Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 648 A Beautiful Day
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Chapter 648 A Beautiful Day

Chapter 648 A Beautiful Day

In the lounge, Martha felt bored after waiting for a while.

Since she was alone there, she decided to walk out to get some fresh air.

Who knew that as soon as she opened the door, she saw Sam standing at the door and raising his

hand to knock.

She blinked her eyes and looked at the tall man standing in front of her in shock.

"Sam, you are here too?"

"How can I not come to your wedding?" Sam answered calmly.

In fact, only he himself knew how many things he had dealt with in advance in order to make time to

come to Martha's wedding.

Martha was Elsie's daughter, so he must come to her wedding.

Martha, after a daze, came back to her senses and asked, "Stefan asked you to come here?"

"Yep," Sam responded lightly, his eyes fell on Martha's wedding veil before looking away quickly.

Martha was moved by what Stefan did for her, but she didn't show it on her face.

She smiled and stepped aside, "Sam, sit inside."

"OK," Sam responded lightly and walked into the room.

Just now he seemed to have seen Elsie through Martha, as if Elsie had stood in front of him and smiled

brightly at him.

He wondered if Elsie was also so happy when she got married.

With his eyes cast down, he got a positive answer in his mind, "She must be, because she married her

beloved man."

Based on his understanding of Elsie, she would not marry that man if she didn't love that man.

The next second, Martha's gentle voice sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

"Sam, drink some water."

Sam looked at the water she handed over, his eyes darkened, and he reached out to take it.

After taking a sip of water, he parted his lips slightly, "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine. Look at me, my face is rosy, and I am alive and kicking."

Sam pursed his lips, took out a small delicate box from his pocket, and handed it to Martha.

"This is your wedding present."

Martha was taken aback for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, she smiled and took

Sam's small box and opened it.

There was a purple bracelet in the box, crystal clear and natural.

In the next second, Sam's cold voice sounded in the lounge, "I bought it years ago, and it has been

kept in the warehouse. It looks quite suitable for you, so I gave it to you as a wedding gift."

"Thank you, Sam, I love it."

Martha's eyes lit up when she saw the bracelet, and she picked it up and put it on very fondly.

After Sam saw it, his eyes were unfathomable with emotions.

In fact, he made some efforts to get this purple bracelet as a birthday present for Elsie.

Unfortunately, before he could have a chance to give it to Elsie, Elsie had left the country.

Now he was very happy that Martha was fond of it.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps at the door, making Martha look sideways.

She turned her head to look in the direction of the door, and sure enough, she saw Maxwell

approaching slowly.

She raised a smile and said, "Dad, you're here."

"Who is this?"

Maxwell looked at the man sitting in front of Martha, with obvious doubts in his eyes.

Martha got up quickly and introduced Sam with a smile, "Dad, this is my uncle, Sam Lucas."

Maxwell was stunned for seconds after listening to his daughter's introduction, and then suddenly

realized that this man was his wife's family.

He smiled and reached out to Sam.

"Sam, hello, I'm Maxwell Doyle."

"Hello." Sam frowned imperceptibly, but reached out to shake Maxwell's hand anyway.

Maxwell smiled humbly, and a warm voice came from his thin lips, "Gage, thank you for coming to

Martha's wedding."

"It's nothing," Sam responded lightly, keeping his eyes on the man whom Elsie fell in love with.

The man in front of him was tall and straight, his face was chiselled, and he had a refined


He suddenly remembered that when they were teenagers, Elsie told him, "In the future, I want to marry

someone who's tender, nice to me with good looks!"

Seeing that Gage didn't speak, Maxwell felt a little uneasy.

He guessed what Sam would like in his mind, and he said after a while, "Sam, the current economic

situation seems bad. It may lead to economy plummet. What do you think?"

Sam was impressed by Maxwell's statement and felt that Maxwell was less repulsive.

Later, after some discussions between them, they discovered that they had many of the same opinions.

Soon they found out that they had many similar ideas and quickly hit it off.

After Maxwell chatted with Sam and left, another distinguished guest came into the lounge.

Martha looked at the man sitting on the couch casually and raised an eyebrow, "You're here."

"Uh," Louis responded lightly, stretched out his hand to unscrew the mineral water and took a big sip

before saying, "I came today for your wedding."

"I know," Martha responded with a smile, and stretched out a hand to Louis, "Where is my gift?"

Louis raised his eyebrows, took out a box from his pocket and handed it to her.

After the woman took the box, she opened it directly, and saw a badge inside.

She thought Louis would also give her something like jewelry, but she didn't expect it to be a badge.

Louis, who was sitting on the sofa, saw the doubt in her eyes, and explained, "Don't underestimate it.

With it, you can exert power and influence of the Caesar family."

"Are you afraid that Stefan will bully me?" Martha raised an eyebrow and asked with a smile.

Without waiting for Louis ' answer, she put the badge back in the box and handed it back to Louis.

"Don't worry. He dare not bully me."

The badge must be a very important thing.

And it was useless for her to keep it.

Louis obviously didn't think so. He stared at Martha, without any intention of reaching out to take it


"Just keep it."

Seeing his determined appearance, Martha was moved and could only keep this badge.

She smiled and raised the box in her hand, and said softly, "Thank you."

Louis didn't answer but took another sip of the water.

Martha couldn't help sighing softly when she saw the sadness in his eyes.

She knew Louis was still thinking about Jane.

But things had come to this point, and they shouldn't see each other anymore. Besides, when she sent

Jane away, she promised the latter a new life.

So, although she felt sorry for Louis, she didn't say anything about Jane.

Martha's eyes flashed, and she changed the subject, "Who will handle Z Country's affairs now that

you've come here?"

"Isn't there still King Ducasse?"

Louis raised his eyebrows, and a faint smile rose to his lips.

Martha laughed out loud when she heard that.

He looked at Martha's smiling face, and widened his smile.

Outside the door, Melissa yelled, "Martha, it's almost time, we should get ready to go to the wedding


"Okay," Martha responded loudly, and turned to look at Louis who was still sitting on the sofa.

Hurry up and take a seat."

"Okay," said Louis helplessly as he got up and walked out the door, preparing to sit at the banquet


When he saw Martha's smiling face just now, another smiling face surfaced in his mind.novelbin

That smiling face had been engraved in his memory, which he could never forget.

Before, he didn't want to come to Martha's wedding.

But he thought, if Jane was still around, she must have wanted to see Martha get married, so he came.

Since she was gone, he would witness Martha's happiness for her.


On the other side, after Martha left with Melissa, she stood on the red carpet at the wedding scene.

Until this moment, Martha and Melissa saw the whole picture of the wedding scene.

The white silk hung high above them, forming wave-like shapes.

Amidst the silk, there hung warm yellow lanterns that created a cozy atmosphere in the grand hall.

At the end of the red carpet stood a huge screen embroidered with vintage patterns.

White roses were placed in vases beside the screen and the red carpet.

The petals of white roses were sprinkled on the red carpet, from the beginning to the end.

Just as Martha was stunned by the wedding scene, the emcee's gentle voice sounded.

Martha and Melissa turned their heads and looked at each other, then each took their father's arms and

walked step by step towards the grooms who were already standing at the end of the red carpet.

Stefan, who was standing at the end of the red carpet, watched Martha walking towards him step by

step, and felt touched.

They finally got married.

After today, she would be his legitimate wife.

Eden, who was standing next to him, looked at Melissa who had a beaming smile, and couldn't help

raising a smile.

He had thought that he would be single forever.

Unexpectedly, an "angel" suddenly broke into his peaceful life, making him feel all sorts of emotions he

had never experienced before.

When he couldn't see her, he missed her terribly.

And now, his father-in-law was leading her towards him step by step, and she would be his wife from

now on.

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