Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 576 Left Her Alone
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Chapter 576 Left Her Alone

Chapter 576 Left Her Alone

Stefan's pupils shrank, his eyes darkened, and he lifted Martha in his arms horizontally.


His voice was hoarse as he carried Martha to the bedroom with unsteady steps.

He felt a wave of heat that wouldn't dissipate.

Martha hooked her arms around Stefan's neck, smiling coyly. Her eyes were full of unconcealed pride.

No matter how much distance he tried to keep from her, it was better to become a crazy man now.

She smiled and began looking forward to their future together.

After tonight, they should have their own child and live happily ever after.

Stefan carried Martha straight into the bedroom and gently placed her on the bed.

His breathing became more rapid, and his voice grew even huskier.


"I'm here."

Martha seductively wrapped her arms around Stefan's neck and tilted her head up for a kiss.

After kissing for a while, Martha eagerly got up from Stefan's body and started undoing his buttons.

Her cheeks turned slightly red as she looked stunningly beautiful.

As soon as her fingers touched him though, Stefan stiffened suddenly, then pushed her away without


Martha had been unbuttoning when she was suddenly pushed away; she lost balance and fell


With a loud thud sound, Martha fell off the bed after being pushed by Stefan; pain spread throughout

her body causing furrowed brows.

Before she could react properly though, Stefan quickly got up from bed and then rushed into the


As soon as he entered the bathroom, he locked it and said, "Sorry, I'm not feeling well today."

Stefan immediately turned on the showerhead, letting cold water pour down over himself.

The chill instantly washed away some of heat inside his body, thus restoring some sanity back into him


His eyelids drooped while staring blankly at water pooling at feet; he was lost in thought.

He knew clearly that his abnormal behavior must have something to do with Martha.

Yet even he was drugged, he didn't feel anything for Martha.

In the bedroom, Martha looked towards the bathroom, bit her lip, with displeasure written all over face.

She wanted to rush in and have some intimacy with Stefan while the medicine was taking effect, but

the bathroom door could not be opened. Stefan had locked it from inside.

She glared at the bathroom door, her hand clenched into a fist by her side.

She was so close, but that damn man could still hold back even at this point.

A hint of cruelty flashed through her eyes as she began to plan how she would face Stefan later.

When Stefan cooled down his heat, he walked out wearing a bathrobe.

Martha crouched in the corner of the wall, tears streaming down her face as she looked at Stefan.

Her lips parted slightly as a voice full of grievances echoed through the bedroom.

"Stefan, tell me if I did something wrong that made you stop liking me?"

Stefan frowned slightly and felt uncomfortable seeing Martha crouching pitifully in front of him like this.

He quickly walked over and looked into her eyes, filled with guilt.

"I'm sorry. It's not your fault."

Martha raised her tear-stained face to look up at him and felt nothing but resentment.

Her plan had been foolproof yet it still failed miserably.

She wasn't sure what went wrong that caused Stefan to leave at a crucial moment.

She shook her head helplessly and whispered softly, "It must be because I did something wrong that

made you treat me like this."

"No," said Stefan firmly as his gaze grew dark while his lips pursed into a line.

He didn't know why he suddenly felt like Martha wasn't who she used to be anymore.

He felt nothing for her just now.

Lowering his head, he wondered why things turned out this way.novelbin

Martha continued whimpering, looking helpless and pitiful.

Stefan sighed silently, then apologized again, "I'm sorry."

But Martha seemed not to hear it since she kept crying non-stop.

He frowned slightly. Seeing her tears, he didn't know how to comfort her.

After a short while, he could no longer stand the annoyance in his heart, turned around to pick up his

coat on the chair and left the room.

With a loud "bang," Stefan shut the door behind him, causing Martha to stop crying.

She furrowed her brows and looked shocked that Stefan would actually leave.

She had thought he would hold her and comfort her, but...

Soon enough, she heard the sound of Stefan's car driving away from the villa.

Damn it! This man just left her alone in the villa!

She stared fiercely with gritted teeth. If Stefan saw her like this, he'd know right away that she wasn't

really Martha!

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