Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 625 I Will Keep It A Secret
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Chapter 625 I Will Keep It A Secret

Chapter 625 I Will Keep It a Secret

Seeing the serious look on his face, Martha felt warm.

"Go to the kitchen and wash the dirty tableware." Martha ordered.

"Roger that."

Stefan curled his lips in a smile, turned around to head towards the kitchen.

When Stefan stood in front of the washing-up sink, she stared at him affectionately.

At this moment, Martha suddenly felt someone tugging at the corner of her clothes, and she looked

down and saw Jimmy standing beside her.

Jimmy looked up at her with a smile.

"Mommy, when you look at Daddy, your eyes have stars."


Martha didn't understand the meaning of her son's words.

Jimmy covered his mouth, snickered, and explained, "Myteacher said that one would have stars in their

eyes when they looked at their loved ones."

When Martha heard that, her heart beat faster, and she felt like she was caught red-handed by her son.

Just when she was about to explain, Jimmy had run towards the kitchen.

With a red face, she walked towards the sofa, sat back on the sofa, and couldn't help whispering.

"Why didn't I realize that there were stars in my eyes."


In the kitchen.

Jimmy happily ran towards the kitchen, and finally stood at the kitchen door.

Though he was a child, he knew that his daddy and mommy liked each other deeply.

And he liked the feeling of home.

After he came back to his senses, he put his hands on his hips and walked into the kitchen with a

proud face.

"Daddy, when will I get my anime figures?"

Stefan raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously not expecting Jimmy to come to ask for them so soon.

But since he agreed to his request, he never thought about going back on his word.

He turned his head and squeezed some more detergent on the rag, and said while washing thenovelbin

tableware, "I'll have my subordinate buy them later."

"Thank you, Daddy," Jimmy said sweetly and happily.

He stood chattering behind Stefan and kept talking to him.

Stefan talked to his son while washing the tableware.

After talking like that for a while, Jimmy was quiet for a moment, and asked suddenly.

"Daddy, will you and Mommy be together forever?"

Stefan was taken aback for a moment, then quickly turned to look at Jimmy.

He saw the apprehension in Jimmy's eyes at a glance, but there was still some expectation in his eyes.

Jimmy must feel the current life too good to be true since he had experienced life without a father.

Thinking of that, he stretched out his hand to touch Jimmy's head in distress.

"Jimmy, are you afraid that I will be separated from your mommy?"

After hesitating for a moment, Jimmy nodded slightly.

He was afraid that one day Daddy would not want Mommy again, and he would become a child without

Daddy again.

These days, in fact, he had been afraid.

The reason why he wanted Daddy to marry Mommy was because he thought that once they got

married, they would never be separated again.

But Daddy married Mommy twice, once Mommy ran away from marriage, and once the fake Mommy

got married to Daddy instead.

In his opinion, these two times didn't count, and Daddy had yet to marry Mommy, so he still couldn't

help being afraid.

Stefan smiled and stroked his head, looking at him seriously.

"I will never be separated from your mommy again."

Jimmy's eyes lit up, looking at his father in surprise.

Stefan curled his lips in a smile, squatted down and hugged his son, while whispering, "Your mommy is

not in good health now. When your mommy gets better, I will give her a wedding again."

"But this wedding is a surprise I prepare for your mommy, so you have to keep it a secret for me!"

After saying that, Stefan let go of Jimmy and looked at Jimmy with a smile on his face.

Jimmy's eyes were full of sparkle, and he nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry, Daddy, I will keep it a secret."

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