't expect that he would have someone make so many

travel plans tailored towards their honeymoon trip.

She spent two hours reading over a dozen plans and selected five of them.

Feeling touched, she looked up at Stefan, "Stefan, thank you."

The tour end of each of these plans was Z Country, and she knew that it was because he wanted her to

spend some time there.

In the future, when she resumed working, it might be difficult for her to make free time to go back to Z


The man paused briefly upon hearing her voice but then replied warmly, "Every bride who gets married

has a honeymoon trip, and so does my bride."

"Are Melissa and Eden going together?" Martha asked with a smile, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Stefan's lips curled slightly as he spoke in a deep voice, "You can ask."

The woman immediately dialed the number of her best friend, and soon the latter's lazy voice came

from the mobile phone.

"Hello, Martha, why are you calling me?"

"Melissa, do you want to go on a honeymoon trip together?"

On the other side of the phone, Melissa's sleepy eyes lit up, and she happily replied, "Sure thing! When

and where?"

"I have preliminarily screened out five proposals here, would you like to come and take a look?" Martha

asked with a smile. Hearing the slightly tired voice of her best friend, she knew that she was too tired

from making out with Eden yesterday.

Upon hearing that, Melissa agreed without the slightest hesitation.

Now she couldn't wait to leave the wedding room immediately, otherwise she might not be able to get

out for two or three days.

Eden took her like crazy last night, and had been refusing to let her go.

Later, she thought he would be exhausted after a crazy night, but who would have thought that he took

her again before she even woke up!

When she first met Eden, she thought he was a gentle man. Now looking back, she realized she had

been blinded.

Melissa sighed and gave Eden a kick before propping herself up.

The man lying on the bed had a slight smile on his lips, but his eyes couldn't hide his distress for her.

It was all his fault for not being able to restrain himself.

But she was a fatal temptation to him, and now that they were finally legally married, how could he

resist his desire for her...

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