Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 554 Returning Home
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Chapter 554 Returning Home

Airport of C Country.

"We're finally back!" Martha tilted her head at Stefan with a smile.

Stefan was staring gently at her with a smile touching his lips, "Let's go home."

He held her hand, "With so many people in the airport, I won't lose you only when I hold your hand."

Martha widened her smile.

"I'm no longer a child, I won't be missing, okay?" novelbin

Even so, she let Stefan hold her hand, and both of them walked to the exit.

The car that Stefan arranged had been awaiting them at the entrance.

After they got into the car, he instructed the driver, "To the Doyle Manor."

Martha's eyes flickered upon hearing that.

"I haven't seen Jimmy and Father for long. I miss them so much."

Stefan held her in his arms and put her head against his shoulder, saying gently and firmly, "We won't

be separated again."


Martha nodded. As something hit her mind, she raised her face to look at Stefan, with her chin still on

his shoulder.

"Well, you still owe me a wedding, remember?"

Her half squinted eyes were filled with mischief, as if she was saying, "How will you answer my


Stefan didn't reply to her at once, but said serious after thinking for a short while, "Well, don't forget it's

you escaping from the wedding."

Martha curled her lips and said, "Are you going to etch it on your mind?

Stefan bent to approach her, and they were an inch away only.

His warm breath was on her face, making her feel itchy.

She raised her hand to push him away and yet he gripped her wrist quickly.

Her ears reddened.

Stefan stroked her soft fingertips and whispered in her ears, "It looks like my bride regretted it."

Martha asked, smiling, "Can't your bride have another wedding?"

His fingertips rubbed gently against her ring finger, as he bent to kiss it.

When he looked up at her again, he answered seriously, "Sure."

Martha leaned against his chest and listened to his vigorous heartbeat, with a beaming smile on her


After they got out of the car, Martha stood in front of the door of the Doyle Manor and seemed hesitant.

"What's wrong?" Stefan asked with concern.

She shook her head, "I'm somehow nervous after being away for so long."


Stefan tightened his grip on her wrist and rang the doorbell.

Footsteps approached from inside the door, getting closer and closer, then the door was opened.

When Bianca saw who was standing at the gate, she froze until Martha spoke.

"Bianca, long time no see. I missed you so much."

Bianca stood still in shock for a while before coming back to reality.

"Who is it?"

Maxwell in the living room hadn't seen anyone come in for a long time. He rolled his wheelchair to the


When he saw Martha, his eyes immediately turned red, "Martha, it's you! You're back!"


Martha couldn't hold back her tears and squatted down to hug her father whom she hadn't seen for a

long time.

Bianca watched from the side with tears in her eyes too.

"It's good that you're back. Come inside quickly."

Martha and Stefan walked into the house one after another.

As soon as they entered, a small figure rushed towards them, followed by a little boy's call.

"Mommy! You're finally back!"

Before she could even see clearly who it was, Jimmy had thrown himself into Martha's arms tightly as if

Martha would disappear if he let go of her.

The little boy hugged onto Martha's leg with muffled voice mixed with some grievances but also trying

hard not to show them because of his pride as a boy.

"Mommy is a bad person! Jimmy doesn't want Mommy anymore!"

Although he said so, he held onto Martha tightly without letting go, as if she would disappear once


Martha squatted down and touched Jimmy's head while tears welled up in her eyes too.

"It's Mommy's fault, Mommy will never leave Jimmy again, okay?"

Jimmy nodded, then looked at Stefan beside him.


Stefan picked up their son with one hand while holding Martha close to him with the other,"Our family

will never be separated again."

The family sat on the sofa in the living room where Martha briefly recounted some of what happened


Bianca held onto her hand sympathetically.

Martha shook her head, "Bianca, thanks for taking care of my father during my absence."

Bianca looked at Maxwell, then they smiled knowingly at each other.

Jimmy hadn't seen his mother for a long time, and he refused to leave Martha's embrace.

He chattered non-stop about his new friends at kindergarten, the new toys he had just bought, and the

cartoons he was currently watching.

After talking for a while, Jimmy started to get sleepy. He yawned and rubbed his eyes but tried hard not

to fall asleep.

But eventually, he couldn't resist the call of sleepiness and dozed off on Martha's lap.

Stefan gently picked him up and together with Martha took him back to the children's room.

They put him in bed, tucked him in tightly before leaving quietly.


They spoke simultaneously but stopped at once as if they knew what each other wanted to say.

"You go first," said Stefan.

Martha pursed her lips slightly and pushed some stray hairs behind her ear before speaking up. "I..."

Just as she was about to continue speaking, Stefan's phone rang loudly, interrupting their conversation.

He glanced at it with a hint of annoyance on his face before answering it with a serious expression on

his face.

"What happened?" asked Martha worriedly when she saw Stefan's expression change suddenly

"Not a big deal," replied Stefan with a slight smile tugging at one corner of his mouth. "I haven't been

back to work for so long that there are some things I need to take care of."

"Well then, hurry up to handle them," said Martha pushing him lightly towards the door

However, instead of letting go like she expected, he pulled her into his arms tightly.

He lowered his head slightly, gazing deeply and tenderly into her eyes.

"Do you really want me gone that badly?" teased Stefan playfully

"No! Of course not!" laughed Martha trying to push away from him due to how ticklish it felt when he

nuzzled against her neck softly and breathed out.

Stefan let out a sigh ,"If only I could be around with you all the time."

Martha couldn't help but laugh again seeing how silly yet charmingly sweet this man could be


"Alright then! Let me walk you out."

Stefan didn't let go until they were outside the Doyle Manor.

The height difference between them meant that when they faced each other, Martha's forehead lined

perfectly against Stefan's chin.

With barely any hesitation, he leaned down planting a feather-light kiss filled with love onto hers .

"When are you moving back home?" Martha knew exactly what he meant by "home."

She took a step back, playfully winking at him.

"Of course the bride should live in her own home before getting married," she said.

Stefan touched her cheek and chuckled. "Then I hope the wedding comes soon."

She smiled lightly and said, "Okay, go now. If you don't leave soon, someone will call to remind you."

Stefan turned around and started his car's engine. As Martha watched the car disappear from view, her

smile slowly faded away.

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