Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 629 She Did It On Purpose
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Chapter 629 She Did It On Purpose

Chapter 629 She Did It on Purpose

Seeing this scene, Stefan froze in place.

For a week, he had to coax Martha into taking medicine, but tonight she took the medicine on her


What happened to her? Why did she change so much?

With these doubts in mind, he looked at her with concern.

"What happened to you today?"

"Melissa will reproach me if I don't take the medicine."

Martha looked at Stefan with a pitiful expression.

The man's heart softened, and he hugged her distressedly.

"Be good. You don't have to take medicine very soon."

"Hmm," Martha responded in a muffled voice, and put her arms around Stefan.

Suddenly, she heard the man's heavier breathing.

She rolled her eyes, smirked and reached out to caress his back to ignire his flames of desire.

Stefan's body stiffened, his Adam's apple rolled, and he swallowed unconsciously.

In the past few days, he had been sleeping with Martha in his arms.

The unique fragrance on her body turned him on every night.

But for her health's sake, he had been restraining himself.

Today the situation was different. The doctor said that Martha had recovered from majoy health

problems, and just needed to strengthen her body in the future.

Did that mean he didn't have to control his desire for her tonight?

Just when he was struggling within himself, Martha had slowly let go of him.

She took half a step back, wrapped her arms around Stefan's neck, and raised her face to kiss the man

in front of her.

Stefan's body froze, and then his big hands tightly wrapped around the woman's slender waist, and he

lowered his head to deepen the kiss.

There was a sweet taste of candy in her mouth.

Martha felt his breathing getting heavier, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she stretched out her

hand to slightly push the man in front of her away.

But the man apparently wanted more than a kiss. He bent down, picked up the woman in front of him

and walked towards the bed.

He gently placed Martha on the bed, leaned over and whispered in her ear in a husky voice.

"Martha, can we make love?"

"Sure," Martha responded in a low voice and blushed.

Seeing her red face, Stefan gently pinched her cheeks with his big hands, then carefully kissed her

forehead, eyes, nose as if holding a treasure, and finally his lips fell on her red lips.

He carefully stroked her lips, greedily smelling her scent.

Soon, the man ripped off his shirt impatiently. At this moment, Martha covered her mouth and coughed


Stefan suddenly became sober, and sanity returned to him.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No," Martha responded softly, reached out to caress his broad chest, and started arousing his desires.

The next second, her hand was grabbed by the man, and he reprimanded her in a low voice, "Stop

messing, you're in poor health."

"The doctor said I had recovered!" Martha glared at Stefan, with a crimson face, which turned on

Stefan again.

He widened his scarlet eyes, clenched his hands tightly, and exhausted all his strength to restrain


"Be good. You go to bed first."

Stefan then turned around and walked towards the bathroom.


The bathroom door closed, and soon there was the sound of a man showering.

When Martha heard the sound, she couldn't help chuckling.

Just now, she did it on purpose.

Who let him force her to take medicine, and watching her being scolded by Melissa without offering


He deserved it!

Martha lay down in a good mood, and pulled the quilt up.

In fact, she felt that she had recovered.

It was just that she didn't want to have sex with Stefan for now. She'd love to see how long he could

control his sexual desire.

She grinned and started to think about tomorrow's plan, but she fell asleep without knowing it.

When Stefan came out of the bathroom, he happened to see her sleeping soundly.

He smiled bitterly, she aroused his desire, but she slept soundly.novelbin


The next day, when Martha woke up, she saw the enlarged handsome face beside her.

The man's long eyelashes trembled slightly, his broad chest rose and fell regularly, his perfect

handsome face looked rather gentle at this moment.

Martha gently reached out to caress the man's eyes and brows and swallowed unconsciously.

This man seemed to have never changed; he was still so handsome.

Suddenly the man opened his eyes slowly, and looked at the woman in front of him with a faint smile on

his lips.

"How is it? Do I look cool?"

Martha froze for a moment, and looked at him in surprise.

"You... you woke up early?"

Stefan smiled and hugged the woman in his arms tightly, his voice was husky.

"If I hadn't woken up earlier, I would have missed your obsession with my handsome look just now?"

The woman blushed, and boldly stretched out her hand to pinch his handsome face.

Stefan curled up his lips, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

Martha gave him a doting look before withdrawing her hand.

"I'm hungry. Let's get up and have breakfast."

As she said that, she got up numbly, and rushed into the bathroom as if fleeing.

The man's eyes darkened, he sighed helplessly, and lay back on the bed again...

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