Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 640 Mr. Harrison, I Love You Too
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Chapter 640 Mr. Harrison, I Love You Too

Chapter 640 Mr. Harrison, I Love You Too

"You obviously know it all," Jimmy replied sadly, his heart full of regret for what he said just now.

He regretted leaking his daddy's secret to his mommy.

Martha rubbed Jimmy's head, and a comforting voice came from her red lips, "Jimmy didn't mean to

say it out, right?"

Jimmy gave her a resentful look, and the look in his eyes clearly said, "I wouldn't have said that if you

hadn't tricked me!"

He drooped his head in frustration and said nothing, silently feeling sorry for his daddy.

His daddy put so much effort in preparing a surprise wedding for his mommy, but he ruined the surprise


More importantly, his daddy hadn't known about this bad news yet.

Martha patted Jimmy on the shoulder amusedly, and continued, "Don't worry, Jimmy, your daddy won't

blame you. Because even if you don't say it, your daddy will."novelbin

Jimmy turned to look at his mother in shock, with obvious puzzlement in those big eyes.

His daddy told him to keep it a secret.

How could it be possible that his daddy speak it out by himself?

Martha looked into his puzzled eyes, raised a smile and said, "Think about it. Your daddy promised to

take wedding photos with me, so without a doubt, he will propose to me and give me a ring."

Hearing that, Jimmy tilted his head, as if he was seriously wondering if his mommy's words made


A hint of slyness flashed in Martha's eyes, and her red lips parted again, "If I take wedding photos

without a wedding ring, I won't feel happy."

After Jimmy thought for a while, he nodded in agreement. "Mommy is right."

"Your daddy will give me a wedding ring. By then, I will ask him to hold a wedding for me."

Jimmy nodded seriously, and the anxiety and frustration on his little face disappeared without a trace.

"Mommy is right."

Since Mommy will know about the wedding sooner or later, it doesn't matter if he said it earlier.

What's more, Mommy didn't know the details of the wedding, so it would still be a surprise to take her

to the wedding.

At this thought, Jimmy was much more relieved.

After the mother and son chatted about other topics, Martha read a storybook to Jimmy as usual to lull

him to sleep.

It wasn't until Jimmy fell into a sweet dream that Martha quietly left the room.

She walked back to her room with a smile, and as soon as she entered, she saw Stefan sitting at the

desk dealing with business.

After the man heard the footsteps, his hands paused, and he looked up, "Is Jimmy asleep?"

"Yep," Martha responded delightedly, and gently closed the door and locked it.

Then, she turned around, smiled and looked at Stefan who was staring at her with deep-set eyes.

She reached out and hooked her fingers, with a bright smile on her face.

The man's eyes darkened, and he immediately got up and walked towards her.

Just when he was about to approach, Martha stepped forward suddenly and hugged his strong waist.

"Stefan, I know all about it."

"What?" Stefan froze and asked in a husky voice.

Martha rubbed his chest affectionately, and held his hand tightly, "I know you secretly prepare the

wedding without telling me."

Stefan froze for a moment, obviously not expecting her to know that suddenly.

Soon, he recovered his composure and asked in a deep voice, "Jimmy said that?"

Martha smiled and nodded. "Jimmy said it, but I tricked him into telling me. So, you can't blame him."

"Okay, I won't."

Stefan fondled the woman's hair affectionately.

A smile rose to Martha's lips, and she pulled her arms away, "But, I have a condition."

"Tell me." The man raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman in front of him with interest.

With one hand on her hip, the woman raised her chin proudly, "No ring, no marriage."

"Okay." Stefan raised his eyebrows, walked to the desk, reached out to open the drawer, and took out a

small box from inside.

He took the box and opened it, then turned and knelt on one knee in front of Martha.

"Miss Doyle, will you marry me?"

The woman froze in place for a moment, apparently not expecting that the man had prepared the ring

and hid it in the desk drawer in her room.

Since she escaped marriage, the Doyle Group's affairs had been handled by her father.

After she came back, its affairs was handed over to Stefan, and the desk in her room was occupied by

him to handle official business.

Therefore, she had no idea when this man put a ring in the drawer.

The next second, Stefan's solemn voice sounded in the room, interrupting Martha's thoughts.

"This ring was custom-made by me, with our initials engraved on the inside. Martha, I will always love


Martha looked at the diamond ring in front of her in a daze for a while, and then returned to her senses

and stretched out her hand gracefully.

"Mr. Harrison, I love you too."

Stefan smiled unconsciously when he heard that.

He excitedly put a wedding ring on the woman in front of him, stood up and hugged her into his arms.

He buried his head on her shoulder and said softly, "Martha, thank you for being here."

When Martha heard his deep voice, her heartbeat accelerated unconsciously, and she put her hands

on the man's strong waist.

She hugged his waist, making Stefan's heart skip a beat, and then, as if encouraged, he lowered his

head and kissed the woman's red lips, and began to take her.

The woman lowered her eyes. This time, instead of reaching out to push him away, she wrapped her

arms around his neck and raised her head to deepen the kiss.

What happened next was just natural between them.

After a long time, Stefan, who got satiated, hugged Martha lovingly, lowered his head and kissed

Martha on the forehead.

"Take a goor rest. I will not let you down about the wedding."

"Um," Martha replied in a daze, then fell into a deep sleep.


The next day, when Martha woke up, it was mid-morning.

After she got up, she looked at the time on the phone speechlessly, with a blush on her cheeks.

When she went down for dinner yesterday evening, Bianca kept looking at her with a worried look, but

when she looked over, Bianca put away that look. She understood that Bianca was worried about her

health but didn't know how to express herself.

The next second, there was a knock on the door, interrupting Martha's thoughts.

"Knock knock knock."

After Martha regained her senses, she immediately opened her mouth and said, "Come in."

There was a knock on the door, which meant that this person was not Stefan.

Where did that man go?

Soon, the door was pushed open, and Bianca walked into the room carrying millet porridge.

She handed the porridge to Martha, and said with concern, "Drink some porridge, and fill your


"Thank you, Bianca."

Martha took the millet porridge with a flushed face and began having it.

Bianca sighed helplessly, and looked at her with pity, "Martha, there are some things I know I shouldn't

say, but..."

"I know Stefan and you are deeply in love now and it's hard for both of you to control yourselves, but

you're still recovering, and frequent sex is not a good thing. You need to restrain yourselves."

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